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Spiders, mites and other arthropods
- A Nightmare on Mic Street Part 3 of mini-series (Spiders) Feb.96
- The garden spider - why it doesn't get stuck in its own web Nov.97
- The leaping dancer - the jumping spider Nov.97
- Image of the month- garden spider jaws between crossed polars Feb.98
- Dustmites - a tale of lust, love and passion between the sheets A Valentine's day special Feb.98
- Stilt walker - the remarkable harvestman or daddy-long-legs Jul.98
- Big spiders - a fascinating article on the tarantula and other big spiders, including their biology and associations with man. Oct.98
- The spider's web part I - a look at the spider's web and the remarkable properties of spider's silk. Nov.98
- Spider's web part II - a further look at the spider's web, the remarkable properties of spider's silk and man's use of the web silk. Dec.98
- 'Ribbon' threads in the webs of brown spiders (Loxosceles spp.) - an intriguing form of spider silk which is extruded by species of this genus. Illustrated with scanning electron photomicrographs. Mar.02
- The small house spider, Badumna longinqua - interesting features of a common spider on the microscopic scale. Aug03
- Water mites - an introduction to this lesser studied group with stunning images. Dec.99
- Photomicrography of fur mites Jun.01
- Why ticks are so tricky - some of the fascinating macro and microscopic features of a tick that make it such a 'tricky' pest. Jun.01
- What we can discover on a spider's leg - a photographic tour and description of the many features on a spider's leg. Jan.00
- Bright-eyed singers - a look at the fascinating wolf spider. And how to spot them from fifty feet away in the dark! Feb.99
- Ants, beetles and spiders - a look at the types of mimicry adopted by some spiders. Feb.00
- The zebra spider in 3D May.00
- Demodex, an inhabitant of human hair follicles May.00.
- Image gallery: Demodex mite - A selection of images and simple collecting method. Mar.02
- Of mites, nematodes and fungi - Jul.00
- Daddy-long-legs spider in 3D - Pholcus phalangioides. Oct.00
- Image gallery - includes garden spider images Jun.01
- Double-legged cylinders - millipedes. Jul.00
- Image of the month Wood louse Apr.97
- The millipede Apheloria corrugata Nov.04
- Spiders that jump and dance - an illustrated essay on these fascinating spiders. Oct.10
- A halloween vignette - an image with notes of a spider providing life after death for another organism. Oct.11
- Mites by phase contrast, DIC & polarized Light - describes a study of mites found on a beetle. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Nov.11
- The mounting of mites (Acari) in modified Dioni’s mountant - a protocol that he has found suitable for these arthropods. Dec.11
- Stone centipedes up close - an illustrated article exploring a centipede on the macro and micro scale. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Jan.12
- A winter spider - an illustrated article exploring this attractive arachnid on the macro and micro scale. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Mar.12
- Microscopy and spiders - describes and illustrates examples of how the microscope is used to help identify species of spiders. Feb.13
- An arthropod observation garden. Part 1. The construction and flora of the garden and surrounding area Oct.13
- An arthropod observation garden. Part 2. The arthropods Nov.13
- The many hairs of tarantula Sep.19
- Mites up close Nov.21
- Woodlouse surprise Feb.22
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Techniques - various; projects, collecting and observation tips etc.
- Collecting and observing
- Microscopy on the move Using a portable microscope away from home Apr.97
- Take your (old) stereo microscope outdoors - how an old stereo 'scope can be used to good effect to study subjects outside. Feb.00
- Hiking with a field microscope Sep.01
- Field videomicrography - an Open University McArthur microscope + battery powered webcam = video microscopy in the field with a laptop! Sep.02
- A mitey fortress is our bog or the joys of nature - thoughts and experiences of collecting from outdoor habitats. Jan.02
- Inverted microscopes - a users first impressions Jul.98
- Inverted microscopes - practical advice on making home-made equipment for this type of microscope. Sep.98
- The classic '1200 times' microscope revisited - getting the best out of a toy microscope Dec.01
- A flatbed catalog - cataloguing specimens with a flatbed scanner Dec.01
- Scanning pond samples at high magnifications - tips for studying microorganisms at higher mags with notes on some of the fascinating protozoa that may be found. Jun.02
- Macro and micro image gallery - part 1 Jul.02
- The virtues of broken and dirty specimens - specimens that may be broken or dirty at the gross level but which are fascinating under the microscope. Oct.02
- Culturing and collecting micro-organisms safely - practical advice for the microscopy enthusiast in this two part essay. Nov.02
- Collecting freshwater plankton by towing a net using a radio-controlled boat Dec.03
- A detachable neck flask technique to sample microinvertebrates from fine grained substrata Mar.05
- Wild cultures and subcultures: Part I Nov.06
- Making simple durable cells - a simple but effective technique for making cells of different thickness on microscope slides for studying aquatic microorganisms. May.07
- Simple pond sampling equipment - practical DIY projects for aquatic sampling. Mar.08
- A small microfauna sediment sampler - a simple device for collecting and studying organisms from such samples. Aug.09
- The haemocytometer - discusses the typical structure and uses of this device. May.10
- Some ramblings on micro-technique. Part 1: Spring ponds and ditches - an illustrated essay providing practical advice on this popular aspect of the microscopy hobby. Jul.11
- Some ramblings on micro-technique. Part 2: Autumn ponds and ditches - an illustrated essay providing practical advice on this popular aspect of the microscopy hobby. Aug.11
- Trials of commercial and homemade microslides (capillary tubes): colonisation by micro-organisms in a back yard pond - experiences to date shared using this method of studying aquatic microhabitats; with stills and video clips of the type of organism found. Sep.11
- A note on dissecting needles Nov.18
- Keep it organized Aug.19
- Projects and modifications
- A monocular microscope - how a simple but effective low power microscope can be assembled from a junk pair of binoculars. Sep.00
- A home-made portable microscope Jul.00
- Cleaning and adjusting the Open University McArthur portable microscope - a clear description with many illustrations of how to service this amazing microscope. Sep.99
- Simple modifications to the McArthur Open University microscope Sep.00
- How to build and calibrate a photo-plane lightmeter Dec.00
- A micro-centrifuge, cheap and easy Jul.00
- Critter grabber - a simple device for transferring microscopic organisms. Aug.00
- Observation tank for examining microscopic life forms from freshwater habitats- a practical project for making a thin section tank. Jul.99
- Vertical cell observation techniques - add a prism to objectives to view water troughs. Nov.00
- A DIY modular very low power compound microscope Jan.01
- Progress on a home-made transmission electron microscope Apr.01
- A refreshing device for heat sensitive critters Jun.01
- Water immersion caps for pond water microscopy Jul.01
- A design for using an enlarger stand for photomicrography Aug.01
- A versatile low power microscopy set-up for a modified Russian Biolam stand Sep.01
- Reducing the image scale of the lowest power objective Sep.01
- How to make some plastic stereo-microscope accessories Nov.01
- Microscopy on a shoestring - a versatile stereo and compound microscope set-up with image capture can be assembled when on a budget. Mar.02
- Microscopy on a shoestring II: a homemade microscope adaptor for the Olympus C-960 digicam - further ingenious approaches to building up a versatile digital photomicrography system when on a budget. Apr.02
- Habitat for Lab Specimens and other uses for Common Household Items - includes Winogradsky plate project Aug.02
- Macro photography using a short tube microscope - a short tube microscope fitted with low power objectives and with digital camera attached can make a useful field microscope. Jan.02
- Adding X-Y stage coordinates to microscopes - a simple way to make verniers good enough for normal use, using an inkjet printer and a stage for the Zeiss Standard as an example. Jan.02
- Metallographic imaging with homebuilt instruments Apr.03
- Converting a LOMO monocular microscope to a binocular Dec.04
- Low power 'Köhler microscope' - an ingenious method of low power microscopy on a compound microscope with a built-in lamp, by putting the subject in the plane of the focussed field stop of the lamp. Dec.04
- A full size field microscope - a neat conversion of a functional Graf Apsco secondhand microscope into a field microscope. Feb.05
- A home-made, light-weight field microscope - an ingenious design using cheap items that can be found in junk shops. Apr.05
- A simple rotating stage attachment for the Zeiss Axiostar and other biological microscopes - an ingenious design for a robust and elegant rotating stage made from a CD, card and other home materials. Jul.05
- Fitting an AO (American Optical) substage with a Leitz Heine condenser Aug.05
- LOMO Biolam microscopes. Notes on refurbishing seized rotating stages - practical advice for a popular microscope. Sep.05
- Exploring the possibilities of single lens microscopes - results from an ongoing projects to make high power single lens microscopes, illustrated with images taken through them. Oct.05
- The challenge of grinding lenses for single lens microscopes - further developments of above project. Jan.06
Improving the performance of the single lens microscope - using homemade doublets Jul.06- Making an Antoni van Leeuwenhoek microscope replica - step by step instructions for making a replica using readily available materials. Jul.07
- Measuring the magnification of homemade simple microscope lenses - a simple but accurate measuring method which formed part of trials at making lenses to defined magnifications; attaining excellent agreement between theory and practice. Oct.07
- LOMO Biolam microscopes: Notes on refurbishing the oblique condenser and condenser diaphragm Mar.06
- Repair of the LOMO NA 1.40 condenser Aug.06
- Adapting parts to develop a working microscope Jul.06
- DIY: an inverted microscope with electronic focussing - ingenious design for a low power microscope e.g. for pond life studies using the optics and electronics from an old CD drive. Aug.06
- Building a high power simple pocket microscope - an ingenious design using lenses which the author has ground himself. Dec.06
- A novel method for making miniature lenses - a simpler technique for making these lenses, presented in an easy to follow illustrated format. Jun.07
- Restoring a stereo microscope base with reverse electrolysis Feb.07
- The iris diaphragm. Prospects of repair? Feb.07
- Making special tools - how expensive tools can often be made using common items, in this case the tool to centre the Leitz phase condenser was made from a key to wind up mechanical clocks. Mar.07
- Restoring an American Optical Cycloptic stereo microscope - ingenious methods of restoring both mechanically and cosmetically an example of this microscope in poor condition. Mar.07
- Making a van Leeuwenhoek microscope lens - using items from around the house. Apr.07
- A homemade stage for stereo microscopes - a neat design suitable for many models. Aug.07
- Used phase condensers. Servicing the Wild M20's phase condenser - an easy to follow illustrated guide for users of this classic microscope. Aug.07
- Renovating an Olympus SWHK Ocular - an illustrated procedure for servicing this stiff focussing eyepiece with applicability to other makers' designs. Aug.08
- Cloth microscope dust covers - how to make homemade covers and the importance of protecting microscopes from dust. Dec.08
- A macro stacking rig - an effective home made system for creating a sequence of macro images. Jun.09
- Notes on demonstrating Brownian motion: The pros and cons of the Whitley Bay smoke cell compared with observing very dilute milk - comparison of these two methods and is illustrated with typical video footage from each. Jun.09
- Machining microscope parts - practical suggestions and hints for purchasing and using equipment in the home engineering workshop. Aug.09
- A Dall-type diamond microwriter - construction of an ingenious microwriter based on a design by the famous experimenter and inventor Horace Dall. Aug.09
- How I upgraded my travel microscope - simple but effective ways of improving a low cost portable microscope based on an older Tasco student compound microscope. Dec.09
- A fibre optic vertical illuminator for stereo microscopes - an ingenious and effective homemade design. Dec.09
- A DIY tilting stage - that anyone can make - a neat and effective design using readily available materials. Apr.10
- Objective alteration to increase contrast - Dan Holloway (USA) illustrates the effect of a reported method of modifying an objective. May.10
- A roll top microscope desk - describes and illustrates an elegant and practical design for the microscopist. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Oct.11
- A seamless wide field substage condenser (part 1) - describes the use of 'a gem conjured from the scrap heap'. Jan.12
- A seamless wide field substage condenser (part 2). Optimising light levels and image quality - development of a versatile variant of substage condenser. Feb.12
- A seamless broad field condenser - part 3. Refinements: the polar route. - continued article series on developing a versatile condenser. Mar.12
- The DIY seamless condenser (Update Pt 4). Adding subtle iris control for COL - discusses improvements to his versatile home made condenser. Nov.12
- Getting ready to go camping - shares a design for traveling with a microscope and basic accessories. (In Acrobat pdf format.) May.12
- Repairing a Carl Zeiss Abbe refractometer Jun.13
- Repairing a LOMO ОИ-14 Aplanatic NA 1.4 Condenser Oct.13
- The homemade gem/jewel clamp Jan.14
- DIY microtome knife sharpener Mar.14
- Exploring the use of a cheap Peltier plate (e.g. TEC1-12706, £2-50) for cooling (or heating) subjects studied under the compound or stereo microscope Aug.15
- Exploring the use of a Peltier plate with central hole (TES1-11930) as a cold (or hot) stage for transmitted light microscopy Apr.18
- Exploring the use of Peltier plates for a microscope cold stage. Further trials: Water freezing under a coverslip and frost crystal formation on uncovered surfaces May.18
- Exploring the use of Peltier plates for a microscope heating stage. A cautionary tale Jan.21
- Bubble fun: When soap bubbles meet a cold Peltier plate Feb.21
- A restoration project (Watson Edinburgh 'H') Nov.15
- DIY laser microscope Dec.15
- Homemade microscope Oct.16
- Salvaging a wreck Jul.17
- A modified Cheshire’s apertometer for measuring the N.A. of oil immersion objectives Jul.17
- A padded storage box for microscope condensers Jun.18
- Things to do with a junk microscope .. Mar.19
- Troubleshooting and repairing the electronics of the 20W models of Olympus BH-2 microscopes Jun.19
- Topical Tip - Using F clamps for seized microscope focus dovetails using the Russian LOMO Biolam as an example Mar.21
- Photomicrography with hybrid eyepieces Apr.21
- Micro-aquariums Dec.21
- DSLR microscope adapter Jul.22
- Using long distance working objectives with your camera Jan.23
- DIY camera adapter for Lomo and DSLR + bonus May.23
- Rebuilding the focusing mechanisms of old microscopes using 3D printing Jan.24
- Adding a 3D-printed dark-field illuminator to your stereomicroscope Jul.24
- What is inside a nano SIM phone card? Feb.25
- Microscopy: Coriander, crystals, foam, and rust Feb.25
- Photomacroscope
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Breathing new life into redundant lenses (part1) - an ingenious design for a building a competent macroscope from old materials. Sep.10
- The poor man's photomacroscope. An unexpected change of direction (part2) - second of three part series on an ingenious design for a building a competent macroscope from old materials. Trinocular designs and alternative objectives are discussed. Oct.10
- The poor man's photomacroscope. The implementation of lighting etc. (part 3) - completes the three part series on his ingenious design for a building a competent macroscope from old materials. LED based transmitted and incident lighting designs are discussed with examples of digital imagery. Nov.10
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 4 - an update. - describes modification of a Leitz Metallux for macro studies. Mar.11
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 5 - Finally, some loose ends - describes the use of variable magnification adaptors for SLR lenses on the macroscope. Apr.11
- The simple dissection microscope: A quick and easy substitute - illustrates an older example before describing his own effective homemade design (in Acrobat® pdf format). Apr.11
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 6 - Concerning cameras - discusses aspects of digital camera choice, with particular reference to positive experiences with a Sony NEX3 micro four-thirds sensor camera. May11
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 7 - Installing a high quality low cost imaging objective - describes the use of an Olympus 40 mm f3.4 document copying objective available for a few pounds on eBay. Jun.11
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 8 - wrestling with nature's tremblings - discusses potential problems with the camera vibration of mirrorless cameras and offers solutions, with particular reference to a Sony NEX camera. Jul.11
- The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 9 - photo gallery and conclusion - concludes series with striking examples. Aug.11
- Tips and tricks
- Topical tips 1 - useful containers, holding dead insects, DIY pond/stream net Oct.97
- Topical tips 2 - using old projector lenses, filters, objectives, lamps, flare spots Nov.98
- Topical tips 3 - how an A4 flatbed scanner can be used to catalogue microscope slides as well as create digitised images of large whole mounts. Plus an easy to make portable microscope. Feb.99
- Topical Tips 4 - pond life trough, using clip-on sunglasses for Polaroid filters, darkfield without a condenser Aug.00
- Topical tips 5 - cases for microscopes plus using the Russian aplanatic condenser Mar.01
- Topical tips 6 - field/portable microscopes, containers, pipette cleaning Jul.01
- Topical tips 7 - sealing temporary flud mounts, low power objectives Nov.01
- Topical tips 8 - using condensers at low powers, and measuring eyepoints of eyepieces to be used with consumer digital cameras. Jan.02
- Topical tips 9 - The versatile eyepece reticle. Reticles are useful slide subjects for checking various aspects of a microscope set-up, and are often a free bonus when buying secondhand eyepieces. Apr.02
- Topical tips 10 - printing a calibrated reticle - creating a usable eyepiece reticle by printing on clear sheet. A downloadable image file to print out is supplied. May.02
- Topical tips 11: Adding a lamp diaphragm (or field stops) to a modern microscope without one Sep.02
- Topical tips 12: formalin and formaldehyde - the correct terminology, uses and desired concentrations of this versatile reagent when used in microscopy. Oct.02
- Topical tips 13: Calibrating a condenser iris - a tip to label the preferred condenser iris settings for each objective when undertaking photomicrography. Nov.02
- Topical tips 14. Using computer monitor stands for microscopes Jul.04
- Topical tips 15: Using aquarist test kits for simple analysis of 'pond dipping' sample Mar.05
- Topical tips 16. Cheap 'n cheerful flash / tungsten lighting combo for a LOMO or similar microscope with a mirror - a simple but effective set-up which requires no DIY. Aug.05
- Topical tip. Building simple centring adjusters for microscope rotating stages Mar.06
- Inexpensive water-immersion microscopy - practical advice on this interesting technique. Sep.98
- The ubiquitous 10X objective Aug.01
- The delicate lens: Thoughts concerning cleaning and scratches Nov.01
- Lens cleaning: best practice review - a valuable overview of recommended practices for cleaning microscope optics front lens surfaces and the precautions that need to be taken. Feb.04
- Some thoughts on microscope maintenance and repair - practical advice and tips for servicing the type of microscopes a hobbyist may own. Oct.07
- Oddities and entitities - miscellany of hints and practical tips on various aspects of microscopy. Jan.08
- Customizing a stereo 'scope for archaeological studies - modifications to a Zeiss stereo and shows a design for a homemade subject manipulator. May.08
- Microscopy on a shoestring - hints and tips on using readily available cheap materials for microscopy. Mar.09
- Topical Tip: Replacement bulb for the Lomo Koehler illuminator - a cheap and readily available flat filament bulb for the lamp of the popular LOMO microscopes. Jun.09
- Topical Tips: Making accurate circles large and small - compiles some popular methods using simple craft tools, with examples: reusing broken glass filter fragments, supporting small filters, making extra stops for condensers, camera support for high eyepoint eyepieces. Oct.10
- Topical tip: Taking accurate and repeatable measurements with a continuously variable zoom stereo microscope Apr.13
- Using a centrifuge in pond water microscopy Aug.13
- Using a drawing attachment to project grids and scales into the microscope field of view Sep.15
- Topical Tips: The multipurpose micrometer slide—much more than just for calibration Oct.15
- Dendritic silver: Creating micro-trees Feb.16
- Measuring with a laser beam Jun.16
- Measuring accurately with references Jun.16
- Calibrating a dedicated microscope camera with reference to the last learning step before starting to measure the micro-world - describes the use of human red blood cells for calibration. Aug.16
- Micscape tool tips 1: Allen or hex keys for the microscope Sep.19
- Micscape Topical Tip: Improving the action of some basic rotating stages. Using the Nikon Eclipse 600 model as an example Oct.19
- Topical tip. Interchanging microscope maker's photo-adapters Jan.22
- Going to a 1000X Oct.22
- Topical tip. Making a card phase plate for the filter tray of a condenser Jun.24
- Topical tip. Using aluminium mirror film for corroded plane mirrors Jun.24
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Techniques - lighting and light sources
- Introduction to microscopy: illumination methods compared - striking images of an Amoeba using brightfield, darkfield, phase contrast and DIC to compare the merits of these techniques. Dec.99
- Optical illusions and the microscope - an example of why images of subjects under the microscope need to be interpreted with care. Dec.00
- The eye and the microscope - some thoughts concerning our eyes and illumination methods when observing through the microscope. Jun.01
- Homage to the onion skin - Walter Dioni describes how this classic subject helped spark his lifelong interest in microscopy and uses it as an example to show the relative merits of many different lighting techniques.
- The eye and illumination with the brightfield microscope - 'the suitability of visual imaging with various illumination techniques', illustrated with examples. Dec.05
- Back to basics - getting the most out of equipment Feb.06
- Through the looking glass. (With apologies to Lewis Carroll) - the appeal of using a mirror for microscopy with daylight or artificial lighting. Jul.11
- The virtues of the diffusion screen in the 35mm slide copier/film scanner and its parallels in brightfield microscopy - illustrates the pros and cons of a diffused light source. Nov.11
- Köhler illumination - not again!!! - discusses some aspects of this lighting technique. May.12
- Laser holograms and microscopy Sep.13
- Tungsten filament microscope lamps in the early 21st century: A case for the defence. Sep.13
- Oil immersion condensers Jul.15
- The mechanical tube length in microscopy. A short introduction Nov.15
- The versatile Zeiss phase condenser Nov.16
- Köhler Illumination Dec.17
- Proper use of locator markings Jul.19
- Microscope illumination techniques Oct.23
- Polarisation
- Polarising microscopes, techniques, modifications, history (also see Microscopes for specific named models)
- The polarizing microscope: modifications to a biological microscope and use of the dedicated XPT-7 (Brunel SP-70) Jun.03
- Hybrid polarizing microscopes - how to adapt both compound biological microscopes and stereo microscopes for qualitative polarising studies. Mar.08
- Dispersion staining - an introduction to this technique and shows an example of its application. May.08
- Dispersion staining without specialised objectives - using modified standard objectives for this technique. Jun.08
- Substage polar control lighting units (Part 2) - 'efforts to generate a hybrid illumination technique between COL and Phase Contrast'. Nov.07
- A variable compensator for polarising microscopes - how a cleaved mica square in a homemade rotating mount below the condenser can be used to make an elegant and competent compensator with no special skills. Apr.06
- 'Polar exploration' on a budget - how simple modifications to the budget LOMO Biolam with rotating stage can make it a competent student polarising microscope. Apr.06
- Polarising microscope filters - historical, technical and practical aspects of using polarising filters, with special reference to the Wild M21 microscope. Sep.07
- Notes on simple polarisation experiments with micas using a student microscope - micas are easy to study minerals and can be used to demonstrate interference colours and interference (conoscopic) figures. Sep.03
- A miniature variable compensator for older stands - an ingenious homemade design requiring no engineering skills that can sit on the eyepiece, made for a few dollars cf very expensive commercial compensators. Nov.06
- Notes on mica in the light train of a transmitted polarized microscope Nov.06
- A history lesson on cross polars - how Polaroid was developed, with stunning image of Vitamin C Feb.98
Birefringent organic crystals. Butterflies on glass - an overview of birefringency in crystals and illlustrates the effects that different crystallisation conditions have on the chemical 1,10-phenanthroline. Nov.08- Converting a Swift microscope to a hybrid polarizing microscope - a project to convert the 'Collegiate 400' model to permit polarisation studies. May11
- Rotating variable retardation filter: A modern version of the Victorian selenite stage May.14
- Victorian microscopy ca. 1860 - a hands-on comparison of microscopy techniques then and now. Part 1 - Qualitative polarised light microscopy Apr.15
- DIY polarizing microscope Mar.16
- Photoelasticity: DIY polariscope Apr.16
- Epi-polarization part 1: Macro observations, DIY epi-polariscope with a TV screen May.17
- Epi-polarization part 2: Macro observations, DIY epi-polariscope with a TV screen Jun.17
- Polarization revisited May19
- Play with those polarizers Dec.19
- Uncrossingthe polars - exploring parallel polars for qualitative crystal studies Jul.20
- The poor man rock thin section (Mica) Oct.21
- Polarising - crystals
- Preparation of crystals for observation - practical advice on the different approaches for making crystal mounts for 'polar' observation. Aug.07
- Magic windows - making slides for viewing between crossed polars Nov.97
- Micro-Art gallery #1 - crystals - chemicals available in the home when viewed between crossed polarisation filters. Apr.03
- Growing and photographing crystals Nov.04
- Image gallery: Crystals between crossed polars and under darkfield - an attractive gallery of prepared slides of crystals. May.03
- The colourful world of chemical crystals - compilation of studies of chemicals under microscopes started May.06
- Micro-crystals in polarised light and how to grow them Jan.01
- Image of the month Sulphur crystals under cross polarised light. Aug.96
- Crystal image gallery - the same crystals prepared under different conditions can exhibit a colourful variety of forms. Feb.01
- Crystal image gallery II - how experimenting with just one chemical can create a variety of beautiful images in polarized light. Mar.02
- A gallery of liquid crystal photomicrographs - an attractive selection of images with 'a brief discussion of what makes this form of matter so interesting'. Sep.03
- A gallery of hippuric acid photomicrographs (using polarized light) - a beautiful selection of images using this classic chemical with accompanying notes on how to prepare such slides. Nov.03
- Crystals and polarization: A few additional thoughts - chemicals that can be found around the home to study between crossed polarisation filters. Mar.02
- Technicolour nature - using polarised light Jun.96
- Technicolour nature - crystals under polarised light Part 2 of this series for Novices Jul. 96
- S-glutamic acid - polar studies with this chemical which is readily available from e.g. food stores. Sep.08
- A gallery of ascorbic acid photomicrographs - includes notes on using the Nikon Coolpix 4500 for photomicrography. Jun.03
- A gallery of 1-nitroso-2-naphthol photomicrographs - a beautiful selection of images taken with the Coolpix 4500 digicam. Jul03
- A gallery of benzoin oxime photomicrographs - an attractive series of images taken using darkfield illumination and polarized light. Jan.04
- A gallery of sulphur photomicrographs (using polarized light) - a stunning selection of images with guidelines for preparing slides of this chemical element. Mar.04
- A gallery of irreplaceable photomicrographs. Melt specimens of thioacetamide, testosterone and liquid crystal illuminated by polarized light May04
- A gallery of l-asparagine photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) Jul.04
- A gallery of potassium chlorate photomicrographs Sep.04
- A gallery of testosterone photomicrographs using polarized light illumination Nov.04
- A gallery of caffeine photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) - a selection of images of this chemical with notes on how they were taken. Jan.05
- A gallery of l-arginine photomicrographs using a variety of illumination techniques Mar.05
- A demonstration of the use of quarter & whole wave plates to alter the colouration of polarized light photomicrographs - how polarisation filters can be used creatively to take images of crystals. Jan.05
- A gallery of urea photomicrographs (using polarized light) - a striking selection of images of this quite easily acquired chemical. May.05
- A gallery of salicylic acid photomicrographs using a variety of illumination techniques) - attractive images that can be obtained from chemicals using polar, phase and other techniques. Jul.05
- A gallery of maleic acid photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) - striking images can be achieved with different chemicals. Sep.05
- A gallery of palmitic acid photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) Nov.05
- A gallery of n-butyl-p-aminobenzoate photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) Jan.06
- A gallery of acetoacetanilide photomicrographs Mar.06
- A gallery of nickel nitrate photographs May.06
A gallery of resorcinol photomicrographs Jul.06- A gallery of benzoic acid photomicrographs Sep.06
- A gallery of benzoic acid photomicrographs (using polarized light illumination) Nov.06
- A gallery of tetramethyldiaminodiphenylmethane photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) Jan.07
A gallery of beta-naphthyl acetate photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) Mar.07- A gallery of beta-alanine & dl-alpha-alanine photomicrographs - striking images of this amino acid using polarised light. May.07
- A gallery of citric acid photomicrographs Jul.07
- A gallery of cobaltous nitrate photomicrographs Sep.07
- A gallery of vanillin photomicrographs using polarised light illumination Nov.07
- A gallery of ammonium sulphate photomicrographs Jan.08
- Potassium acetate crystals or, the disappearance thereof ... Nov.06
- Caprice in C: Vitamin C revisited Oct.07
- Sulphur - an illustrated look at how to prepare slides of this element and describes the forms it can take. Mar.08
- Rhapsody in C: Vitamin C. Part I - a striking selection of images of this chemical as part of an essay on common household chemicals. Jun.05
- A micro-Rothko gallery of crystals Magnesium chloride crystals Mar.06
- Alkoxybenzoic acids liquid crystals May.06
- More ascorbic acid images ... a favourite polarization chemical Dec.06
- Samworth's Snippets - paracetamol under cross polars, Norbert's ruling machine. Dec. 96
- Luminous spacescapes - attractive abstract images of tartaric acid viewed under polarised light. Jun.09
- Crystal growth videos: Polarized light microscopy - striking videos of crystallisation accompanied by the ambient music track 'Microscopic' by the group 'Gas'. Dec.11
- Victorian rambles - part III. A selection of prepared slides of crystals - a selection of older slides showing subjects 'For the Polariscope' with notes on historical aspects of the chemicals' use. Aug.12
- Another gallery of polarized crystals Apr.13
- A lazy summer gallery of crystals Jul.13
- August: An idle gallery Sep.15
- My route to microscopy and crystal pictures Apr.16
- Micro-therapy: Free association - imagery taken with a Zeiss polarising microscope. Sep.16
- "I'm forever blowing bubbles". Part 1 - An eccentric gallery Oct.17
- "I'm forever blowing bubbles". Part 2 - An eccentric gallery Nov.17
- Sulphur crystals May18
- Benzoic acid crystals Jun.18
- Silver acetate crystals Aug.18
- Notes on the birefringence of ice or its appearance between crossed polars Oct.18
- Microcrystals and how to grow them, update May19
- Album of crystals in polarized light. Part 1 Aug.19
- A simple and brief household experiment Oct.19
- Album of crystals in polarized light. Part 1 Dec.19
- A microscopical examination of cold relief capsules, nail polish remover and sticky tape Jan.20
- A few microchemical experiments Apr.20
- Microscopical exploration number two. Wart treatment and waveplates Jul.20
- The eyes have it Jul.20
- Playing with DIY waveplates Aug.20
- Microscopical exploration number three. Wart treatment and waveplates - when science begets art Aug.20
- An album of magnesium chloride crystals Aug.20
- Microscopical exploration number four. Another excursion into the realm where science becomes art Sep.20
- Graphics fun with a crystal Sep.20
- Microscopical exploration number five. Polarised pictorial perusal of pellucid paracetamol preparations Oct.20
- An album of crystal critters Oct.20
- Micro-chaos: crystals and beyond Nov.20
- Microscopical exploration six. A tentative move from medicine cabinet to kitchen cupboards Nov.20
- Microscopical exploration seven. Medicine cabinet AND kitchen cupboard. Or paracetamol meet washing powder Dec.20
- Microscopical exploration eight, an upgrade enabling a foray into the dark (field) and observing on the oblique (illumination) Feb.21
- A matter of taste Aug.21
- A matter of taste. Part 2 Sep.21
- Microscopical exploration eleven. An investigation into the crystal structures of commercially available aspirin brands following recrystallization from solution at high concentration in ethyl ethanoate Oct.21
- Strychnine revisited - prompted by the 2021 Nobel Prize awarded for chemistry Oct.21
- Microscopical exploration twelve. An investigation into the crystal structures of commercially available aspirin brands following addition of caffeine and recrystallization from solution at high concentration in ethyl ethanoate Nov.21
- Microscopical exploration thirteen. An investigation into the effect of the addition of caffeine on the crystal structures of commercially available aspirin brands at low concentration following recrystallization from ethyl ethanoate solution Dec.21
- I forgot ... (discarded crystal study samples) Nov.21
- A matter of taste. Part 3: Melts Dec.21
- Lakes and meadows Feb.22
- Microscopical exploration fourteen. A closer look at blood, fish and bone Feb.22
- An alphabetic album of crystals A-M Sep.22
- An alphabetic album of crystals N-Z Sep.22
- Adventures with ascorbic acid Oct.22
- Microscopical exploration twenty, abstract art à la acetaminophen Jan.23
- Urea and the demotion of man May.23
- Microscopical exploration twenty three, another qualitative illustration of the effect of homemade wave plates May.23
- Microscopical Exploration 25, a new solvent to try Oct.23
- Microscopical Exploration 26. A qualitative comparison of circular and linear polarisation for the microscopical observation of tartaric acid crystals Nov.23
- Microscopicalexploration 27. Festive spices for Christmas ... a close look Dec.23
- Microscopical exploration 28. Colour changes by degrees Jan.24
- On birches, betulin and Johann Tobia Lovits (Lowitz) ... an 18th century pioneer of crystal studies under the microscope Dec.23
- Microscopic exploration 29. A cold remedy (an update for 2024) Feb.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty one. Home-made sticky tape optical retarders (how they are made and what they do) Apr.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty two. A colourful close-up of amino acids May.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty four. Microscopical exploration 32 reprised a less colourful close-up of amino acids Jul.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty five. Acids in the dark Aug.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty six. Aliquots! Does size really matter? Sep.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty seven. Same acids more colour Oct.24
- Microscopical exploration thirty eight. Past slides revisited and revitalised Nov.24
- Microscopy: Cubism and red threads Dec.24
- Microscopical exploration 40. Semi-precious stones under the microscope Jan.25
- Exploring crystallization patterns of urea: A solvent study using cross-polarized microscopy Jan.25
- Richard Howey's household microscopy series (covers other subjects in addition to polar)
- Household microscopy Part 1. (Well sort of.) Nov.15
- Household microscopy Part 2 Dec.15
- Household microscopy Part 3 Jan.16
- Household microscopy Part 4 Feb.16
- Household microscopy Part 5. (And the yard) Mar.16
- Polar - other subjects (not crystals)
- Studying the OU S260 thin rock sections under the microscope Feb.04
- Open University S260 thin rock sections. Selected image gallery - an image gallery to complement the article. Feb.04
- Non-obese rocks and minerals Thin rock sections. Jan.06
- How to milk a weed, part II; looking at crystals in plant juices Aug.06
- 'Polar animals' - photomicrographs of subjects from the animal kingdom under polarised light - selection of images of Victorian slides taken using a Nikon D50 digital SLR camera and Zeiss optics. Sep.06
- Image gallery: Movement in polar photomicroscopy - introducing movement during exposure for artistic effect. Feb.08
- Samworth's Snippets - further experiments with cross polars Dec.97
- Multi-coloured macro - common objects around the home can be used to create attractive images when viewed in polarised light and photographed in close-up. Jan.00
- Image gallery: Further macros of common objects photographed between two polarisation filters Oct.01
- Simple macro experiments using crossed polarizers - a simple and safe lighting set-up that could be used e.g. for children to have fun with the colourful effects created when suitable household objects are viewed through crossed polarizing filters. Sep.04
- Leftovers - discarded items from the domestic medicine cabinet can be useful to the microscopy enthusiast. Aug.02
- An introduction to the polariscope and fern scales Aug.02
- Some images in cross polar illumination Oct.02 taken with an IntelPlay QX3. Oct.02
- Subjects for Polarised Light Microscopy - transforming many microscopy subjects into technicolour images Jun.97
- Items to observe with polarized light: An annotated list Oct.01
- Biological polarized light microscopy - cross polarised light can reveal fascinating aspects of live creatures, e.g. the muscles of Daphnia. Sep.99
- Slides for use with crossed polars - slides you can buy from us Jul.97
- Of the polarizing effects with a laptop - a practical project for studing large 'polar active' subjects. Feb.09
- Stereo microscopes and minerals - examples photographed under the LOMO MBS-10 stereo microscope. Feb.09
- Polarization with a stereo dissecting microscope - Richard Howey (USA) shares practical tips on these sort of studies, illustrated with examples of suitable subjects. May.09
- Quartz wedge project - describes and illustrates the repair of an example of this accessory. May11
- Aquatics under polarisation - illustrates the use of polar filters for aquatic organisms. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Dec.11
- Sliced rocks Oct.22
- Microscopical exploration nineteen, microscopes and minerals Dec.22
- Polarised light microscopy with four different light sources Apr.23
- Darkfield / Rheinberg
- Easy to make contrast enhancement filters for the microscope - filters for dark-field, oblique and Rheinberg illumination, with stunning examples of their use. Apr.02
- Making dark-field illumination is easy - an introduction to this versatile and beautiful illumination technique Dec.97
- Have you tried dark-field on that specimen? - many subjects benefit from the technique Jun.98
- Dark-field lighting with phase annuli May.01
- Why I like darkfield illumination - an illustrated article on the merits of darkfield illumination cf other contrast enhancement techniques. Mar.04
- Image gallery: Montage of freshwater life photographed using dark-field illumination Apr.01
- Nature center microscope with darkfield capability - a neat design of patch stops, with comparison images of the typical results it can produce. Mar.03
- Topical Tip: Notes on using the LOMO darkfield condenser OI-13 for both darkfield and annular brightfield Sep.07
- Topical Tip: achieving darkground illumination using a microscope with no Abbe condenser - a simple technique using stops at the field lens. Jul.07
- Topical tip. Low power darkfield on a Zeiss stand - how the 'D' setting on a Zeiss phase condenser can give effective darkfield with low power 2.5x - 6x objectives. Oct.08
- Zeiss Mikropolychromar, a sophisticated way of creating Rheinberg illumination - the versatility of this much sought after accessory. Dec.08
Darkfield illumination with an LED desk lamp - a simple but very effective darkfield technique. Sep.09- Playing with the LOMO microscope using different condensers - illustrates brightfield and darkfield condenser use with diatoms. Sep.12
- Optical staining, part 2 - Darkfield Jun.15
- Optical staining, part 3. Rheinberg illumination DIY filters Aug.15
- Topical Tip: Using a stereo LED ringlight as a darkfield 'condenser' on a stereo microscope Jun.16
- DIY darkfield Jun.16
- Rheinberg and rainbows Jun.22
- Poor man's darkfield aka side LED darkfield Jan.25
- Oblique and COL (circular oblique = annular oblique)
- Oblique illumination - or why having the mirror or condenser out of alignment sometimes helps! Apr.98
- Oblique and axial illumination - can be used to study opaque subjects under the microscope. Apr.99
- Circular oblique lighting Part I - an interesting variation on lighting which has benefits for some subjects. Dec.02
- Circular oblique lighting. Part 2 - further studies of this interesting form of illumination and simple techniques for creating it. Jan.02
- Circular oblique lighting. Part 3. Some final odds and ends Feb.03
- Circular oblique lighting. Part 4 Oct.03
- Off axis COL illumination illustrations of soil amoeba Dec.04
- COL's renditioning of blood May.04
- Off-axis COL update - further studies of a variant of COL using a 40x objective in particular. May.08
- Oblique darkfield illumination - how this effect can be created using a phase condenser to give excellent imagery. May.05
- Illumination variants - a variation of oblique illumination which gives attractive results with subjects like diatoms. Feb.00
- Polarised oblique lighting - combining two lighting techniques. Feb.01
- The Mathias arrow, a versatile oblique lighting device Oct.03
- Colour phase contrast - how to achieve colour phase contrast with a brightfield condenser, with illustrations of the potential of this technique. Mar.04
- DIY DIC - how to create Nomarski like effects with simple filter techniques. Nov.02
- Topical tip: Practical notes on using off-axis oblique illumination - the importance of controlling both the extent and orientation of the oblique. Dec.08
- Notes on imaging Amphipleura pellucida in visible light and the benefit of polar annular lighting - studies of this test diatom.
- "Extreme annular illumination" - notes on some historical aspects of this lighting technique often used in combination with polarised light. Apr.10
- Resolving low contrast microstructure using transmitted andreflected circular oblique illumination (COL) - discusses the use and versatility of this technique. Nov.10
- High resolution photographs with circular oblique lighting - demonstrates the capabilities of this form of lighting to resolve a variety of species of diatoms. Feb.13
- Diatom imaging tests ofEdmund 60X 0.85 NA and LOMO 30X 0.90 NA objectives May.15
- Studying diatoms with the help of circular oblique lighting Nov.13
- Oblique illumination Dec.15
- A DIY filter stacker and its use in oblique illumination Aug.22
- Phase
- Phase microscopy. Is it worth having? 'Nuts and bolts for the prospective user' Aug.02
- Making a phase telescope - ingenious ways of making a phase telescope from old eyepieces. Jun.05
- The auxiliary microscope / phase telescope. A short note on a useful device no longer in production - Paul James (UK) describes the R&J Beck example of this versatile accessory. Aug.05
- Phase contrast microscopy Mar.06
- Water immersion phase contrast - the advantages of this less well known variant of phase, illustrated with the affordable LOMO example of this type of objective. Jun.07
- Used phase condensers - 'some notes for aspiring phase contrast enthusiasts'. Part 1. Jul.07
- Notes on adapting microscopes for phase contrast Apr.99
- Micscape tip: making a condenser annular ring for a phase objective Jan.01
- LOMO phase contrast - the features of, and offers usage tips for, this very competent phase outfit for the popular LOMO stand. Nov.07
- Low power phase contrast - Nikon 4x objective phase on a Wild M40 stand. Jan.08
- Phase contrast illumination of crystals - under phase contrast certain crystals and slides can give some superb results. Apr.03
- Cheap 'n cheerful phase contrast with a LOMO Biolam or similar student microscope - how competent phase contrast microscopy can be enjoyed on a typical student microscope at modest expense. Sep.04
- The learning curve. My approach to phase contrast. - experiences of adding phase to his microscope using spare parts. Feb.09
- Zernike's colour phase contrast - aspects of the history of this lesser known form of phase, illustrated with two example images using optics originating from Zernike. Jul.09
- The icing on the cake: The Leitz Heine condenser / Wild M20 partnership - the classic Heine condenser can fit in the Wild M20 substage to make a versatile combination. Sep.09
- The novitiate’s odyssey episode seven: Bumbling and stumbling into phase contrast, a tour of the Laboval 4 and other assorted ramblings - the Laboval with doubled phase ring Phv system. Feb.11
- DIY phase contrast - Sep.13
- Anoptral phase contrast applied to diatoms: a study by means of test diatoms on the advantages originally described by its discoverer Alvar Wilska, over the standard (positive) phase contrast Feb.22
- Exploring low power phase with a Nikon 4X Plan Fluor Ph Feb.24
- Incident, other - some LED projects are included but also check the next but one LED section where a variety of incident light projects are also shared
- Simple 'top lighting' with a compound microscope - or how to study subjects you can't get light through! Feb.98
- Incident lighting and the Lieberkuhn speculum - a look at Victorian and more recent methods of incident lighting. Sep.98
- An inexpensive LED cold light Jun.06
- Homemade LED light sources for epi-illumination Apr.07
- Building a double gooseneck white LED illuminator for a stereomicroscope using modular coolant hose - a design for a cold light source. Mar.12
- Surfaces: Part 1 - tools Apr.16
- Surfaces: Part 2 - specimens Apr.16
- Epi-illumination in brightfield Apr.16
- Epi-illumination: Darkfield May.16
- Epi-Rheinberg Nov.16
- Darkfield reflected Rheinberg microscopy (A.K.A. “Disco Lights Illumination”) Nov.16
- Epi-illumination with a cellphone flash LED Jan.17
- Transmitted or reflected: Oblique epi-illumination Jun.17
- Transmitted or reflected illumination, part 2: DIY Lieberkühn mirror Jul.17
- Epi-polarization part 3: Macro observations, producing epi-polarized light with a lamp and a filter Aug.17
- DIY epi-polarization as applied to microscopy Sep.17
- Using a microscope to examine integrated circuits Apr.18
- Microscopical exploration sixteen. When microscopy met numismatics Jul.22
- Microscopical exploration seventeen, condiments in close-up Oct.22
- Circular LED light rings for oblique, circular oblique and Rheinberg illumination Jan.25
- Other types, colour filters and lighting projects
- Microscopes, filters, diaphragms and stops Dec.03
- An illustration of different lighting techniques Jul.01
- Illumination variants, diffuse lighting Mar.00
- Rheinberg illumination: add color to your viewing Sep.00
- 'Colour Magic' - magic colour - LEE Filter's pack of 'Colour Magic' acetate filters are excellent for microscopy lighting techniques such as Rheinberg. Sep.05
- From brightfield to 'smoke rings'. Part 1. A personal odyssey - merits of using controlled diffused light for certain subjects using the transmitted light compound microscope. Jun.09
- The Vickers epi-illuminator - shows the versatility of this accessory by adapting to a Leitz Laborlux III stand. Mar.11
- How to make Rheinberg filters - presents an illustrated introduction to preparing filters to explore Rheinberg illumination. Dec.11
- In pursuit of constant illumination in brightfield. A simple tale of cause and effect - describes experiments with a crossed polar system coupled to the condenser iris. Dec.11
- The Carl Zeiss LUCIGEN illuminator - describes a less well known substage illumination system. Feb.12
- A new method of illumination for the microscope for substage lamp optics. Jan.16
- A non-intrusive LED Conversion of the Zeiss 12v 60w Lamphouse Jan.17
- Micscape Topical Tip. Lighting filter swatches Dec.17
- Exploring 19thC papered slides of insect subjects using deep red and near infrared light Feb.24
- LEDs
- Adapting the Open University portable microscope for use with a white LED light source Jul.99
- Using a white LED in the Open University portable microscope - a simple method of providing lighting for this popular microscope. Oct.99
- LED illumination for microscopes May04
- An interesting light source for microscopes - how a very cheap but powerful LED torch available in shops can form the basis of a useful microscope lamp. May.03
- Design considerations for the ideal Köhler illuminator. The white LED as a microscope illuminant a valuable overview of this topic and shows a practical design for a lamp, illustrated with typical results. Aug.03
- Taking microscopes from the stone age with high wattage LEDs a design for Wild M40 and similar microscopes. Feb06
- 'Star' LEDs for two LOMO microscopes Mar.06
- An inexpensive LED cold light Jun.06
- Using high power LEDS in epi-illuminator systems - a design for 'LED epi' using the Olympus BHM metallurgical microscope as a example. Jun.06
- Notes on using a cheap LED torch on a LOMO stereo microscope and a compound microscope - a cheap LED torch from the local supermarket works well as an incident light. Jul.05
- Notes on some lighting options for secondhand LOMO Biolam microscopes - an interactive guide; also mostly applicable to any microscope with a mirror requiring external lighting. Nov.05
- A solid lampholder and mirror holder - for MBC-10 LOMO stereo Jul.06
- Quick 'n easy flash photomicrography on a microscope with a built-in lamp - placing a flashgun on the microscope lamp base is an easy way of using flash. Jul.06
- Experiments with a simple light source: revisiting an old illumination technique - using a small fluorescent tube in a 35mm slide viewing box to recreate the 'edge of flame' technique of Victorians. Aug.06
- Sub-bench illumination - pros and cons of installing lighting below a bench for microscopes requiring an external lamp and shows a typical design. Aug.06
- The Wild M21 polarising microscope and LEDs Oct.06
- Reducing lighting anomalies in low-medium power darkfield Illumination Oct.06
- Köhler illumination for the LOMO microscope Nov.06
- Portable illumination with K2 LED for a small Leitz microscope Dec.06
- Illumination experiments with a simple microscope Dec.06
- Luxeon K2 LED - a modified Bausch and Lomb microscope to accept LED lighting; illustrated with examples of pond life organisms and video clips. Mar.07
- Topical tip: the versatile 'light panel' - the new slim line light box for viewing 35 mm slides has a variety of uses. Mar.07
- Homemade LED light sources for epi-illumination Apr.07
- K2 Luxeon Star LED update - an update of an earlier project and describes a better power supply. Jun.07
- Topical Tip: A simple flash / tungsten lighting setup for a microscope with built in base lamp - a simple but effective variant of the angled glass plate design in use on a Zeiss stand. Jun.07
- Notes on adapting a Nikon Labophot 1 stand for LED use - this model's lamphouse is particularly suitable for LED adaptation and for studies where 'on the fly' changes of LED wavelength are useful. Aug.07
- Substage polar control lighting unit - an ingenious but simple method for changing between lighting techniques such as COL and phase without disturbing the condenser when viewing e.g. sensitive aquatic organisms. Oct.07
- Topical Tip: high brightness 1 Watt LED dimmer - a homebrew circuit design suitable for this type of microscope lamp adaptation. Nov.07
A simple halogen/LED lighting source modification - 'a very basic yet practical alteration for the novice or seasoned microscopist'. Sep.11- Using light emitting diodes with fibre optic systems Apr.08
- An overview of LEDs in microscopy Jun.08
- Fluorescence microscopy with super LEDs - modifications to the fluorescent head for the Leitz Orthoplan and LOMO Biolam (Multiscope) to take homemade interchangeable LED modules of different wavelengths; includes examples of results. Jun.09
- Get the LED out - how a cheap consumer blue LED lamp can offer attractive imagery for certain subjects. Mar.10
- Replacing tungsten incandescent lamps - a neat design of replacement LED lamp using the old tungsten lamp base as a support to ensure correct alignment with lamp optics. Aug.10
- Y.A.L.L.S - Yet another LED light source - describes and illustrates a microscope lighting conversion using a commercially available LED light source. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) May11
- Cheap, fast and easy LED conversion to an AO 150 microscope - an effective conversion of this popular microscope. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Nov.11
- Super lo-tech LED illuminationfor your microscope - an easy lighting conversion using a commercial LED array from a torch. Dec.11
- Building a double gooseneck white LED illuminator for a stereomicroscope using modular coolant hose - a design for a cold light source. Mar.12
- Powered USB hubs, uses for the microscopist - a dual gooseneck LED light source using such a hub. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Mar.12
- Product review: A 144 LED ring light for the stereo microscope (typical model YK-B144T) - reviews a type of widely available ring light compared with some simpler LED light sources. Jul.12
- Resolving Amphipleura pellucida using LED flashlight illuminators - illustrates the use of this lighting to resolve this classic test object. Sep.12
- A simple, low cost, conversion of incandescent-lamp illuminator to a power LED - an elegant conversion of the LOMO OI-32 lamp to an LED self-contained lamp for the microscope base. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Nov.12
- LED lighting for a stereo microscope Mar.13
- Zeiss Microscope Nf stand - incandescent lamp to a 3W power LED conversion May.13
- LED Conversion of a Zeiss Gfl Microscope Aug.13
- Tungsten halogen and white LED lighting compared on a microscope with side by side imagery Jan.14
- Constructing high power, lowcost LED lighting for stereo microscopes Mar.15
- How bright is your light? Part I: Rebuilding the Nikon S with a $4-95 dimmer switch May.16
- How bright is your light? Part II: Repairing more modern illumination systems Jun.16
- How bright is your light? Part III: LED conversion Aug.16
- Exploring the use of cheap LED 'halo rings' for car lamps as multi-mode 'condensers' on an upright microscope - Inspired by and based on the work published by Dr. Kevin F Webb on LED ring use with inverted microscopes. Aug.16
- Micscape mini review - three budget commercial LED dimmers compared for microscopy projects Oct.16
- Simple variable intensity LED illumination for the LOMO microscope and other brands Nov.17
- Olympus BHM microscope LED illumination Feb.18
- The empirical amateur – no light source and no condenser. Imaging diatoms with LED rings Feb.18
- RGB under the microscope Apr.18
- Some experiments with LED arrays Sep.18
- Chip on board, (COB), LED microscope illuminator for older microscopes: The empirical amateur (EA) approach Sep.18
- A cheap LED lamp for vintage microscopes (puck lights) Nov.18
- LEDs and color Mar.19
- A note of caution (LED electrical) Sep.19
- Powering lights for [LED] microscopy Oct.19
- Experience with a commercial, custom-Fit, LED illuminator for an older microscope Retrodiode Nov.19
- Current control LED dimmer Apr.21
- A comparison of two different star LED’s in the LOMO OI–19 illuminator Mar.23
- Episcopy with high efficiency LEDS Apr.23
- A comparison of two different star LED’s in the LOMO OI – 19 illuminator Aug.23
- Ikea LED lamp aka Lum-i-Pas for the microscopist Dec.23
- Bringing your outdated stereo microscope into the modern age with LED illumination - Dec.23
- Circular LED light rings for oblique, circular oblique and Rheinberg illumination Jan.25
- Filters, fibre optics, other lighting
- Fun with filters: Assessing a 400 nm interference filter on a tungsten lamp - trying a narrow band filter on a normal microscope lamp as an alternative to an LED to improve resolution. Aug.08
- Topical tip - using small diameter short wavelength interference filters on modern microscopes with large field lens Nikon Eclipse 800 as an example. Aug.21
- The simplest possible microscope lamp Dec.07
- Fiber optics light, a home project - cold light sources are expensive. A design for the experienced DIY enthusiast or electrician. Jan.00
- Using fiber optic illumination Mar.00
- Let there be light: Scoping with fibre optics - a neat way of retrofitting a compound microscope's internal incandescent lamp with a fibre optic light source. Mar.04
- Light box for a stereo microscope Oct.96
- Do-it-yourself illuminator upgrade Jan.01
- Filter holders, filters and more filter holders - how to solve use more than one filter needs at a time. Feb.01
- Drawing your microscopic subjects. Part 1- Drawing from the screen of your computer Sep.02
- Drawing your microscopic subjects. Part 2 - download some sheets of high quality scales and grids which will be very useful for the microscope when drawing or taking measurements. Nov.02
- A 'good enough' stage micrometer - how to make a workable stage micrometer with a high resolution printer. Oct.02
- A heavy calibre microscope lamp - for high magnification phase / darkfield photography. Oct.02
- Size is a relative thing - a useful way of inserting scale bars into a digital image using readily available software. Aug.03
- When the light goes out - temporary or permanent light sources/mounts when a specialist microscope bulb fails, using the Wild M20 stand as an example. Apr.03
- Electronic flash system for a microscope - an effective flash system for his microscope illustrated with excellent examples. Jan.05
- Diffuse sourced lamphouse modification - method for improving the evenness of light emitted from lamps with less than ideal condensers. Mar.08
- DIY Wild M20 / Zeiss lamp fitments - 'some practical ideas concerning more economical illumination replacement sources'. Feb.10
- Topical tip: Adapting a table lamp to an LED based external microscope lamp - heap multi LED mains bulbs can make effective external microscope lamps. Feb.10
- Care of low voltage incandescentlamps. Helping to ensure your lamphouse's bulb reaches old age - practical advice to extend bulb life which is increasingly important for bulbs for older stands that are becoming hard to source. Mar.10
- Introducing the halogenbulb to old lamphouses. An even cheaper route to replacing traditional light sources in the older microscope - describes simple ways of adapting tungsten lit stands to the more modern quartz halogen bulb. Apr.10
- A different stereo viewer for your prints - a simple and practical design. (Acrobat® pdf format, case sensitive password - 'Micscape'.) Dec.10
- Beam splitters, a simple idea Apr.21
- Fluorescence
- Fluorescence microscopy with super LEDs - modifications to the fluorescent head for the Leitz Orthoplan and LOMO Biolam (Multiscope) to take homemade interchangeable LED modules of different wavelengths; includes examples of results. Jun.09
- Forays into fluorescence. Simple transmitted blue light autofluorescence of mosses and algae imaged with a digital SLR - trying out recommended filters with darkfield to assess whether a consumer DLSR can capture the weak imagery. Mar.09
- Forays into fluorescence 2: A selection of prepared unstained slides studied in visible light fluorescence - notes on and images of a selection of slides that responded to this type of lighting. May.09
- Forays into fluorescence 3: Exploring the 'BPAE' triply stained microscope slide with or without fluorescence equipment - studies of the complementary slide often sent to Nikon / Olympus image competition entrants; includes a repeat of a study which illustrated that darkfield alone with a halogen lamp can reveal the fluorescence imagery. Oct.09
- Forays into fluorescence - 4. Notes on the autofluorescence of old mounts of snail radulae - follows up an aspect of last month's article on exploring these structures. Apr.10
- Forays into fluorescence - 5. Notes on adapting a Zeiss Photomicroscope (or Universal) to LED sourced epi-fluorescence) - describes and illustrates his trials using blue light autofluorescence as an example. Mar.11
- Notes on renovating a Zeiss III RS epi-fluorescencehead and adapting use of a spare port for axial epi-brightfield - describes the exploratory repair of a 'cooked' example and finds it a design suitable to work on. If only used with safe, suitable lamps, a spare port can be adapted for axial epi brightfield studies. Includes small epi photo gallery. Feb.10
- Forays into fluorescence - 6. Trials of studying autofluorescence with a stereo microscope using blue or near UV LED excitation - assesses a simple DIY set-up to explore various potential subjects. Jul.11
- DIY fluorescence part 3: DIY ultraviolet light epi-fluorescence microscope - using the common 'black light' Mar.16
- Fluorescence microscopy: LOMO OI-1 modification Jan.20
- Notes on the Zeiss Plan-Neofluar multi-immersion objectives for 160 mm tube length microscopes. Exploring the 16/0.5 Ph Imm and 40/0.9 Ph Imm examples Jul.24
- First steps in exploring epi DIC (on a Zeiss Photomicroscope) Jul.13
- DIY DIC effect in several colours Mar.15
- Zeiss Universal SIM. A structured illumination system based on a Zeiss Universal microscope stand Jan.18
- Exploringthe Diatom Lab prepared slide of an integrated circuit chip Apr.20
- Notes on DIC with the Zeiss 6.3X planachromatic objective with 160 mm tube length Aug.24
- Carl Zeiss Nomarski DIC system Sep.24
- Notes on contrast enhancement techniques at nearIR and near UV wavelengths. Part 1 - DIC at near infrared wavelengths Aug.24
- Notes on contrast enhancement techniques at near IR and approaching near UV wavelengths. Part 2 - DIC at deep blue wavelengths Sep.24
Go back to category list
Techniques - microtechnique; slide preparation, processes, lab. equipment etc
- Slide preparation
- Mic-UK slide-making projects - a down to earth look at how various techniques can be used to make your own slides. Includes hand-sectioning, bench microtome use, mounting (& fructose as mountant) and wax-embedding. Feb.00
- Permanent slides: pros and cons - a practical look at the problems and pleasures of making slides, with suggestions and tips for mounting. Mar.99
- Microscopy tip - glycerine jelly mounts Apr 96
- Micscape practical tip: A quick and easy way to make dry mounts - Jul.00
- Slide Mounting Made Easy - Loctite - using a glass bond glue to make permanent mounts May.97
- About microscopy and the chemistry of nail polish Aug.02
- Papyrus from the Lower Nile - making a slide Apr.00
- Silverizing 'forams' - silver staining foraminifera. Plus notes on making micro-forceps and micro-needles to handle 'forams'. Jul.99
- Make your own silver - how to grow silver crystals on a microscope slide to produce seasonal looking images. Dec.98
- Photographing snowflakes - techniques and tips for photographing these elusive subjects. Feb.00
- Snow crystal photography May.01
- How to preserve a snowflake - how to encapsulate snowflakes using various techniques. Feb.00
- Painting snowflakes Nov.00
- More notes on photography of snow crystals or snowflakes Mar.03
- Growing crystals with hourglass inclusions under the microscope Sep.00
- The repair of broken coverslips on paper covered slides Mar.00
- The construction of a Victorian type dry-mounted slide - how to reconstruct a splendid 'papered' slide of Foraminifera. Feb.00
- Producing numbered grids for display and identification on arranged microscope slides- how to create attractive grids or lettering for arranged slides of e.g. 'forams' just using simple photographic techniques and imaging software. Nov.99
- The myriad uses of slide-ringing tables Jan.01
- A simple cell for dry mounting Oct.01
- Well slides - a number of practical designs for making cavity slides to study microscopic organisms. Mar.02
- A slide ringer made from a discarded VCR Aug.02
- A hand sharpener for a microtome knife Oct.02
- Cover glass dispenser - a description of how this ingenious dispenser purchased works as it provides a possible basis for DIY versions. Dec.05
- Making selected diatom slides Oct.06
- The revival of the mounted needle - a homemade design 'for the 360º rotation of objects such as radiolaria, foraminifera and crystals for the microscopic examination of macro objects, with a view to digital photography'. Feb.10
- Microscopists, health, and war against narcotics and terrorism - comments on the increasing difficulties experienced by enthusiasts when obtaining reagents, with suggestions for future approaches. Jun.10
- The Brunel rocking microtome review Sep.14
- Xylotomy Jan.15
- Mini-Micro-Macro Mounts Mar.15
- Diatom arranging - different strokes Jun.15
- A simple differential stain of blood smears using black Quink Sep.15
- The Spencer 820 microtome Jan.16
- Purchasing permanent slides at low cost Apr.18
- A note on dissecting needles Nov.18
- Prepared microscope slides for Christmas? Amscope 100 slide collection Nov.18
- Sand collection for a microscopist Dec.18
- Why not mount it dry? Jun.19
- Making casts Jan.20
- A look at UV-curingmounting media and notes on index of refraction Jul.20
- Vegetal stains a gogó Jul.20
- Hand sectioning and staining botanical subjects – first trials Sep.20
- Topical tip - making a neat even coverslip seal with Vaseline Sep.20
- Hand sectioning plants and mounting sections for longer observation Oct.20
- How to make easily vegetal slices Oct.21
- Making your first slide Dec.22
- Non-toxic microtechnique protocols for plant material Mar.24
- Onion skin series by Walter Dioni
- How many onion skins are there? - series describing the microscopic studies and microtechniques that can be undertaken using this versatile and readily obtainable subject. Feb.11
- Who invented the 'onion skin' biology lab? - investigates the history of the use of this readily obtainable subject for education. Mar.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Easy and not so easy methods to work with - continuation of series on this popular subject and how it can be used to explore different preparation and staining techniques. Apr.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with hot water and staining with brilliant blue FCF - continuation of series on this popular subject and how it can be used to explore different preparation and staining techniques. May11
- The use of“Brillant Blue #1” as a nuclear dye useful for amateur microscopists, and notes on Fast Green FCF - a companion article to the above . May11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with citric acid - continues of series on this popular subject. Jun.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with acetic acid - Jul.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with alcohols Aug.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with Clarke’s fixative - Staining with Blue 1, and Eosin Sep.11
- The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Staining with acetified lugol-iodine and blue 1 - this part presents different staining protocols to capture cytoplasmic streaming structures in a prepared slide. Includes an excellent HD video clip of streaming in a live onion cell. Oct.11
- A new method for fixation and coloration of the trans-vacuolar bands in cells of the onion epidermis - an effective way of capturing this cellular feature, normally only seen in live studies. Nov.11
- Processes
- Make your own micropaleontology slides - discusses and illustrates how to make various designs of high quality slides. Includes downloadable slide templates. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Aug.11
- A method for preserving certain insects and arachnids - or a new use for nail varnish! Jan.00
- Vital staining for protozoa and other related mounting techniques - some valuable techniques for staining protozoa whilst alive. Feb.00
- Some further reflections on microtechnique - discusses the use of a selection of vital stains for studying microorganisms. Sep.10
- Some stains for amateur microscopy - using food dyes as easily accessible reagents. May04
- A note on demonstrating food vacuoles in ciliates May.00
- A bit of basic microtechnique as applied to protists - practical suggestions for studying protozoa, including slowing their movement when studying live and preserving techniques. May.02
- Natural asphyxia - methods to relax micro-invertebrates. Oct.00
- Speaking of fixation - overview of fixing specimens Oct.00
- Speaking of fixation, part 2 - includes a discussion on the use of microwave ovens. Dec.00
- Experiments on relaxing microorganisms with very dilute formalin Jul.02
- An observation - cedarwood oil versus xylene as a clearing agent - is cedarwood oil a superior clearing agent for some subjects; readers' own experiences welcomed. Dec.00
- The fluid rocking of a suspension of Foraminifera as a means of concentrating samples for the preparation of strews Apr.01
- Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. I: Mounting microscopic subjects - Part 1: Introduction - liquid media. Practical advice and protocols on using reagents available to the enthusiast. Dec.02
- Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. I: Mounting microscopic subjects - Part 2: Soldifying media. In the second article in this series. The merits of and protocols for using sucrose, fructose, glucose with/without gum arabic as slide mountants.
- Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. Mounting microscopic subjects. Part 3 - Mixed mounting media - In part A of this three part article; fructoglycerol and modified Brun's medium as mountants. Mar.03
- Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. Mounting microscopic subjects. Part 3b - Mixed mounting media - In part B of this three part article; PVA-lactic acid and PVA-glycerol as mountants. Apr.03
- Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. Mounting microscopic subjects. Part 3c - Gum arabic media - In part B of this three part article; gum arabic based based mountants are assessed.
- Safe microscopical reagents for amateurs. Mounting microscopic subjects. Part 4 -Glycerine jellies. Part 5 - Mountant summary - mountants based on glycerine jelly and summary of best mountants for given subjects in the series. Aug.03
- Safe mounting media for microscopy. Ten years after. - reassesses the relative merits of the mountants he described in an earlier series, to see which have good archival properties. May.10
- Safe mounting media for microscopy. Ten years after. Part 2. - reassessment of the relative merits of the mountants he described in an earlier series, to see which have good archival properties. This month an assessment of gum arabic and other resinous media. Jun.10
- Polyvinylalcohol with glycerol adive on the preparation procedure Nov.04
- No formalin, no mercury, new fixers: Part 1 - safe and accessible fixers. Jul03
- No formalin, no mercury fixatives. Part 2 - some reagents that are both accessible and that can be safely used by the amateur. Sep.03
- Alternative mounting media revisited - a review of the best mountants in the above series of articles. Jun.04.
- Botanical Microtechnique Part 1. Fixing, dehydrating & embedding plant material - a series on botanical microtechniques that are of particular value to the microscopy enthusiast finding it difficult to source reagents. Feb.04
Botanical microtechnique Part 2: Staining botanical sections - a selection of useful staining protocols accessible to the microscopy enthusiast. Mar.04- Dicotyledon stem: for the beginner botanist from a beginner botanist - a zoologist, describes his trials at using a simple home microtome to study and photograph the features of a typical dicotyledon plant, Portulaca. Feb.04
- Copper salts, ciliates, and a taxonomic puzzle - relaxants for studying protists and attempts to identify a Spirostomum species. Apr.05
- A few risk, hazard, and safety issues for amateur microscopists - a valuable overview of these topics for hobbyists. May.05
- Eosin as a nuclear stain in botany and as an economical substitute in zoology Apr.06
- Cleaning diatom samples - step-by-step methods of cleaning these popular subjects using techniques and materials suitable for the enthusiast. Aug.06
- Nigrosin: a different kind of staining technique - the versatility of this stain for air dried protozoa. Sep.06
- Making your own squash slides @ home - preparing slides of cell division in plant roots using techniques and materials available to the enthusiast. Dec.06
Making your own paraffin sections @ home: Part 1 - practical methods using techniques and materials available to the enthusiast. Jan.07- Making your own paraffin sections @ home (part 2) - preparing the wax blocks and microtome use Feb.07
Making your own paraffin sections @ home (part 3) - the types and use of various non-rotary microtome models. Mar.07- Harris' hematoxylin: fixing and staining protozoa - the usefulness of this stain and shares protocols for its use. Aug.07
- Reconstituting preserved specimens - some advice on samples that need some attention. Nov.07
- Preparing and using your own hematein staining solutions using crude logwood - techniques for preparing and using this stain. Apr.08
- Living and dyeing. Further thoughts on staining Jun.15
- A note on a technique: Staining glass sponge fibers Aug.15
- Simple positive staining with three easy to find dyes - discusses the use of gentian violet, methylene blue and dental plaque revealer (erythrosine). Aug.16
- Negative staining with Indian ink Sep.16
- Brunel Aqueous Mountant for moth genitalia Nov.16
- Decapsulating integrated circuits Dec.16
- Samples in strawberry red Dec.18
- Experiences with the inclusion of botanical material in PEG Dec.18
- Experiences with the inclusion of botanical material in PEG. Part II. Aug.19
- Equipment
- A simple glycerine jelly heater - plagued by bubbles in glycerine jelly mounts? Here's a simple heater to remove them. Feb.99
- Home-made hand microtomes - two practical approaches Dec.97
- Equipping a laboratory. Part 1: Dissecting tools Jul.00
- Equipping a laboratory. Part 2: Glassware and related accessories Sep.00
- Equipping a laboratory: Part 3: Special glassware and some other apparatus Nov.00
- Equipping a laboratory: Part 4: Collecting equipment Jan.01
- Micro tools for microscopy Nov.01
- A cheap and precise slicer for studying botany - an improved design of the double razor blade slicer for botanical section cutting. Apr.04
- Technical tips on the use of the precise double razor blades slicer - A supplementary article to the above. Apr.04
- Notes on using a Victorian compressorium on a modern microscope - observations on using one design of compressorium on a modern stand. Apr.08
- Repairing a pre-owned Shandon embedding unit - how a Shandon Histocentre 2 works and procedures for correcting faults found with it. Apr.09
Topical tips. An annotated list of on-line links and bibliography on ... mini-aquariums, micro-aquariums, hanging drops, wet chambers and elementary microcompressors - the pros and cons of these various techniques. Sep.09- Topical tips. An annotated list of on-line links and bibliography on ... mini-aquariums, micro-aquariums, hanging drops, wet chambers and elementary microcompressors. Part 2 - concludes series which discusses the pros and cons of these various techniques. Oct.09
- Serendipity - an old microtome Mar.19
- A heating plate idea Aug.19
- A beginner's journey into microscopy with a little help from a 3D printer! Oct.21
- Further adventures with a 3D printer – Stereo polarising microscopy! Sep.21
- Further adventures with a 3D printer & Microscopy! Part 1 An attempt at EPI illumination without a Dichroic mirror! Feb.22
- Visionking monocular Nov.22
Go back to category list
Techniques - photomicrography using a film camera
- Photomicrography A few simple set-ups for beginners Mar.97
- Very basic photomicrography - you don't need expensive 'kit' to have a go Oct.97
- Three ways to take micrographsAug. 01
- Photomicrography on a shoestring budget - Apr.99
- Micscape Image gallery II - Paramecium taken with a student microscope and box camera 40 years ago ... and a very important message on photomicrography. Oct.98
- Electronic Flash System for Photomicrography Feb.97
- Black and white photography - practical advice on this under-used and under-rated form of photography through the microscope. Nov.98
- Adapting a flash gun for photomicrography - a simple but effective adaptation of a flash gun for photomicrography. Jun.99
- 35 mm photomicrography techniques: Automated focus and exposure - a dedicated electronic flash unit that automatically controls exposure and also a camera adaptor that is parfocal with the eyepiece view. Feb.02
- A home made flash device for a Nikon Skt microscope - a useful design which would also be suitable for other microscope models. Mar.02
- Large format B&W photomicroscopy May.00
- Black and white paper negative photomicroscopy - Jul.00
- Photographing micro-organisms- from the simple patch stop to Nomarski contrast Apr.98
- Basics of photomacrography Mar.05
- Film revisited ... but not for long Jul.22
Go back to category list
Techniques - video macroscopy, microscopy and digital imaging
- Digital dilemmas - a look at the pros and cons of different routes for the hobbyist to directly digitise macro/micro images. Dec.99
- Digital photomicrography: A brief beginner's guide by a beginner An extensive overview. May.03
- Introduction to digital photomicrography - with particular reference to the practical procedures involved. Jun.03
- Notes on choosing the correct eyepiece and relay lens for photomicrography with digital cameras - the importance of correctly matching optics in digital photography. Feb.02
- Mounting digicams with zoom lenses over the microscope - an adaptor suitable for external and internal zoom digicams. Jan.04
- Trials on scanning prepared microscope slides of large subjects using a Nikon Coolscan IV 35 mm film scanner -using a homemade slide holder with images compared with that taken on a digicam in macro mode. Aug.04
- Image gallery: 'Big' slides - images of large microscope slide subjects created using a Nikon Coolscan IV ED 35mm film scanner. Oct.04
- Notes on using a Minolta 5400 for scanning microscope slides. Comparisons with the Nikon Coolscan design - a comparison of the ease of use and results from this modern high performance scanner with an older Nikon Coolscan model. May.05
- Photomacrography of microscope slides. Investigating alternative imaging routes Nov.04
- Notes on digitising and rejuvenating slide film photomicrographs - David Walker (UK) uses a film scanner to obtain usable images from the less successful images he has taken in the past on slide film. Jul.05
- Macro-photography, a personal equipment retrospective - cameras discussed are the Nikon Coolpix 4500, Sony F717 and F828 and Canon 20D DSLR. Oct.05
- A gun mount for nature photomacrography - a home made camera support he has made for an Olympus E330 DSLR with some examples of the images taken. Sep.06
- Eyes on the Zigview R digital viewfinder Oct.06
- Cell phone still and video photomicrography: A deeper dive. Applications in outreach, educational and general microscopy Apr.16
- Some thoughts on camera choices for the vertical photo port on stereo microscopes using a Leica S series model as an example May.16
- How we will use photomicrographs in virtual reality. Imagining the applications of head mounted displays May.16
- Virtual reality and microscopy Aug.16
- A review of M Disc archival capability. With long term testing results Sep.16
- Easy and simple ways to take fun pictures Oct.16
- A camera and a microscope—a journey Aug.17
- Photomicrography a Marriage of Science and Art Oct.18
- Photomicrography with an old Leitz Microscope and a modern Compact Camera Oct.18
- Photomicrography with a vintage Bausch and Lomb microscope Mar.19
- What makes a technically good micrograph? May19
- What makes an artistically good micrograph? May19
- Review: iDuOptic’s LabCam iPhone camera adapter Jul.19
- The 3D macroscope project by Ahron Wayne Jun.20
- Trick magnifications (sensor sizes) Jul.20
- Panoramic photomicrography Jun.23
- 'Principles and applications of photomacrography' articles on course project work:
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2004, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.04
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2006, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.06
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2007, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.07
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2008, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.08
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2009, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.09
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2010, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.10
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2011, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.11
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2012, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Nov.12
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2013, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.13
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program November 2014, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.14
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2015, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.15
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2016, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.16
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2017, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.17
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2018, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.18
- Articles written by students on the Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program December 2019, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.19
- Articles written by students on the 'Photographic Sciences' course December 2022, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.22
- Articles written by students on the 'Photographic Sciences' course December 2022, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA. Dec.24
- Employing advancing technology to enhance imagery of the microscopic world - creating 3D type images using the latest techniques. Apr.07
- Notes on some SLR/DSLR photomicrography options for the LOMO Biolam Microscope - three of the photographic accessories available for this popular microscope. Mar.08
- Another microscope camera review - a camera commonly available on eBay. May.08
- Macrophotography of soap bubbles May.08
- Stereoscopic imaging with a normal compound microscope - a procedure using oblique illumination and stacking software for capturing these type of images, with striking examples. Mar.09
- Microscope digital imaging - another look - practical tips for digital imaging and coupling methods for the camera. Mar.09
- Coaxing your digicam to capture darkfield - 'a very simple method for getting a correctly exposed image' with digicams having little to no exposure compensation features. Oct.09
- No vibes thank you ... and other matters - 'some light hearted but hopefully pertinent thoughts about camera supports' both for normal photography and for photomicrography. Nov.09
- Topical tips: Image amalgamation - describes a sometimes overlooked feature in many camera's bundled software or editing software, which allows quick and effective 'clean-up' of a microscopy subject by combining with an inverted background image. Feb.10
- Topical tip: Notes on simple direct coupling adapters for attaching digital cameras to microscopes - shows some of the commercial designs available for attaching consumer digicams or DSLRs to a microscope; with comments on their relative merits. Jun.10
- A convenient method of photomicroscopy - simple methods of digital photomicrography using a student microscope. Jun.10
- Imaging protists. Problems and suggestions - advice for photographing these potentially tricky subjects. Jun.10
- Digiscopeadapters as camera mounts in photomicrography - some common designs and their use. Feb.11
- Macro photography in the field using a mini-Dobsonian short-tube reflecting telescope - describes the use of a macro set-up with a useful very long working distance. Sep.11
- A macro 35mm slide copier To DX digital format from scratch. Plus the modification an old 35 mm film copier for DX digital format - useful designs based around a Sony NEX digital camera. Oct.11
- A camera stand for photomicroscopy - describes and illustrates a versatile design. (In Acrobat pdf format.) Feb.12
- Adapting digital point-and-shoot cameras to Olympus microscopes Mar.13
- Product review: A potential SLR/DSLR afocal camera to microscope adapter for less than a 'tenner'. Sep.13
- Reflections on the pace of technological change and its impact on still and moving image capture for a microscopy hobbyist Oct.13
- Digital photography with the low-power microscope Jan.14
- Smartphone and a microscope Nov.14
- Topical Tip - Using a Zeiss Photomicroscope (or Universal) base as a fine focussing macro stand Nov.14
- Taking pictures of the same subject using different microscopes Dec.15
- A conventional digital camera for taking microscopy pictures and/or videos Jun.16
- Review of: Universal cell phone adapter mount for binocular, monocular, spotting scope, telescope, and microscope Jun.16
- Topical Tips: Understanding the specifications of digital microscopes Jun.16
- A stacking microscope Apr.19
- Topical Tip: The value of a numerical aperture v field of view graph for macro / micro setups owned Apr.19
- Micscape Review: The ExoLens PRO Zeiss system for the smartphone. Assessment of the Zeiss Vario-Proxar 40-80 T* Macro-Zoom lens Aug.19
- On square pegs in round holes. Some thoughts on when vignetting in photomicrography may be acceptable Nov.21
- A first venture into photomicrography Nov.21
- When size matters ... Apr.23
- Home inclose-up revisited. A macro tour of LED strip Christmas lighting Dec.23
- Video cameras (security style, camcorders) for stills or video
- Why use video?- the benefits when studying protozoa Jul.96
- Using your Camcorder as a Microscope Jun.96
- Video microscopy - getting started in black and white Jun.96
- Video microscopy A well-known amateur discusses the setup he uses Apr.97
- Digital macroscopy on a shoestring - secondhand high definition video cameras and lenses from various sources can be the basis of a very high quality macro setup. Aug.99
- Experiments in attaching a video camera to a microscope - domestic camcorders can be adapted for video microscopy. Aug.99
- A video macroscope/microscope project and its use for an interactive exhibit Apr.00
- 8X Everything - buying and using a hand lens, and use with your video camera! Jul. 96
- 8X More further studies with a hand lens Aug.96
- Experiments with a miniature CCD camera - for video microscopy Dec.97
- Further Notes on the Micscape Article 'Experiments with a miniature CCD camera' - the pros and cons of infra-red sensitivity! Jan.98
- A CMOS video camera used with white LED lighting Jan.01
- Simple video microscopy (stills) using infra-red light - revealing detail of insects, shells etc. Jun.98
- Notes on the macroscopy of insect mounts using near infrared illumination - near-IR LED illuminator used with a B/W video camera reveals detail in dense large mounts of insects. Apr.04
- Quick look: Near infrared microscopy with a Nikon D50 DSLR compared with a B/W video camera - assessment of the relative merits of the two techniques and author much prefers the practicality and affordability of the video camera route. Oct.05
- Notes on near IR microscopy with a tungsten lamp and visible light blocking filters - imaging dense insect mounts using both a compound and stereo microscope's tungsten lamp. Feb.08
- Roll your own microscope - an ingenious ongoing project to make a video macroscope for multi-spectral imaging applications. Dec.02
- Micscape Subscribers' resource: Making microscopy videos part I. - the technical considerations, hardware and a range of software suitable for capturing microscopy videos and transferring to a PC. Apr.04
- Video microscopy trials with the USB Live View output of a DLSR camera - using screen capture software to make a DSLR with Live View effectively a video camera. Nikon D300 used. Jun.08
Topical Tip: Handheld or simply supported photomicrography with suitable consumer digicams - simple methods of photography with small lens diameter digicams. Sep.09- Using Live View and a television in photomicroscopy - describes and illustrates this valuable feature which is found on many modern consumer digital cameras. Jan.11
- How to create interesting microscopy movies Jan.15
- Near infrared microscopy - part 1 Oct.16
- Infrared images are not infradig Nov.16
- Near infrared microscopy, part II Dec.16
- The use of a camcorder for making videos and photographs with a microscope Dec.16
- Transmitted near infrared (NIR) lighting Jan.17
- Infrared photomicrography Feb.21
- Model specific i.e. webcams, digital stills cameras, techniques often more widely applicable to other models
- Canon A70: Canon A70 microscope adapter - a neat home made adapter for this popular digicam. Apr.04
- Canon G1: Macro and photomicrography with the Canon G1 Feb.03
- Canon 350D (Digital Rebel XT): The Canon 350D digital SLR: suitability for photomicrography with the Zeiss Axiostar Aug.05
- Canon 400D : Microscope photography with digital single lens reflex cameras - practical aspects of using these cameras with particular reference to using a Canon 400D on both a LOMO compound and stereo microscope. Dec.07
- Canon EOS M50: Using a Canon EOS M50 as a dedicated, afocal, microscope camera Sep.19
- Canon EOS M50: Using a Canon EOS M50 as a dedicated, afocal, microscope camera - revisited Oct.19
- Eurocam VC550: Micscape product review: The Eurocam VC5500 - a detailed look at this versatile product designed for capturing both macro and microscopic images. Dec.98
- eBay sourced digital eyepieces: Review of two eBay sourced microscope digital eyepiece cameras - a 2 and a 5 megapixel camera are tried. Jun.07
- Fuji DX-10:Trials with an Emoscop on a digital camera - using a hand lens to extend a digicam's macro capabilities
- Fujifilm S5 Pro: Quick look. Using the Live View setting on a Fujifilm S5 Pro (or S3 Pro) DSLR for photomicroscopy - the potential use of the 30 second live view feature on this now heavily discounted 'prosumer' DSLR.
- Fuji FinePix Real 3D W1: Macro attachment for the Fuji FinePix Real 3D W1 camera May.16
- Kodak DX3700: Image gallery: Pictures made with a Kodak DX3700 held by hand to the eyepiece
- Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000: Use of the Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 for photomicrography. History of a near-failure or a semi-success - a three part series on using this popular webcam. In part 1 describes the reasons for buying decision and methods of using on a microscope with or without the built in lens using suitable homemade or commercial adapters. Feb.10
- Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000: Use of the Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 for photomicrography. History of a near-failure or a semi-success - part 2 part of series on using this popular webcam. Part 2 assesses various aspects of its still image quality. Mar.10
- Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000: Use of the Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 forphotomicrography. History of a near-failure or a semi-success - completion of three part series on using this popular webcam. Part 3 assesses its performance using different lighting techniques and for video work. Apr.10
- Lynceus XHD-7000: A review of the Lynceus XHD-7000 camcorder - a video camera which has near infrared capability. Sep.16
- Meade LPI: Photomicrography trials with a Meade LPI (Lunar Planetary Imager) digital camera Apr.05
- Motic Digiscope 300: A personal review of the Motic DigiScope 300 LED field microscope with digital camera - a versatile compact optical microscope with 20-100x magnification, still/video capture and measuring software. Feb.05
- Motic Moticam 1000: A personal review of the Moticam 1000 1.3 megapixel digital microscope camera Mar.05
- Motic Moticam 1000: Using the ancillary items from a Moticam microscope camera outfit - the four well made couplers make excellent microscope supports for some consumer digicams. Dec.07
- Minolta F300: An imaging problem with digital cameras - 'ring artefact' problem also seen on some Nikon Coolpix models Dec.03
- Nikon D50: Photomicrography trials using a Nikon D50 on a LOMO Biolam microscope with electronic flash - how Nikon's entry level DSLR model performs with a simple photomicroscopy setup. Sep.05
- Nikon D80: Notes on practical aspects of using the Nikon D80 DSLR for photomicrography - comapred with the D50 on a Zeiss microscope Jan.07
- Nikon D300: Notes on trials of using the Live View mode of the Nikon D300 DSLR for photomicroscopy - assessed on computer and composite / high definition video out.
- Nikon Coolpix L11: Photomicrography With Cheap Contemporary Digicams - Paul James (UK) shares 'a very brief peep at a sub £50 digicam' Aug.08
- Nurugo Micro: Review of the Nurugo Micro for smartphones Jun.16
- Olympus C-830L (D-340L): Getting closer in macro mode with digicams - simple supplementary lenses in front of fixed focus digital cameras can greatly extend their macro capabilities. Dec.99
- Olympus C-830L (D-340L): Forays into 'consumercam' photomicroscopy- consumer digital stills cameras can give excellent results with a microscope. Nov.99
- Olympus C-830L (D-340L): Update on 'Forays into photomicrography with digicams' - further tips on using a consumer digital stills camera over a microscope. Includes tips on DIY camera supports. Jan.00
- Olympus D-860L: Macro and microscopic images taken with an Olympus D-860L digital camera Jan.01
- Olympus D-860L: Images of Myrmica (red) ants taken with an Olympus D-360L digital camera Mar.01
- Olympus D-860L: Further macro and microscopic images taken with an Olympus D-360L digicam Jun.01
- Olympus C-2040z: Extending the macro capabilities of an Olympus C-2040z digicam Aug.01
- Olympus C-2040z: Adapting an Olympus C-2040z digicam to a compound microscope Dec.01
- Olympus E330: Using an Olympus E-330 DSLR with a binocular stereomicroscope Feb.07
- Olympus Computer control for Olympus digital cameras Feb.08
- Nikon Coolpix 700: Quick trials using a two megapixel camera for photomicrography Mar.00
- Nikon Coolpix 990: Photomicroscopy with a Nikon Coolpix 990 digital camera Aug.01
- Nikon Coolpix 990: Reflected and transmission macrophotography with a Coolpix 990 camera using 35 mm camera macro equipment and lenses Sep.01
- Nikon Coolpix 995: Image gallery: Coolpix 995 photomicrographs Feb.03
- Nikon Coolpix 4500: Nikon Coolpix 4500 photomicrographs and macrophotographs Oct.02
- Artefacts in photomicrographs - report on the 'ring artefacts' observed with some Nikon Coolpix digicam models when used for photomicrography. In Adobe Acrobat® pdf format. Jan.04
- Polaroid PDC-640: Close-up images taken with a Polaroid PDC-640 digital camera - Jul.00
- Raspberry Pi microscopy Feb.17
- Raspberry Pi HQ camera Sep.20
- Sigma SD14: Notes on using the Sigma SD14 DSLR with Foveon X3 sensor on a microscope - experiences of using this camera; the Foveon sensor can record full colour detail at all pixel locations unlike the Bayer sensor. Aug.10
- Sony S-75: Notes on using a reversed SLR standard lens on a Sony S-75 digicam to extend the macro - a widely used technique in film photography is also very versatile on suitable digicams. May.03
- Sony S-75: Trials using an external zoom digicam (Sony S75) on a microscope with a reversed SLR lens as a relay lens A cheap but effective relay lens with a typical digicam of this design with external zoom and large diameter lens. Aug.03
- Vivitar 80000 series: A precision solution for digital interfacing a Vivitar 8000 series camera to standard microscope stands and 27.8 / 23.2 oculars made from general gardening implements - an ingenious conversion for a consumer camera. Jun.11
- Intel PC camera: Photomicrography with the Intel PC camera May.00
- Busby webcam: Experiments with a webcam for photomicroscopy May.00
- JamC@m2: A low cost set-up for taking digital images through a microscope and for macroscopy - how for a few dollars, microscopy and digital image capture is fun using simple equipment. Feb.00
- JamC@m2: Further images captured with a low cost web camera - how the 'JamC@m2' performs for macroscopy and microscopy. Jun.00
- Touptek: The Touptek Toupcam microscope camera LCMOS14000KPA
- Zeiss Axiostar: Zeiss Axiostar universal digital camera adapter Used with Canon G6 and Sony S75 Dec.04
- Zeiss Axiostar: Carl Zeiss Axiostar image gallery using the 5x CP-Achromat
- Zeiss Photomicroscope: Digital photomicrography with a Zeiss Photomicroscope
- IntelPlay QX3 digital microscope:
- Using the IntelPlay QX3 microscope - a user shares his experiences of how to get the best out of this new microscope. Jan.00
- The QX3 IntelPlay computer microscope - images and his impressions of the first consumer video microscope. Dec.99
- The 'QX3' in macro mode Apr.00
- The 'QX3' video microscope in Spain - Jul.00
- Image gallery: digital 'snapshots' with the QX3 of the fauna and flora near my home - attractive macroscopic images of the wildlife of Catalunya, Spain. Feb.00
- The QX3 computer microscope in Europe Mar.01
- Image gallery: Seeds through the QX3 microscope Sep.01
- Exploring the microscopic world with an IntelPlay QX3 microscope - a family's first steps exploring the microscopic world.
- Fun with the Digital Blue QX5™ digital microscope a review of the upgraded version of the QX3 Dec.04
- Image gallery: photomicroscopy and astrophotography using a mobile phone camera Aug.04
- A tale of two cameras - digital photomicroscopy old and new, using the Snappy / video capture and the Nikon D200 DSLR. Aug.06
- Sony NEX and Panasonic GF2 [G Series] digital cameras. 'Giving life to old and new manual lenses'. With notes on lens adapters and macro close up lenses - the short sensor to lens mount flange distance of these modern cameras allows a wide variety of makers' lenses / mounts to be used. Jul.11
- Notes on the potential vibration problems observed with two mirrorless digital cameras if used for photomicroscopy (Sony NEX-5N and Panasonic GF2), and the value of an electronic first curtain shutter option - explores why two typical mirrorless camera bodies gave more serious vibration problems than a mirrored DSLR body without mirror lock when firmly coupled to a large Zeiss Photomicroscope or for stereo microscope work. Nov.12
- Digital software techniques
- Deep-field amateur microscopy - combining image captures at different focus levels to achieve greater depth of field May.96
- Image of the month Plants and art, manipulated image of starch grains Oct.96
- Enhancing depth of field by combining imagesOct.01
- Digital macroscopy in autumn with a flatbed scanner - scanners are very versatile macroscopes for some subjects. Autumn provides a wealth of suitable subjects like leaves, fungi and ferns. Dec.99
- Darkfield illumination and the digital camera Aug.00
- Lights, camera, action! - trials with time lapse software. Aug.00
- Improving picture quality. Part 1; lighting corrections Sep.00
- Improving picture quality, part 2; field of view and resolution Oct.00
- Stereo macro images on screen - using a digital stills camera Sep.00
- Poor man's differential interference contrast (DIC)?: - with the help of image processing software! Jul.98
- Radiolarian shells: three small projects in digital imaging for microscopists - create stunning animations from stills. Jan.00
- 'Polar exploration' - creating video clips while crystals are rotated between Polaroid filters. Jun.00
- Examples of the animation of macroscopy and microscopy subjects using sequential jpeg images - using a freeware JavaScript 'Image Cycler'. May04
- Post photographic improvements Part I - basic digital manipulation techniques that can be applied to photomicrographs. Oct.02
- Post photographic improvements. Part 2 - practical tips when storing images and the use of parameters like white balance, sharpening and resizing. Nov.02
- Introducing CombineZ3 - software written by Alan Hadley to combine sequential microscope images to improve depth of focus. Dec. 02
Image gallery: Arthropods photographed using CombineZ software - Alan Hadley (UK) shares an attractive selection of images taken with the popular 'image stacking' software which he has developed. Mar.04- Microscope image stacking with the Leica CME, Canon Powershot digicam / 'RemoteCapture' and CombineZ4.2 software by Alan Hadley - the timelapse / remote control software bundled with most Canon Powershot digicams is ideally suited for quickly creating image sequences for stacking with CombineZ software. Jan.04
- Fun with Photoshop Elements™ - a selection of macro and other images to illustrate how the special features of image processing software can be used to good effect. Jul03
- Fun with Photoshop Elements Part II - a second striking gallery of macroscopic and other subjects taken with a Coolpix 4500 and with various effects used. Sep.03
- Image sharpening using the unsharp mask - an illustrated introduction to the correct choice of parameters when using this common image editing tool. Jan.04
- Image processing and microscope images - an overview of some image software and techniques for editing digital photomicrographs, with examples. Apr.06
- Notes on digitising video tapes of microscopy footage - trying typical cheap VHS to DVD conversion service with notes on editing the files for web use with the freeware, VirtualDub. Example video clip is the live birth of a bdelloid rotifer. Feb.09
- Volume determination under the microscope. The simple way: The Delesse principle Mar.09
- Digital photography and stray light - practical tips for post editing images with free software to correct imaging problems sometimes experienced with epi or phase images. Apr.09
- Microscope digital video using only free software - practical tips for video studies with free software; includes an extensive glossary of terms encountered in digital video. May.09
- A free and easy to use image stacking system - the use of the software Hugin for increasing depth of field in macro and photomicrography. Jun.09
- RAW image microscope digital photography - a valuable overview of techniques and free software available. Dec.09
- Using 3D modelling to assist microscopy study - part 1 of multi-part series illustrating the value of virtual 3D models to encourage an interest in microscopic and macroscopic life. Jan.10
- An overview of viruses for light microscopists - part 2 of multi-part series on the value of 3D modelling in microscopy education by describing and illustrating a selection of viruses. Mar.10
- An overview of human cells for light microscopists - part 3 of multi-part series on the value of 3D modelling in microscopy education by describing and illustrating typical human cell types. Apr.10
- An overview of human cells for light microscopists. Part II - human skin and human lung - continuing multi-part series on the value of 3D modelling in microscopy education. May.10
- An overview of human cells for light microscopists. Part III - human eyes and insect eyes - continuing multi-part series on the value of 3D modelling in microscopy education. Jun.10
- An overview of human cells for light microscopists. Part IV - the human heart - continuing multi-part series on the value of 3D modelling in microscopy education. Jul.10
- Advanced light photomicrography - methods of combining depth of focus stacking / stitching software techniques with short wavelength light to create striking imagery of diatom frustules. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Mar.11
- Sharing real-time images by instant messenger - shows how this software can be used to interact with fellow enthusiasts. Mar.11
- Focus stacking in light microscopy - illustrates the value of stacking for histology subjects. Sep.12
- Turning a 2D image into 3D Aug.13
- Using affordable technology with microscopy, 'stacking, stitching, slowing' Oct.13
- Cross-eyed 3D microscope image gallery. Part 1 Jul.14
- Orbyt Design - 3D Modeling, 3D Printed Jewellery & Sculpture Mar.15
- Examples of photo-stitching and focus stacking Apr.15
- DIY fluorescence effect, part 1 Apr.15
- DIY fluorescence, part 2 Sep.15
- Panoramic stitching in photomicrography Apr.15
- Optical staining, part 1 Apr.15
- DIY 3D microscopy. Part 1 May.15
- DIY 3D microscopy. Part 2. The object escaping from the photo Jun.15
- Is it time to reinvent the optical microscope? Jun.15
- Two microscopy videos. I - Common methods to prepare subjects for the microscope. II - 'Microbe Hunters' by Paul de Kruif 1926. A look at a classic book. Jul.15
- Darkfield correction - a singular feature of a microscope camera Jan.16
- Microsoft Picture Manager 2010: Worthy software for photomicrographers Feb.16
- Measurements of the micro world part 1. Calibrating the camera May.16
- I was framed: Another playful gallery Aug.16
- Reprocessing old images Aug.16
- How to make a microgif Feb.17
- 3D imaging of diatoms with light microscope. Empirical amateur case report Dec.18
- Advanced photomicrography: construction of a 3D Diatom model saved as an image or movie Mar.19
- Anatomy of a picture Apr.20
- 3D is better than 2D? But only if you know how to present it maybe? Nov.20
- Stacking microscopes Dec.20
- “Warp Speed, Mr. Sulu”. A playful computer gallery using crystals Nov.21
- "Full speed, ahead, Mr. Sulu" Feb.22
- Galleries of old image reprocessed. Part 1 bMar.22
- Galleries of old image reprocessed. Part 2 Apr.22
- Exploring computer graphics. Special functions: Part 1 May.22
- Yet more fun with graphics Jun.22
- A warped mind is a terrible thing to waste Jul.22
- Three warped galleries Mar.23
- Moving pictures May.23
- How to 'rescue' failed images Dec.24
- Documenting microscopy experiments using ChatGPT and Labfolder Dec.24
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