From the Archives. A quiet issue so a full May 2011 edition from ten years ago is offered below.
Baker's traveller's microscopes *- R Jordan Kreindler (USA) and Yuval Goren (Israel) present an illustrated essay on these versatile field microscopes. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Update February 2017. The link is now to the authors' extensively updated second edition.
William Webb, microscopical engraver (1815-188) *- Brian Stevenson (USA) discusses and illustrates examples by this famous preparer of 'microwriting' slides. (In Acrobat® pdf format.)
Y.A.L.L.S - Yet another LED light source *- Michael Race (Australia) describes and illustrates a microscope lighting conversion using a commercially available LED light source. (In Acrobat® pdf format.)
Quartz wedge project - Alex Cummins (UK) describes and illustrates the repair of an example of this accessory.
The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 6 - Concerning cameras - Paul James (UK) discusses aspects of digital camera choice, with particular reference to positive experiences with a Sony NEX3 micro four-thirds sensor camera.
A close-up view of the 'Mountain Ash' - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the
macro and microscopic features of this tree.
The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the
onion skin). Fixing with hot water and staining with brilliant blue FCF - Walter Dioni (Mexico) continues his series on this popular subject and how it can be used to explore different preparation and staining techniques.
The use of
“Brillant Blue #1” as a nuclear dye useful for amateur microscopists, and notes
on Fast Green FCF - a companion article to the above by Walter Dioni (Mexico).
Converting a Swift microscope to a hybrid polarizing microscope - Michael Reese Much (USA) shares a project to convert the 'Collegiate 400' model to permit polarisation studies.
The quest for spicules, part 1 - Richard Howey (USA) presents an illustrated essay describing the sources and preparation of these attractive subjects for the microscope.
A close-up view of a prairie mallow hybrid - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and micro features of this attractive plant.
Victorian rambles II - three 'injected' microscope slide preparations - David Walker (UK) looks at three examples of this type of antique slide, including one by Alexander Hett, a notable maker of this type of slide.