About Micscape Magazine:

The monthly online magazine of Microscopy UK.

Micscape is a free informal monthly web magazine encouraging readers to explore the 'miniature world' around them both on a microscopic and macroscopic scale. It was first published in November 1995. As far as possible, all material published to date is accessible in the online Library. (See footnote 1 on archiving).

The magazine's success relies on voluntary contributors worldwide. These include amateur microscopists, naturalists, teachers, students and youngsters. Some professional scientists have also kindly allowed Micscape to share popular accounts of their work. 

We invite contributors from all age groups and skill levels to reflect the broad spectrum of microscopy enthusiasts. 

We encourage contributors to prepare their own web material where possible, but the voluntary site administrators who are amateur microscopists/naturalists are pleased to help with article preparation where we can. The authors are ultimately responsible for checking the accuracy of their material. All articles have an author contact and feedback to the authors is welcomed and encouraged. We are pleased to amend articles post-publication if desired. (See footnote 2 on Micscape's scope).

The magazine forms part of the Microscopy UK web site which hosts a wide range of resources for people of all ages interested in popular microscopy. The web site is coordinated by Maurice Smith (UK), the site's co-founder. The Micscape Editor is Dave Walker (UK) aided by a number of volunteers, notably Wim van Egmond, Anne Bruce and Maurice who help prepare contributors' material as well as their own.

The copyright of contributors own material on Micscape is retained by them. Readers are free to download material for their own use only, or for use in small projects in clubs or schools. No commercial re-publication is allowed without written consent.

Micscape magazine is not a commercial organisation - it is run by volunteers and is kept advert free. Relevant product advertising on the parent Microscopy UK web site offers a useful service to the hobbyist and helps pays the bills; the overheads for such a large site are considerable!

The parent Microscopy UK web site is described in more detail here.

Footnote 1 (Archiving): Micscape material is carefully archived both online and offline. Web page addresses remain as far as possible constant to ensure search engine links don't fail. Micscape is also registered with the British Library as a serial publication. (Online version: ISSN 1365-070x. CD-ROM archive: ISSN 1478-2693). CD-ROM archives containing the first 75, 100 and 130 monthly issues have been sent to them for archiving under their 'Voluntary Deposit' scheme and updated archives will be deposited with the British Library approx. every 25 issues. 

Footnote 2 (Micscape's scope): Micscape is an e-zine for enthusiasts to informally share their interests on the Internet for a popular audience. Microscopy enthusiasts carrying out studies which are more suited for reporting in a formal paper, (or who are seeking advice on doing so), are encouraged to contact the publisher/editor of a peer reviewed microscopy journal. 

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© Onview.net Ltd, Microscopy-UK, and all contributors 1995 onwards. All rights reserved. Main site is at www.microscopy-uk.org.uk