Nothing ever happens without people! This section is dedicated to the human endeavour of providing something of worth, not for financial gain, but simply to offer something valuable to others. Often such a road can be long and winding, and may only be travelled by many helping each other. Let us not forget that to many of us, establishing and running a club appears as easy as learning to fly the trapeze, but of course - it takes long hours and much work by those prepared to give up their free time. People enjoying their Microscopy hobby.
Updated July 2018Take a moment here to see where other people are spending time to follow their passion, or have made a positive difference to Amateur Microscopy as a surviving and growing hobby. It's difficult for us to maintain external links as no-one is going to say when they disaapear from theweb. But we checked these as of the date above. And they are all there!
CLUB Web Sites
Like other hobbies and interests, clubs and friendly organisations exist where you can become a member of a Microscopy Group and share information with others. Join one of these...
Microbiological Association Of Munich is a society established over a hundred years ago.
The BERLINER MIKROSKOPISCHE GESELLSCHAFT eV is an association of professionals and amateurs from the most diverse professions. They maintain a common hobby - microscopy with regular meetings every two weeks at the Freie Universität Berlin.
The Microbiological Association of Hamburg ('MIKRO Hamburg'), also has a very helpful web site and is very worth a visit. Many pages are in English. Established in 1911, website since 1995, 10 group meetings each year including slide preparation.
The Royal Antwerp Society for Micrography (KAGM) is an association which welcomes new members and is based in Antwerp with regular meetings at The University of Antwerp, Campus Drie Eiken. Building O, Bioruimte (3rd floor), Fort 6 street, 2610 Wilrijk.
United States Of America
The New York Microscopical Society. In over sixty years of the society’s existence they have accumulated a trove of prized possessions. The walls of their meeting building is lined with shelves of books on microscopy and about 30 antique brass microscopes are on permanent display. There is a large collection of microscope slides, specimens and up-to-date microscopes with which to examine them.
Microscopical Society of Southern California, Founded in 1938, the club is devoted to the study and practice of the science and art of microscopy and to the collection and study of related scientific devices.
San Fransico Microscopical Society. The society was developed as a non-profit educational institution devoted to the teaching of microscopy and as a meeting place where members could share their experiences and techniques.
United Kingdom
Manchester Microscopical & Natural History Society established over one hundred and forty years ago and currently with a membership of over one hundred people. Welcomes new members.
Kernow Microscopical Society holds monthly meetings on Saturday afternoons to explore all aspects of microscopy at Chacewater, in the village hall, Killifreth room. TR4 8PZ.
Northamptonshire Natural History Society hold meetings and events at at The Humfrey Rooms, 10 Castilian Terrace, Northampton, NN1 1LD
The Postal Microscopical Society was established in 1873, with its primary aim the circulation of boxes of microscope slides and notes to the members. This is still the aim today when, after fluctuating fortunes over the years, a membership of around 240 contributes to a lively and friendly society. In 1998 the PMS celebrated 125 years of existence.
The Quekett Microscopical Club - Formed in 1865 by John Thomas Quekett, one of the most prestigious of the enthusiast microscopy clubs in the world.
Leeds Microscopical Society meet twice a month on Thursday evenings.
The British Phycological Society, based in Northern England, is a charity devoted to the study of algae founded in 1952, was one of the first to be established in the world, and is the largest in Europe.
Online Facebook Group Amateur Microscopy Group sharing pictures and videos and is a lively group.PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES
Royal Microscopical Society
Microscopy Society of AmericaGo to Microscopy-UK Front Page
If you know of a club web site that supports the optical microscopy enthusiast, please let us know and we'll be pleased to add a link.
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