MICSCAPE - Exploring the miniature world

Issue 345: December 2024 (ISSN 1365 - 070x)      Monthly, next issue January 13th 2025.


Contact Microscopy-UK co-webmasters,
please use this link or the green email button on the top menu.

Please do not contact the above for image permissions. Each article contributor retains the copyright to their material so should be contacted directly via the link in the relevant article. Thank you.

Comments on Micscape and contributions welcomed.
Contributions: Any modern format welcomed i.e. pdf. doc/docx with embedded images, or html + jpegs.

Co-webmasters, Mol Smith and David Walker would like to thank all our contributors and site visitors for their support this year.
We wish everyone all the best for the season and for the New Year.


Ants in your garden - Leo M. M. Roccatano (UK) is a 16 year old microscopy enthusiast who shares his studies of ants with advice on methods to create artificial colonies and tips on identifying typical UK species. PDF

Microscopy: Cubism and red threads - Shrean Rafiq (Bangladesh) begins his adventures into the microscopic world with a study of crystallised sodium chloride and detergent. PDF

Documenting microscopy experiments using ChatGPT and Labfolder - Gedaliah Wolosh (USA) describes the usefulness of these software programs. PDF

Parasites part 8. Nematode biology - boring but very successful - Ed Ward (Canada) continues his series with an extensive and heavily illustrated survey of an important but often overlooked group. PDF 87 pages

Litonotus - Robert McCallum (Canada) describes and illustrates an example of this protozoan. PDF

How to 'rescue' failed images - Jean-Marie Cavanihac (France) describes and illustrates image editing techniques with examples of rescued images. PDF

Leaf-litter and soil-litter critters- Anthony Thomas (Canada) shares striking images of typical species found in these habitats. PDF

Microscopical exploration thirty nine. The autumn leaves are off the trees - James Stewart (UK) shares some images of leaf falls from a selection of local trees.  PDF

Roatan 16 - G. Joseph Wilhelm (Honduras) presents an illustrated tour of his home on the island of Roatan where he is also building a home lab. PDF


December 2024 articles written by students for the 'Photographic Sciences' course offered at
the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA.

All articles are in Acrobat pdf format and open in a new browser window.
Right click to save to PC and view in Acrobat Reader as may not scale well on a browser's screen.
If you an enjoy an article, feedback to an author via the email in each article would be very welcome.



Tubaria furfuracea
. That small brown mushroom by Kat Angeline

A Macroscopic Study of Conifers by Charlie Baldwin

Macro Shots of Crystals and Rocks by Celian Diaz

Photomacrographic analysis of used books: Revealing damages on used books with high mag photography by Charlie Gray

Zebra Mussels by Brianna Hill

Macro Image of Spiders Look Larger Than Life by Adam Schmidt

Details on American Banknotes by Victoria Tran

Ultraviolet-Induced Fluorescence of Insect Eyes by Daniel Umansky

Micscape Acknowledgements: Many thanks to all the students over the years for sharing their enthusiasm and skills on such a wonderful variety of topics. Writing an article for Micscape initially formed part of their course as an assignment, which was a neat idea originally proposed by Ted Kinsman the course instructor in 2004 and repeated in most following years. Thanks to Ted for all the work behind the scenes to make this happen.

Overview by 2024 course tutor Ted Kinsman:

Photographic sciences is an RIT New Economy Major. This collection of degree programs is forward-thinking and future-forming, and helps prepare you to excel in the multidisciplinary nature of our modern, dynamic economy.

By combining interests in both science and the arts, photographic sciences features unique course work found at no other U.S. institution. Upper-division classes focus on high-speed photography, micrography, ophthalmic imaging, image analysis/quality, among other topics.

Students complete a required co-op-full-time, hands-on, paid work experience related to their field of study. Recent co-op placements include opportunities at Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Edmund Optics, the FBI, the Flaum Eye Institute, The Mayo Clinic, and Smithsonian Institution.

Carl Zeiss Microscopy and NASA are two of the biggest employers of our graduates. Canon, Fujifilm, Leica Microsystems, and the National Retina Institute also employ our graduates.

Alumni, students, and faculty are regularly recognized by industry competitions like Nikon's Small World and the BioCommunications Association's BioImages competition.

For more information on the Photographic Science Program at Rochester Institute of Technology please visit : https://www.rit.edu/study/photographic-sciences-bs.

Click below to view previous RIT student articles


We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it!


Look for that elusive article on our site:
Micscape Magazine past issues online
(read articles online using the original illustrated index for each month).
Article Library (browse articles by category)
Automated Search (a search engine for keyword searches in all articles)
Contributor index (a list of all Micscape contributors to date)
News - special notices - misc.

External links. Updated April 2020. Below are some of our favourites, which includes sites with extensive links and/or resources for the optical microscopy enthusiast.

External Microscopy forums: Places to discuss the hobby or to raise queries.
forums, galleries, articles on macroscopy and photomicrography.

groups.io (formerly Yahoo groups):
Amateur Microscopy
Diatom Forum
Microscopy as a hobby or profession
Wild Microscopes

Facebook groups:
Amateur Microscopy (>21000 members, very active). Also specialist groups e.g. for users of given maker's microscopes (e.g. Zeiss, Olympus, Wild, Vickers). Also try a Facebook Group search with keywords like microscope or microscopy to find these.

Microbe hunter the website ably run by Oliver Kim has built up a popular and valuable forum with help for both the beginner and more advanced user.

'Forum for marine, freshwater and terrestrial algae'. Access to Archives possible for non-subscribers.
Diatom-L 'Research on the diatom algae.' Access to Archives for subscribers only. Link was current March 2016. Many online diatom resources point to an outdated Indiana Univ. listserver. (With thanks to Rob Kimmich for the current link.)

Mikroskopie-Treff.de (Extensive German microscopy forum; some English categories.)
Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München e. V. Wide range of articles and resources in German.
Le Naturaliste French based forum and image gallery for micro / macro but open to non French speaking international contributors.

The Amateur Diatomist archive This magazine resource ably created and administered by Steve Gill has now been ported to the Microscopy-UK site with Steve's permission as the former host server is now not available.
As well as all the issues in pdf format there are a wealth of other resources in the Downloads section including by noted workers such as Barber and the complete 532 page book 'An Introduction to the Microscopical Study of Diatoms' by Robert B. McLaughlin.

Diatoms of the Arid South West Originally hosted on the website of New Mexico State University, College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Services. Archived with permission from Dave Richman, resource editor, and C. Scott Bundy of the NMSU.

Other sites (also see Societies and Clubs page.)
Royal Microscopy Society Journal, 'infocus' and other resources for members and the community.
Quekett Microscopical Club Journal, Bulletin and meetings for members.
Light Microscopy Forum links and articles
Little Imp Publications public domain books collated by Steve Gill formerly on CD and now free on Micscape.
Mikroskop Museum German website with resources on microscopes / makers .
Molecular Expressions awesome optical microscopy resources
Dennis Kunkel's SEM images stunning images
Diatoms Ireland - resource site by Leszek Wolnik
Leitz museum an illustrated resource compiled by Robert Allen
Microbe hunter microscopy enthusiast website, forum and magazine edited by Oliver Kim
Forum for French speakers
Micrographia articles, projects for the enthusiast
Microscopy Today
journal with online archive
Modern Microscopy
online journal by McCrone Group
Fun Science Gallery projects, articles on optics in English and Italian. Link to March 2020 mirror on the Internet Archive site. 
Independent Generation of Research (IGoR) - Wiki style resource for citizen scientists to share their work.
Lens On Leeuwenhoek extensive resource online by Douglas Anderson
Collected Letters of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek ('Alle de Brieven ..') transcribed and free online at DBNL.
A Cabinet of Curiosities
a resource on Victorian microscope slides by Howard Lynk
Historical makers of microscopes and microscope slides Brian Stevenson's extensive resource on Victorian slide makers.
www.willemsmicroscope.com Dutch enthusiast Willem Cramer's website
David Jackson's Better Microscopy blog. Regularly updated free resources extending from his 'Better Microscopy' series of books.
Stefano Barone's Diatom Shop
sale of his own prepared and arranged slides of diatoms, radiolaria, forams and scales.
www.testslides.com website devoted to Stefano Barone's Diatom Lab test slides.
Darwin Biological a UK company for 'biological education' supplies. Including live cultures of protozoa and algae.
Microscopie van de Natuur Dutch microscopy resource site by Rolf Vossen.
Dotcom-Monitor, LoadView Testing, Web Hosting Buddy, and Find My Electric are tech/science companies that believe in and foster UK Microscopy and STEM education.


parent site coordinator:
Maurice Smith

Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995
Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.
© Onview.net Ltd, Microscopy-UK, and all contributors 1995 onwards. All rights reserved.