heavy calibre microscope lamp - Frithjof Sterrenburg (The Netherlands)
describes a project for making a powerful microscope lamp for projection
or high magnification phase / darkfield photography.
of human brain tissue - Gregor Overney (USA) takes a fascinating
in-depth look at the structures of brain tissue that can be observed on
commercially prepared sections; illustrated with high resolution images.
'good enough' stage micrometer - Howard Webb (USA) describes a
neat project to make a workable stage micrometer by exploiting the high
resolution printers many of us own nowadays.
hand sharpener for a microtome knife - James Moran (USA) shares
a simple but effective design of jig to sharpen microtome knives.
photographic improvements Part I - Paul James (UK) starts a new
series for the beginner describing some of the basic digital manipulation
techniques that can be applied to photomicrographs.
virtues of broken and dirty specimens - Richard Howey (USA) takes
an intriguing look at specimens that may be broken or dirty at the gross
level but which are fascinating under the microscope.
tips 12: formalin and formaldehyde - Walter Dioni (Mexico) clarifies
the correct terminology, uses and desired concentrations of this versatile
reagent when used in microscopy.
in a name? - Bill Amos (USA) takes a delightful tour of some of
the more curious and humorous Latin names that some critters have been
burdened with.
Image galleries
Coolpix 4500 photomicrographs and macrophotographs - Ian Walker
(UK) shares some images taken using this latest model evolved from the
popular Coolpix 900 series.
selection of images from the manmade and natural world - Aaron
Messing (USA) shows some unusual photomicrographs including the inside
of a 486 chip and the data pits on a CD-ROM.
images in cross polar illumination - Brian Darnton (UK) shows a
striking collection of images of crystals and natural objects.
image gallery - Bills Ells (UK) shares images of a rare desmid
found in Scotland.
Other updates
Microscopy-UK video gallery:
John Cravens (USA) has kindly submitted
an attractive animated gif
image of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) crystallising. A larger VGA sized
animation is available on the author's website.
Garry DeLong has allowed us to share
some delightful pond life mpeg
video clips. We've added two clips of gastrotrichs and of a heliozoan.
The former seem relatively little studied by enthusiasts so why not seek
them out. Further well observed video clips of pond life are on his home
Couger's microscopy links - Gordon is continually adding new web
site links to this valuable collection specifically chosen for the microscopy
enthusiast. Hosted on Gordon's web site.