MICSCAPE Exploring the miniature world
Issue 157: November 2008. Includes special photomacrography feature by course students at the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. Organised by course director Michael Peres.
Image left: 1,10-phenanthroline crystals in polarised light
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Updated Nov. 17th - link to Olympus Bioscapes 2008 winners.
Updated Nov 21st. Film award to Rubén Duro for a microscopy film.
Micscape Contacts Micscape submission guidelines .
Birefringent organic crystals. Butterflies on glass - Ray Dessy (USA) presents an overview of birefringency in crystals and illlustrates the effects that different crystallisation conditions have on the chemical 1,10-phenanthroline. Martin Burgess (“MB”), 1842-1891, Victorian naturalist and slide mounter - Brian Stevenson (USA) illustrates the value of family tree and ancestry records to learn about slide mounters. A key to the genera of rotifer Bdelloidea. Part 3 - Walter Dioni (Mexico) completes his three part series and discusses methods for collecting, isolating and studying these organisms. (The author has shared the original French version on the Microscopies website.) A close-up view of ornamental gourds - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the features of this attractive plant. Mud from Miletus - Richard Howey (USA) shares an illustrated essay describing the fauna found in a mud sample from Turkey. A close-up view of a 'spider flower' - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the attractive features of this plant in the Protea family on the macro and microscopic scale. Notes on studying and photographing prepared slides of larger subjects on a stereo microscope - David Walker (UK) explores the potential benefits of using a stereo rather than compound for such subjects; including polar studies.