(ISSN 1365 - 070x)

Exploring the miniature world

Issue 91: May 2003.
Next update June 13th.

The image above by Wim van Egmond, shows a colony of the free-swimming Dinobryon, a freshwater protist.

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Issue 91 - May 2003 : Articles this month
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Dave Walker
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Maurice Smith

Looking back - Prehnite by M F Heddle - Gregor Overney (USA) describes and illustrates this attractive thin rock section slide prepared by a famous mineralogist / geologist.

Some inconspicuous free swimming branching colonies of bi-flagellated freshwater protists - Wim van Egmond (Netherlands) describes and illustrates some intriguing but less well known organisms found in a pond.

Some common garden seeds - Chris Thomas (UK) shows an attractive gallery of seeds; an often overlooked but fascinating subject for the microscope.

An interesting light source for microscopes - David Bull (UK) describes how a very cheap but powerful LED torch available in shops can form the basis of a useful microscope lamp.

Digital photomicrography: A brief beginner's guide by a beginner - Richard Howey (USA) shares an extensively illustrated overview of the use of a consumer digital camera and image processing software for photomicrography.

Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. Mounting microscopic subjects. Part 3c - Gum arabic media - Walter Dioni (Mexico) assesses gum arabic based based mountants that can be safely prepared and used by the amateur. 

Image gallery: Crystals between crossed polars and under darkfield - Ian Walker (UK) presents an attractive gallery of prepared slides of crystals.

Notes on using a reversed SLR standard lens on a Sony S-75 digicam to extend the macro - a widely used technique in film photography is also very versatile on suitable digicams. Dave Walker (UK) shares his experiences with one such digicam.

Note on the author e-mail contacts: An alternative more widely compatible method of protecting author's e-mails from spam is now being used.

We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your interests.
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Microscopy meeting announcements (UK):
The Frank Rowntree meeting held by the Leeds Microscopical Society will take place on Sat. 7th June 2003 in Morley nr. Leeds, UK. The venue is the same as for the last few years. Interested persons should send a sae to Mike Smith below or contact him by e-mail. His postal address is 10 Moor Allerton Crescent, Moortown, Leeds LS17 6SH.
Email: mikesmith_ls176sh@yahoo.co.uk
(Editor's note: Information kindly supplied by Mike Smith.)
Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995
  Copyright ©1995 - 2003, Microscopy-UK and Onview.net Ltd. Articles and material are copyright of our contributors. All rights reserved.  Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.