MICSCAPE Exploring the miniature world Issue 137: March 2007.
left: Crocuses in bloom photographed by Ian Walker. |
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Neophyte emergence - Charles Suslavage (USA) shares his enthusiasm for amateur microscopy as a hobby. Gastropods shells in 3D - anaglyphs of selected freshwater gastropods - Robert Sturm (Austria) describes and illustrates attractive examples of these molluscs. Luxeon K2 LED - Howard Webb (USA) shows how he modified his Bausch and Lomb microscope to accept LED lighting; illustrated with examples of pond life organisms and video clips. Winter colours from West Yorkshire - Ian Walker (UK) shares a selection of handheld high ISO images of early spring flowers in bloom using low depth of focus for effect and winter scenes. A close-up view of the Gerbera daisy - Brian Johnston (Canada) presents attractive images of the macroscopic and microscopic features of this flower. Whimsies - Richard Howey (USA) takes an imaginative look at some fascinating subjects from the macro and micro world. The impressive Bausch and Lomb research microscope DDE - Manuel del Cerro (USA) discusses and illustrates the features of this intriguing flagship microscope introduced in 1929. A trip into the past: part 3 - Richard Howey (USA) takes a further affectionate look at the quirks of some 19th century American natural history magazines. Making special tools - Robert Pavlis (USA) describes how expensive tools can often be made using common items, in this case the tool to centre the Leitz phase condenser was made from a key to wind up mechanical clocks. Making your own paraffin sections @ home (part 3) - Yvan Lindekens (Belgium) continues his series by discussing the types and use of various non-rotary microtome models. Added March 13th. A gallery of beta-naphthyl acetate photomicrographs (using a variety of illumination techniques) - Brian Johnston (Canada) shares striking images of this chemical. Restoring an American Optical Cycloptic stereo microscope - Ian MacGregor (Canada) describes and illustrates his ingenious methods of restoring both mechanically and cosmetically an example of this microscope in poor condition. Topical tip: the versatile 'light panel' - the new slim line light box for viewing 35 mm slides has a variety of uses; a selection are compiled by David Walker (UK).