MICSCAPE Exploring the miniature world
July 2011.
Image left: stained example of a myxomycete by Manuel del Cerro and Dietmar R. Krause. |
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Through the looking glass. (With apologies to Lewis Carroll) - Michael Race (Australia) reviews the appeal of using a mirror for microscopy with daylight or artificial lighting. The great age of the Taschenmikroskop, part 1 - R Jordan Kreindler (USA) and Yuval Goren (Israel) presents an illustrated essay on selected designs of pocket microscopes with a modern assessment of their use. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) Sony NEX and Panasonic GF2 [G Series] digital cameras. 'Giving life to old and new manual lenses'. With notes on lens adapters and macro close up lenses - the short sensor to lens mount flange distance of these modern cameras allows a wide variety of makers' lenses / mounts to be used; Ian Walker (UK) explores the potential. A close-up view of a flowering begonia - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and microscopic features of this plant. Philosophical instruments in the early Victorian years: The 1840 Edward Palmer Catalogue of Microscopes and other Equipment and Supplies - Brian Stevenson (USA) discusses and illustrates aspects of Edward Palmer's catalogue which is one of the earliest published that is accessible. (In Acrobat® pdf format.) The poor man's photomacroscope. Part 8 - wrestling with nature's tremblings - Paul James (UK) discusses potential problems with the camera vibration of mirrorless cameras and offers solutions, with particular reference to a Sony NEX camera. The inner epidermis of the onion bulb’s cataphylls (the onion skin). Fixing with acetic acid - Walter Dioni (Mexico) continues his series on this popular subject and how it can be used to explore different preparation and staining techniques. Some ramblings on micro-technique. Part 1: Spring ponds and ditches - Richard Howey (USA) presents an illustrated essay providing practical advice on this popular aspect of the microscopy hobby. A close-up view of a hybrid stonecrop - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and micro features of this attractive plant. Forays into fluorescence - 6. Trials of studying autofluorescence with a stereo microscope using blue or near UV LED excitation - David Walker (UK) assesses a simple DIY set-up to explore various potential subjects.
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