(ISSN 1365 - 070x)

Exploring the miniature world

Issue 86: December 2002.
Next update January 13th.

Image above by Walter Dioni: The rotifer Monostyla lunaris fixed and mounted in 'GALA',
a safe and accessible homemade reagent for the amateur microscopist. 

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Thank you for your support over the past year.

Issue 86 - December 2002 : Articles this month
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Pond life ID kit
Micropolitan Museum
Microscopy Primer

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Micscape Editor:
Dave Walker
Comments on Micscape and
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parent site coordinator:
Maurice Smith

Introducing CombineZ3 - Alan Hadley (UK) provides an overview of the free software he has written to combine sequential microscope images to improve depth of focus (now in version 3.0). Illustrated with some examples.

Image gallery: Botanical drawing - Christina Brodie (UK), a botanical artist, presents some of her excellent work in this image gallery of macro and microscopic subjects.

Safe microscopic techniques for amateurs. I: Mounting microscopic subjects - Part 1: Introduction - liquid media. Amateurs face increasing difficulty when obtaining reagents; Walter Dioni (Mexico) offers practical advice and protocols on using reagents available to the enthusiast. 

Statoliths - Jean-Marie Cavanihac (France) describes and illustrates these intriguing microscopic features which are used for balance and orientation in a remarkably wide range of organisms, including man.

Roll your own microscope - Gordon Couger (USA) describes an ingenious ongoing project to make a video macroscope for multi-spectral imaging applications.

Circular oblique lighting Part I - Paul James (UK) shows how to create this interesting variation on lighting which has benefits for some subjects.

Who's in charge here? - In Richard Howey's (USA) essay this month he explores how very 'simple' organisms can produce complex structures and exhibit complicated behaviour; sea urchins and some protozoa are used as examples.

Looking back - Campylodiscus by C M Topping - Gregor Overney (USA) describes and shares images of an attractive Victorian papered diatom slide made by one of the most famous slide mounters.

'The Life of the Pond': Required reading in microscopy - Guido Santacana (Puerto Rico) shares his enthusiasm for a classic book written by William Amos in the 1960's.

Image gallery: The Spencer travelling microscope - Bill Ells and Bill Boorn (UK) show an interesting microscope made by this famous American microscope maker.

Image gallery: A walk in the fog with a Coolpix 4500 camera - Ian Walker (UK) presents some attractive images taken on a foggy morning in the north of England countryside.

Contacting authors: If any reader has problems contacting authors using the site's new e-mail script, please check the E-mail FAQ.
We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your interests.
Micscape Article Library
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Contributor index  (a list of all Micscape contributors to date)
News - special notices - misc.
Diatom Database on CD-ROM. Klaus Kemp, well known for his superb prepared microscope slides of diatoms and butterfly scales, has completed after four years work an impressive and very extensive diatom database. Visit his web site www.diatoms.co.uk (follow the 'New' logo) to learn more about this very significant new resource for diatom identification.

'Mac OS' software for the Intel Play QX3® computer microscope. The popular QX3 digital microscope can be used on the Mac using the third party software 'Microscope 1.0' which Eric Hangstefer has written. Visit his home page to learn more and download the free software.

'A catalogue of portable microscopes' on CD-ROM compiled by Mike Dingley is now available from the author. Click here for details and how to order. Mike has a special interest in portable microscopes and has created this CD as a valuable resource.

Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995
  Copyright ©1995 - 2002, Microscopy-UK and Onview.net Ltd. Articles and material are copyright of our contributors.
Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.