Using 3D Modelling To Assist Microscopy Study
by Mol Smith 2010
Please Donate to our Appeal to Fund the Creation of 3D Models for Microscopic Entities!
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  Intro  Wasp  Fly  Grass Hopper  Bacteria1  Bacteria2  Downloads
  To download high res avi files select from here::        Wasp  Fly1 Fly2  Grass Hopper  Bacteria1 Bacteria2  All - please see licence terms here)  Models

Motile Bacteria
Motile Bacteria
move through the action of long strands of protein called Flagella. Each Flagellum is comprised of identical spherical sub units acting similarly to actin in muscle. They are arranged in helical spirals to form a hollow cylinder. The Flagellum is rigid, but formed in a wave-like shape. Their action is unique, because their base rotates on ring-shaped 'bearings' which form a corkscrew-like action to propel the bacterium along. Most other flagella, like those in Protozoa, perform a completely different action whereby they 'beat' or fluctuate in flexible strands to provide motility to the entity. This model is not capable of animating the flagellum by rotation, but a fair simulation can be enabled by careful manipulation thus...

In the coming months, I will produce further articles using 3D modelling techniques to support many of the articles on Micscape which make use of light microscopy. I will also build up a list of where appropriate 3D models can be licensed from, should you wish to apply 3D modelling to your teaching resources. If anyone out there knows of a budding skilled 3d model creator who is looking to earn some money and acclaim for his/her work, and that person is interested in creating models of microscopic entities like rotifer, stentor, volvox, paramecium etc., you should ask them to contact me, mol smith, to negotiate a financial arrangement to create these models.

The next page offers downloads of higher resolution movies for the models discussed and links to where these models can be licensed from:

Anyone interested in learning more about Bacteria can use the links below to further their study.
Further information about bacteria:    wiki    Mic-UK article by Wim van Egmond

Comments to the author
Mol Smith are welcomed.

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Published in Jan 2010 Micscape Magazine.
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