Using 3D Modelling To Assist Microscopy Study
by Mol Smith 2010
Please Donate to our Appeal to Fund the Creation of 3D Models for Microscopic Entities!
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  Intro  Wasp  Fly  Grass Hopper  Bacteria1  Bacteria2  Downloads
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The Grass Hopper
I really think the model creator didn't do a very good job on this one, so I will just gloss over it. The model has very little detail and although legs, wings, head, antenna, can be animated, I think little detail has been paid to the mouth parts and the processes this insect uses to communicate. Anyway, here's a quick animation of the Grass Hopper jumping followed by a static render of the model.

And the model rendered...

Anyone interested in learning more about the Grass Hopper can use the links below to further their study, but I wish to move on to the use of other 3D models and their current state of usefulness. So let's take a look at the some of things which are much, much smaller than these macro sized insects -
Further information about Grass Hoppers:    wiki    Sound Production

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Mol Smith are welcomed.

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Published in Jan 2010 Micscape Magazine.
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