Using 3D Modelling To Assist Microscopy Study
by Mol Smith 2010
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  Intro  Wasp  Fly  Grass Hopper  Bacteria1  Bacteria2  Downloads
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The Wasp
This model is quite good but better realism could be achieved. For example, it could have a detailed mouth which opens and a stinging mechanism, both of which are sadly missing here.

However, it is accurate enough to convey quite a lot of information at a beginner level, thus...

The Wasp Colouration

This model has a number of interesting textures which, when applied, help to distinguish and identify several common species.

Bald-Face Hornet

Oriental Hornet

Parasitic Wasp

Yellow Jacket

Getting To Know About Wasps
Since we are here discussing wasps, it is worth making this article more useful by putting some actual tutorial information in about this successful and wide-spread insect. They belong to the ORDER Hymenoptera, which contains 91 families and 198,000 species - a pretty successful life-form! Most, but not all members of this group, have 2 pairs of wings, and the main ORDER can be divided into those that belong to the SYMPHYTA (no waist), and those that belong to the APOCRITA (narrow waist). The wasps and Ants therefore belong to the latter.

Among the insects belonging to APOCRITA, the first abdominal segment of the Thorax (usually composed of three segments) becomes fused with the Thorax and is known as the
propodeum. The wasp waist then is between the first two abdominal sections and not between the Abdomen and the the Thorax. The wasp sting is a transformation of the female ovipositor (egg-laying organ) and this therefore determines that only female wasps can sting. Wasps can be further categorised as belonging to social groups or they are instead - solitary. Social Wasps, like Bees and Ants, have queens and workers co-operating to protect and care for the brood. The queen always starts a new nest herself, caring for the first batch of workers until they can take care of her and further off-spring.

Anyone interested in learning more about Wasps can use the links below to further their study, but I wish to move on to the use of other 3D models and their current state of usefulness. So let's take a look at the

Further information about Wasps: sting   wiki    BWARS recording society

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Mol Smith are welcomed.

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Published in Jan 2010 Micscape Magazine.
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