Using 3D Modelling To Assist Microscopy Study
by Mol Smith 2010
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The Fly
I think This model is much better than the wasp. Again, it lacks complete sophistication of fine details, especially the mouth parts which is rudimentary. But the body hairs are quite clever.

So let's use it to identify the important parts of a common house fly. Not quite certain if those wing-things on the feet really exist, though, as I have never seen on them on a house-fly. I will ignore them for now...

The House Fly

The house fly , ORDER: Diptera. Family: Muscidae. Species Number: 3,500
Probably about 6 to 9 common species world-wild which breeds in houses.

Getting To Know About The House Fly
These seem to be on the decrease in our homes in the UK, and Blue Bottles seem almost non-existent. The fly does spread a number of infectious diseases due to their bad habits or mopping up food from decaying matter and animal fæces. This is unfortunate because their flying agility has yet to be beaten by anything humans can make. The fly actually mates on the wing, as it were, and anyone who tries to swat one will quickly attest to their remarkably swift reflexes. I suspect many of their Bristles and Hairs are finely tuned air speed sensors, which probably not only help in flight but also detect the scoop of air heading towards them just ahead of a swatting hand! I would also appear that the common fly has little or no nerves in its feet to sense heat or pain. One well-known experiment introduced sulphuric acid to a food substance and the poor old fly, settled down to suck up the food while its feet melted away!

When observing the House Fly, the action of their halteres (like tiny dumbbells either side of the thorax) is a fascinating sight. These de-evolved (or should it be 'evolved' alternate set of wings act as stabilisers assisting in their flight. Sadly, the creator of this 3D model, failed to 'rig' the halteres, so they cannot be animated. A really big error really. But what about that sucking mouth? Can it demonstrate effectively, the 'mopping' up action of the fly's mouth parts. Let's take a look...

Not bad, I think.

Anyone interested in learning more about the House Fly can use the links below to further their study, but I wish to move on to the use of other 3D models and their current state of usefulness. So let's take a look at the

Further information about The Fly: halteres   wiki    Blow Fly

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Mol Smith are welcomed.

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Published in Jan 2010 Micscape Magazine.
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