Links to sites

Sites of interest for the Amateur Diatomist.

Should you have any links that you think appropriate to appear in this list, or, if you find a broken link please let us know.
Links will open in a new browser window.

Update April 5th 2022. Where a link below is now unavailable in 2022, a site capture on the site is offered.

Klaus D. Kemp - Microlife Services

Klaus is THE diatom mounter of our times. He specialises in arranged mounts, picking and placing individual valves into a mind-boggling array of forms and patterns. He is also custodian of many of the collections of amateur diatomists of yesteryear and as such, if it has been sampled he can probably supply a selected type slide or a strew. He also combines butterfly scales and diatoms to produce the most delightful microscopical scenes and objects - so nearly a lost Victorian art. All at the most reasonable prices. Check out his list of locations.

Bill Krause - Savona Books

Bill specialises in the literature of the Microscope and related subjects. His site often contains items related to the Diatomaceae and is worth checking periodically as he updates the site at fairly regular intervals. As a result of increased printing and postal charges he no longer produces a printed catalogue but the web site is gradually being updated to include his entire stock.
As at 22nd February 2013 we note the following as being available:

Lebour.M.V. - Planktonic Diatoms of Northern Seas. 1930.Ray Soc.£30
Taylor.F.B. - Notes on Diatoms. 1929.boards a little rubbed.£20
Barber & Haworth - Guide to Morphology of The Diatom Frustule.1981 PB.£5
Dr. H. VAN HEURCK. - Synopsis des Diatomees de Belgique. 1885.Text Vol. only.Half leather. Spine faded & damaged .£50

Leszek Wolnik - Diatoms Ireland

Leszek created this site in 2010 since which time it has grown from strength to strength with a great deal of useful information extending well beyond Ireland and it's Diatom flora. Well worth consulting by both amateur and professional. More information 'than you can shake a stick at!'

Prof. Bill Dailey - ZRAX

Bill is the manufacturer and formulator of the high-refractive index mountant ZRAX. As well as his chemical operations he also supplies a number of beautifully cleaned diatom samples on which you can practice your mounting techniques before venturing into the chemistry of cleaning. Note: ZRAX is available in the UK from Klaus Kemp (see above)

Leszek Wolnik & Charles Suslavage. Update April 5th 2022. No longer available.

A site with very similar content to the Diatoms Ireland site above. There are some very nice diatom images here by Charles Suslavage. Well worth a look.

A Cabinet of Curiosities

A really nice site dedicated to the art of the microscope slide. Beautiful photographs and plenty of information on Victorian mounters together with examples of their slides.

The Quekett Microscopical Club

The leading organisation for all who are interested in the microscope and microscopy. They have an international membership, with both amateur and professional microscopists who freely share their knowledge with beginners and new members. The Club is a registered charity and ‘learned society’ – their stated aims are to promote the understanding and use of all aspects of the microscope.

The Postal Microscopical Society

The Postal Microscopical Society was established in 1873, with its primary aim the circulation of boxes of microscope slides and notes to the members. This is still the aim today when, after fluctuating fortunes over the years, a membership of around 350 contributes to a lively and friendly society.

Manchester Microscopical & Natural History Society

The Society was founded over 130 years ago to provide for the pursuits of those interested in microscopy and natural history. Today it has around 200 members and provides regular meetings where talks are given by amateurs or professionals and members can provide exhibits, exchange gossip, just keep in touch, use the library or buy small goods.

Leeds Microscopical Society

Leeds Microscopical Society is a friendly group of amateurs and professionals who meet twice a month on Thursday evenings. They have lectures, practical sessions and slide shows on all aspects of microscopy. They are particularly keen to attract beginners and others who wish to know how to get the best from their microscopes, and to help them explore the normally unseen world that lies all around us.

Micscape Magazine

This site is one of the phenomenon of online microscopy. It attracts an audience of 4 million people annually. Articles on diatoms and related matter feature frequently in their monthly updates.

Historical Makers of Microscopes and Microscope Slides

Brian Stevenson's passion for the historical aspects of little researched slide mounters has resulted in this web site. Copious detail and images bring the mounters of yesteryear back to life.

Stuart R. Stidolph Diatom Atlas

The "Stuart R. Stidolph Diatom Atlas" contains images of modern diatom taxa photographed and identified by Stuart R. Stidolph by the means of light microscopy. The diatom species examined originated from marine and littoral habitats within tropical to subtropical climates, and include specimens collected from the Azores, Singapore, Australia, Java [Indonesia], Hong Kong, New Hebrides [Vanuatu], Bay of Campeche [Mexico], Cape Verde Islands, Samoa, the Philippines, and the Galapagos Islands. The atlas is a significant resource to diatomists because many of the images presented here have never before been published, and the geographic locations investigated have limited photographic records of diatom flora. The goals of the atlas as presented here are to provide access to this exceptional resource to aid diatomists around the globe in researching the taxonomy, distribution, and ecological significance of this important group of algae.

From April 2022 hosted on the Microscopy-UK website with the permission of The Amateur Diatomist webmaster Steve Gill.