Exchanges of material, slides and equipment.
This page is, as the title suggests, for the exchange of material, slides and equipment, between like-minded individuals or groups. Exchanges should be fair and equitable. Any dealings are between the individuals concerned and the editors of this site cannot be held responsible for any agreements made or broken.
Simply send in your exchange proposal and we will add it to the web site if we deem it appropriate. Your email address will be converted into an image. It would be reasonable to include your location (but not your address). When the exchange is no longer available the initiator should let us know so that we may remove the exchange offer from the site.
Oamaru Samples wanted (cleaned or uncleaned) I am a photographer and I like taking pictures of diatoms with my Zeiss AxioScope.A1. I am searching for some Oamaru samples to buy or exchange? Please email me with your offers and I'll let you know what material I've got for exchange.
Diatom Resource DVDs offered in exchange for fossil diatomite (cleaned or uncleaned) or good strew slides of the same. The Diatom Resource DVDs contain the following documents:
Provenance Abbreviations
Susswasser-Diatomaceen (Dr. L. Rabenhorst) [1853]
Observations on the Diatomaceous Deposits of Mull (William Gregory) [1854]
Bed of the Atlantic (William Chimmo) [1870]
On Some New and Little Known Diatoms (P. T. Cleve) [1881]
Diatoms collected during the expedition of The Vega (P. T. Cleve) [1883]
Synopsis des Diatomees de Belgique (Texte) (Dr. Henri Van Heurck) [1885]
Report on the Diatomaceae collected by HMS Challenger (Castracani) [1886]
Les Diatomees I (Dr. J. Pelletan) [1888]
Les Diatomees II (Dr. J. Pelletan) [1889]
Diatomaceae of North America (Rev. Francis Wolle) [1890]
Les Diatomees D’Auvergne (Le Frere Heribaud Joseph) [1893]
Synopsis of the Naviculoid Diatoms (P. T. Cleve) [1894]
A Treatise on the Diatomaceae (Dr. Henri Van Heurck, trans. W. E. Baxter) [1896]
Untersuchungen uber Bau, Kernteilung und Bewegung der Diatomeen (Robert Lauterborn) [1896]
Fossilen Bacillarien Ungrans (Pantocsek) [1903]
Expedition Antartique Francaise 1903-1905 - Lichens & Diatomacees (Hue et Petit)
Deuxieme Expedition Antartique Francaise 1908-1910 (Maurice Peragallo)
Susswasser Diatomeen Deutschlands (Friedrich Hustedt) [1909]
Diatoms from the S. Y. Belgica (Henri van Heurck) [1909]
Dansk Diatomeer (Ernst Ostrup) [1910)
Diatomaceae ex Insulis Danicis Indiae Occidentalis (Ernst Ostrup) [1913]
Die Susswasswer-Flora - Germany, Austria and Switzerland Heft. 9. (Prof. Dr. A. Pascher) [1913]
Die Susswasswer-Flora - Germany, Austria and Switzerland Heft. 14. (Prof. Dr. A. Pascher) [1914]
Diatomees du Monde Entier - Texte (Tempere et Peragallo) [1915]
The Diatomaceae of Philadelphia and vicinity (Charles S. Boyer) [1916]
Les Diatomees des Travertins D’Auvergne (Le Frere Heribaud Joseph) [1920]
Guide to Common Diatoms at Water Pollution Surveillance Stations [1966]
Les Diatomees Marines de France (H. et. M. Peragallo)
Album General des Cryptograms I
A Diatom Notebook
The Light Microscopists Diatom Glossary
Beitrage zur Naheren Kenntniss und Verbreitung der Algen (Dr. L. Rabenhorst) [1865]
Plates of Diatomees Marines de France (MM. H. et M. Peragallo.)
Diatomees Fossiles du Japon par Jacq. Brun et J. Tempere [1889]
Diatoms from the West Indian Archipelago by P. T. Cleve [1878]
Atlas der Diatomaceenkunde (A. Schmidt's Diatom Atlas) - 1st 268 plates (Indexed)
Die Deutschen Diatomeen des Susswassers und des Brackwassers Von Hilmar von Schonfeldt [1907]
Synopsis Diatomearum (Kutzing) [1834]
Diatomees Marines de la Cote Occidentale d'Afrique (Georges Leuduger-Fortmorel) [1898]
Die Diatomaceen der Polycystinenkreide von Jeremie in Hayti [1888]
The Natural History of the British Diatomaceae (Arthur Scott Donkin)
Notes on New Species of Microscopical Organisms (J. W. Bailey, M.D.)
The Diatomaceae of Weston-super-Mare (Charles Pooley) [1863]
Record of the Diatomaceae found in Menai Straits and S. E. Peninsular of the Isle of Anglesey (Collector Unknown) [circa 1900]
List of the British Diatomaceae in the collection of the British Museum (The Rev. W. Smith F.L.S. &c.;) [1859]
On New Forms of Marine Diatomaceae found in the Firth of Clyde and in Loch Fine (William Gregory M.D., F.R.S.E.) [1857]
Kammern und Poren in der Zellwand der Bacillariaceen (Otto Müller)
On a Fossil Marine Diatomaceous Deposit from Atlantic City, N.J. (C. Henry Kain and E. A. Schultze) [1889]
A FERTÕ TÓ KOVAMOSZAT VIRÁNYA (Bacillariae Lacus Peisonis) (Dr. József Pantocsek) [1912]
Diatomaceae found in the neighborhood of Brookville, Indiana, 1885 being a list extracted from MICROSCOPICAL NOTES (E. G. Grahn, M. D.)
A Check-list of British Diatoms
Diatomaceae on Magic Lantern Slides
Diatomeas de Asturias (Don Alfredo Truan Y Luard) [1884]
Checklist of Recent Diatom Species of the Central United States (2002)
DiatCode Checklist
Practical Directions for Collecting, Preserving, Transporting, Preparing and Mounting Diatoms [1877]
Report on the Irish Diatomaceae (Rev. Eugene O'Meara, M.D.) [1875]
A Synopsis of the British Diatomaceae (Rev. William Smith) [1853]
Conversion Tables for Diatomists
The Photomicrographs of Thomas Castle
The Technique of Systematical Microscopical Preparations (Ernesto Caballero y Bellido) [1925]
THE ALGA-FLORA of YORKSHIRE (W. West and G. S. West) [1901]
Northampton Diatoms from the collection and slides of Paul Chapman
From April 2022 hosted on the Microscopy-UK website with the permission of The Amateur Diatomist webmaster Steve Gill.