About The Amateur Diatomist

Little Imp Publications
About The Amateur Diatomist.

Update April 5th 2022: This resource is now hosted on Microscopy-UK with thanks to Steve Gill who ably created and administered the resource on its former server.
It is no longer updated but all original resources are offered. If there's any queries on functionality please contact David Walker email, micscape AT ntlworld DOT com. Any queries on the content of the resource can be forwarded to Steve.
Please note Steve's original remark: "Copyright of all articles is vested in the respective authors. Please do not abuse this."

The content of this site is very much dependent upon the small army of Amateur Diatomists around the globe. Whether your interest is in fossil or recent material, methods or history then please consider metaphorically putting pen to paper and provide us with an article. The content was always and probably will continue to be an eclectic mix. If it has a bearing on diatoms then we will probably include it.

The great advantage of the web over printed media is that there is no limit to the size of article nor the number of illustrations and photographs. The disadvantage is that you can't add it to the convenient library in your bathroom. For this latter reason we recommend the addition of substantial amounts of roughage to your diet, thus enabling you to get back to the computer without undue delay.

The site is unapologetically simple and easy to navigate (we are not clever enough to make it 'whizzy') so finding what you are looking for should be easy. The Archive Index should provide you with sufficient information to locate the article you are after.

The printed volumes and parts of the Amateur Diatomist are available as PDFs as are the archived online volumes and numbers and will open in a new browser window.

Historical Articles, Letters and Exchanges should be sent to: contact no longer active

Mounting Related Articles should be sent to: contact no longer active

Collecting and Cleaning Articles should be sent to: contact no longer active

Articles on Microscopes and Microscopy should be sent to : contact no longer active

All emails should include the words Amateur Diatomist in the subject line.

Copyright of all articles is vested in the respective authors. Please do not abuse this.

From April 2022 hosted on the Microscopy-UK website with the permission of The Amateur Diatomist webmaster Steve Gill.