(ISSN 1365 - 070x)

Exploring the miniature world

Issue 181: November 2010.
Next update December 13th.

    Includes special photomacrography feature by course students at the Rochester Institute of Technology, USA. Organised by course instructor Ted Kinsman. 


Image left: Flowers of a hybrid Cymbidium orchid, by Brian Johnston.
(Image resized for index.)


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About Micscape

Issue 181 - November 2010 : Articles this month

Micscape Contacts
Micscape Editor:
David Walker
Comments on Micscape and
contributions welcomed.

Micscape submission guidelines .

parent site coordinator:
Maurice Smith

Renovating Zeiss Pol objectives
- Greg McHone (Canada) shares an illustrated practical guide to servicing these objectives.

Resolving low contrast microstructure using transmitted and reflected circular oblique illumination (COL) - Ted Clarke (USA) discusses the use and versatility of this technique.

A wonderful gift for Christmas? - Bill Resch (USA) compares the performance of a toy microscope and used student microscope for the same price of $20, showing how superior a good value used microscope can be.

John W. Watson (1830 – 1919) and Thomas H.W. Sharpe (1842 – ca. 1903) - Brian Stevenson (USA) presents an illustrated essay on these suppliers of slides and their work.

A close-up view of a hybrid Cymbidium orchid - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and microscopic features of this striking plant.

The poor man's photomacroscope. The implementation of lighting etc. (part 3) - Paul James (UK) completes the three part series on his ingenious design for a building a competent macroscope from old materials. LED based transmitted and incident lighting designs are discussed with examples of digital imagery.

Clear and colourless gems - Richard Pavlis (USA) describes some examples of natural and manmade gems and how they can be studied under the stereo microscope.

John Nokes Furze, 1817 - 1859 - Brian Stevenson (USA) presents an illustrated essay on this slide collector who distinctively labelled those he owned.

Monster formation - Richard Howey (USA) describes some variants in the world of micro-organisms.

A close-up view of the wildflower 'heal-all' - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates this plant's interesting features on the macro and microscopic scale.


November 2010 articles written by students for
the 'Principles and Applications of Photomacrography' course
offered in the
Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program
at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
, NY State, USA.

Micscape Acknowledgements: Many thanks to all the students over the years for sharing their enthusiasm and skills on such a wonderful variety of topics. Writing an article for Micscape initially formed part of their course as an assignment, which was a neat idea originally proposed by Ted Kinsman the course instructor 2004, 2006 and this year 2010, to which we readily agreed! Thanks to Ted for all the work behind the scenes to make this happen so many years ago. Also thanks to Michael Peres, the dept. head (and course instructor 2009) for his introduction and for maintaining the department's generous collaboration over the years. 

BPC Program Overview by Professor Michael Peres, department head. Visit Professor Peres' website

Hydrozoas by Kristi Bretz American green tree frog (Hyla cinerea) by Shannon Lowes
Carnivorous plants by Carol Chan

Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) by Colleen Manley

The beetle of our lady by Nicole Clifford

Photographing Phaseolus vulgaris (Yellow Wax Beans) by Casey Murphy

Biological heart valve replacements by Kaitlin Corbin

The sea star by Taylor Pannell
Scorpion by Teresa DeForge

Anatomy of a heart by Nina Reznik

Bombus impatiens (Bumblebee worker) by Julie Ducharme

Streptococcus by Dina Yang

Grammostola rosea (Chilean rose tarantula) by Sasha Escobar


Click below to view previous RIT student articles

November 2009

In Focus:

Olympus Bioscapes 2010 The winners and honorable mentions have been announced and can be viewed on the Olympus website. Congratulations to those who received a placing.

Personal websites by and for microscopy enthusiasts.

Added Dec. 10th: New 'Microbe Hunter' magazine in Acrobat® pdf format, first issue available.
Oliver Kim on the '
Microbe Hunter
' website has started a splendid new venture to produce a standalone, downloadable magazine by and for microscopy enthusiasts. The first 36 page issue is now available and is superbly presented with a lively, interesting variety of articles. Please give this new venture the full support it deserves and which is inviting contributors.

'Diatoms Ireland' (www.diatomsireland.com) - A valuable and attractive resource for those interested in the diatoms of Ireland and associated topics. Created and maintained by Leszek Wolnik.

'Historical Makers of Microscopes and Microscope slides' (microscopist.net) - Brian Stevenson's extensive resource, includes many of the articles he has generously shared on Micscape.

'A Cabinet of Curiosities' 'A Selection of Antique Microscope Slides from the Victorian Era c. 1830s ~ 1890s' (www.victorianmicroscopeslides.com) - Howard Lynk's beautifully presented resource.


    We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us , to see how we can help share your interests. Submission guidelines .

Micscape Archive
Look for that elusive article on our site:
Micscape Magazine past issues online
(read articles online using the original illustrated index for each month).
Article Library (browse articles by category)
Automated Search (a search engine for keyword searches in all articles)
Contributor index (a list of all Micscape contributors to date)
News - special notices - misc.


External links. Below are some of our favourites, which includes sites with extensive links and/or resources for the optical microscopy enthusiast.

External Microscopy forums:
Places to discuss the hobby or to raise queries.

www.amateurmicrography.net forums, galleries, articles on macroscopy and photomicrography.

www.quekett.net/forum/index.php forum for both Quekett Microscopical Club members and other enthusiasts.


Yahoo groups: a ' P' denotes current and archived messages are public i.e. not limited to members.
'Amateur Microscopy ' P (started November2008)
' Microscope 'P (>1500 members, very active)
' Microscopes '
'Microscopehobby' P (started Apr 2005)
'RealMicroscopy' P
(started Sep 2005)
Óptica Roma foro Microscopía' for Spanish speakers
' Wild M20 microscope '
' Nikon Coolpix photomicro and macrophoto '
' microcosmo ' ( for Italian speaking enthusiasts)
' CombineZ ' P stacking software forum created by the software's author

Mikroskopie-Treff.de (Extensive German microscopy forum; some English categories.)
Mikrobiologische Vereinigung München e. V. W ide range of articles and resources in German.
Le Naturaliste French based forum and image gallery for micro / macro but open to non French speaking international contributors.

Other sites
Beyond Magazine science, microscopy for youngsters
Clubs / Socs (Pro/Am) Mic-UK links page
Light Microscopy Forum links and articles
Little Imp Publications public domain books on CD, subscribe to 'The Amateur Diatomist' paper magazine. (Hosted by Savona Books).
Mikroskop Museum German website with resources on microscopes / makers .

Molecular Expressions awesome optical microscopy resources
Dennis Kunkel's SEM images stunning images
Diatoms Ireland - resource site by Leszek Wolnik
Leitz museum an illustrated resource compiled by Robert Allen

Microbe hunter an attractive microscopy enthusiast resource by Oliver Kim
Microscopies online magazine and Forum for French speakers
Micrographia articles, projects for the enthusiast
Microscopy Today
paper journal with online archive
Modern Microscopy
online journal by McCrone Group
Fun Science Gallery projects, articles on optics
G. Couger's microscopy links extensive links
Society for Amateur Scientists resources and support
A Cabinet of Curiosities a resource on Victorian microscope slides by Howard Lynk
www.viewsfromscience.com projects e.g. chilled stage for crystal growth studies and LED fluorescence
'Diatoms Ireland' resource by Leszek Wolnik
'A Cabinet of Curiosities' Brian Stevenson's extensive resource on Victorian slide makers

Web rings
Lightscapes polarised light macroscopy/microscopy, both artistic and scientific.

Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995
Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.
© Onview.net Ltd, Microscopy-UK, and all contributors 1995 onwards. All rights reserved. Main site is at www.microscopy-uk.org.uk