Stentor, probably S. muelleri photographed by Walter Dioni, who presents a valuable guide to identifying stentor in this issue.

(ISSN 1365 - 070x)

Exploring the miniature world

Issue 109: November 2004.
Next update Dec. 13th.


Includes special photomacrography feature by course students at the Rochester Institute of Technology, NY state, US. Organised by course instructor Ted Kinsman.


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An annotated key for species of the family Stentoridae and two related families. A tour through the taxonomic maze. - Walter Dioni (Mexico) presents a detailed overview of the taxonomy of these protozoan groups and includes guidelines on how to best study them. The key is designed to help the enthusiast identify the twenty one currently recognized species of stentor.

Carl Zeiss Axiostar binocular microscope. A personal review. - Ian Walker (UK) shares his thoughts on this modern microscope which is becoming available secondhand from dealers and eBay.

An insect garden in New Mexico 3 - David Richman (USA) concludes his series by describing and illustrating the non-insect arthropod fauna which he has found in his wildlife friendly garden.

A gallery of testosterone photomicrographs using polarized light illumination - Brian Johnston (Canada) shares a striking selection of images of this chemical with tips for preparing chemical slides for polarised light study.

Polyvinylalcohol with glycerol - Howard Webb (USA) offers practical advice on preparing this versatile reagent described recently by Walter Dioni. The preparation procedure is important as the ingredients are the same as those to make 'slime balls'.

Special feature: Articles written by students on the 'Principles and applications of photomacrography' course November 2004, Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), NY State, USA.

Micscape Acknowledgements: Many thanks to the students for sharing their enthusiasm and skills on such a wonderful variety of topics. Writing an article for Micscape formed part of their course assignment, which was a neat idea proposed by Ted Kinsman the course instructor in the summer, to which we readily agreed! Thanks to Ted for all the work behind the scenes to make this happen. Also thanks to Michael Peres, the dept. head for his introduction and for the department's generous collaboration.

Introduction and students' articles: Each article below opens in a new browser window. Please close each window in turn to return to this index.

Introduction to Biomedical Photographic Communications (BPC) program at the Rochester Institute of Technology by Michael Peres, dept. head.

How to scientifically photograph archeological remains of Homo sapiens by Jennifer Bertelsen.

The centipede Apheloria corrugata by Sarah Moyer.

Leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) by Bruno Bertoni.

Chocolate chip starfish (Protoreaster nodosus) by Jaclyn Pisano.

Hair through the microscope by Tim Crandall.

Onion root mitosis by Joseph Rossi.

How to photograph live jellyfish (using Cassiopeia andromeda, the upside down sea jellyfish as an example) by Kristen Frye.

Photomacrography of microscope slides. Investigating alternative imaging routes. by Jesse Sommerlatt.

Blepharisma (a protist, includes video clips) by Jannette Hanna.

Feeder mouse (Rattus norvegicus) by Alicia Thresher.

Growing and photographing crystals by Becky Killian.

Red-tail Boa Constrictor (Boa constrictor constrictor) by Paul Whitten.

Chicken embryo (sequential photography through its development) by Michelle Leung.



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