MICSCAPE Exploring the miniature world
163: May 2009.
Image right: Dendritic silver deposited from silver nitrate and copper. Image by Richard Howey using a stereo microscope. |
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Life after Richard Howey - Joseph Kelly (USA) shares his experiences of buying a first microscope and beginning microscopy as a hobby with the help and encouragement of one of Micscape's regular contributors. Polarization with a stereo dissecting microscope - Richard Howey (USA) shares practical tips on these sort of studies, illustrated with examples of suitable subjects. A close-up view of the common crocus - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and microscopic features of this spring flower. Frederick H. Evans (1853-1944), microscopist and photographer - Brian Stevenson (USA) reviews the life and work of this slide mounter who also transpires to be a celebrated photographer. Microscope digital video using only free software - Robert Pavlis (USA) presents some practical tips for video studies with free software; includes an extensive glossary of terms encountered in digital video. A close-up view of the flowering kale - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the attractive features of this plant on the macro and microscopic scale. Forays into fluorescence 2: A selection of prepared unstained slides studied in visible light fluorescence - David Walker (UK) shares notes on and images of a selection of slides that responded to this type of lighting.
We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us , to see how we can help share your interests. Submission guidelines .