(ISSN 1365 - 070x)

Exploring the miniature world
 Issue 80: June 2002.
Next update July 13th.

Image above by David Bull of a Flatters and Garnett Microprojector circa 1930. It's still a versatile and practical instrument.
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About Micscape

Issue 80 - June 2002 : Articles this month
Main Menu
Main Index
Clubs / Socs (Pro/Am)
3D Images
Pond life ID kit

Microscopy forums:
Places to discuss the hobby or to raise queries.

Yahoo groups:
'Microscopy for everyone'
'Microscopy for kids
'microcosmo' for Italian speaking enthusiasts
'microscopies' for French speaking enthusiasts

(Extensive German microscopy forum; some English categories.)


Royal Microscopical Society's online forum (follow Forum link)

Other sites
Beyond for Kids
Beyond Magazine
Light Microscopy
Molecular Expressions
Dennis Kunkel's SEM images
Fun Science Gallery
Gordon Couger's microscopy links

Micscape Contacts
Micscape Editor:
Dave Walker
Comments on Micscape and
contributions welcomed.

parent site coordinator:
Maurice Smith

New this month:

Scanning pond samples at high magnifications - Richard Howey (USA) gives some valuable tips for studying microorganisms at higher mags with notes on some of the fascinating protozoa that may be found.

A Flatters and Garnett Microprojector brought back into use - David Bull (UK) describes and illustrates an example of this still useful apparatus which dates from the ca. 1930's.

Life on the rocks - a peep at the world of lichens - Paul James (UK) looks at the beauty of some lichens at the macroscopic level found near his home in Wales.

A fertilized egg and some other finds from marine plankton - Wim van Egmond (The Netherlands) shares some beautiful examples of marine plankton found at this time of year off The Netherlands coast.

How I choose and buy microscopes - Gordon Couger (USA) provides useful tips and thoughts on this topic based on his own experiences.

Note: The microscopy links compiled by Gordon Couger are now hosted on the author's home pages and are linked to in the 'Other sites' section of the menu panel on the left.

From the library: Summer issues are often rather slim, with enthusiasts out and about collecting and observing, so below are a selection of past articles from the online library which we hope are of interest. 
All past articles can be browsed via category, or via a keyword or author search.

Speaking of cells - introduction to plant and animal cells. Sep.00 (M. Halit Umar, The Netherlands)

Mitosis - an illustrated look at the stages of this form of cell division which can easily be seen in prepared sections eg. of plant roots. Aug.99 (Anne Bruce, Scotland)

Observation tank for examining microscopic life forms from freshwater habitats - a practical project for making a thin section tank. Jul.99 (Thomas Aungst, USA)

Fiber optics light, a home project - - cold light sources are expensive. A design for the experienced DIY enthusiast or electrician. Jan.00 (Rudolf Baumueller, USA)

Looking at past issues: Links to a few past Micscape issue indexes have been recreated below, which may be of interest. As well as links to the articles of that month, they show the varying styles of past Micscape issues.

August 1997

July 1998

July 1999

Contacting authors: If any reader has problems contacting authors using the site's new e-mail script, please check the E-mail FAQ. If still problems, please contact the Editor, who will be pleased to forward any e-mails to contributors.

Beyond Magazine June 2002 This sister magazine uses cutting edge Web technology to present science and nature, including microscopy, in both a fun and educational way.
If you wish to contact an author please use the e-mail links in each article. Feedback is always appreciated!

We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your interests.

Micscape Article Library
Look for that elusive article on our site:
Manual Search  (category search in our new extensively revised listing)
Automated Search (keyword search)
Contributor index (a list of all Micscape contributors to date)
News - special notices - misc.
'A catalogue of portable microscopes' on CD-ROM compiled by Mike Dingley is now available from the author. Click  here for details and how to order. Mike has a special interest in portable microscopes and has created this CD as a valuable resource.
Microscopy-UK and Micscape - established 1995

  Copyright ©1995 - 2002, Microscopy-UK and Onview.net Ltd.Articles and material are copyright of our contributors.
Micscape is a free magazine for enthusiasts funded by Microscopy-UK and dedicated to non-commercial microscopy.