Page 2 - aa-DIY-Fluorescence-1
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negative effect of a camera does can
be seen.
colors turn to a negative look like
As it is appreciated in the photos
above some objects seem to emit
light against a darker background so
↔ , ↔, ↔ , ↔ , ↔ ,↔
changing the illumination with the
negative effect of the camera,
As it is evident, purple, blue, red, obviously for the ones that change
violet are the most important colors with such an effect. In case the
that gives this effect for that reason I camera does feature a negative
consider they are the most important effect, just take the photo with the
to create DIY-FLUORESCENCE. brightfield condenser without filters
and by using the computer program
CREATING THE DIY –FLUORESCENCE Paint you can select the image and
then turn into a negative for doing
The simplest way of creating this DIY- FLUORESCENCE.
effect is by placing a sample on the
stage of the microscope and