Page 1 - aa-DIY-Fluorescence-1
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Alejandro Ariel García Arriaga, Coacalco de Berriozábal, Estado de México, México.
INTRODUCTION: That an object emits or seems to
emit light against a dark background
For people who love microscopy takes our mind to fluorescence,
having a microscope of every kind which is a kind of illumination form
would be a dream, and if one of that is used within the macroscopic
those microscopes is an electron one world but also the microscopic one.
the dream would come true, since it In the latter case there are two
would be possible to magnify things microscopes that do that function as
up to about a million times. Imagine both fluorescence and ultraviolet
that power at hand, but most of the microscopes. For that purpose they
times it is impossible because the use ultraviolet light or also called
majority of us cannot afford such black light and fluorescent stains are
things, not even for cheaper used most of the times as
applications such as confocal, biomarkers.
ultraviolet or fluorescence
microscopy, they are expensive. Today I am going to present an
observation that I did with my
But one of the features that smartphone’s camera and with my
characterizes the enthusiast microscope camera and its
microscopist is that we create things application to microscopy which I
that resemble at least partially those have called DIY-FLUORESCENCE. I am
applications that we lack. We love going to divide this topic into several
observation, since we love science, parts that I am going to expose in
and we try to give application of several articles because there are
what we observe to this beautiful several ways of doing DIY-
activity of microscopy. FLUORESCENCE with the camera
effects, not only with the negative
DEVELOPMENT: one and also by using some stains
that are easy to find everywhere.
Several digital cameras or the ones
from smartphones have a marvelous NEGATIVE EFFECT OF CAMERAS.
function that is called “negative
effect” which is a marvelous I start by presenting what are the
application that allows you to change changes with the negative effect if a
the image into a kind of darkfield in camera takes one photo of my office,
which colors also change and some and is turned into the negative effect
of them change in a beautiful way using the smartphone’s features, so
that resembles that they are emitting that an appreciation of what the