MICSCAPE Exploring the miniature world
162: April 2009.
Image right: Rainbow trout embryo, retinal pigment epithelium. Taken by handholding a Nokia N95 5 Mpixel mobile phone camera over the microscope eyepiece. |
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Immersion objective examination of a 1967 embryology course slide, or some thoughts on cellular development - Veselin Andreev (Bulgaria) shares an illustrated essay on the exploration of a rainbow trout embryo serial section slide. The author also shows the effectiveness of a modern mobile phone camera for photomicrography. (Link directly to a pdf file.) Diatoms and microscopy, a contrasting combination - René van Wezel (Netherlands) presents an illustrated overview on the merits of different techniques for visualising diatom frustule detail, using Klaus Kemp's test slide as an example. Repairing a pre-owned Shandon embedding unit - Yvan Lindekens (Belgium) describes how a Shandon Histocentre 2 works and procedures for correcting faults that he found with it. Money and microscopy - Richard Howey (USA) reflects on the current economic crisis and the pros and cons of purchasing one of the older high class research instruments which are often decreasing in price. A close-up view of the white oak - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the macro and microscopic features of this attractive tree. Aligning the Zeiss Photomicroscope's 'headrig' - Paul James (UK) describes and illustrates a step-by-step procedure for restoring alignment in this complex stand. John Boyd, microscopist, 1852 - ca. 1930 - Brian Stevenson (USA) presents an illustrated essay on the life of this microscopist whose name often appears on old slides. Includes an insight into aspects of some Manchester societies of the time. Digital photography and stray light - Robert Pavlis (USA) presents some practical tips for post editing images with free software to correct imaging problems sometimes experienced with epi or phase images. A close-up view of the Scots pine - Brian Johnston (Canada) illustrates the attractive features of this tree on the macro and microscopic scale.
We are delighted to receive contributions small or large from microscopy enthusiasts whether a novice or expert. If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us , to see how we can help share your interests. Submission guidelines .