Nature's Chemistry Set - illustrated with molecular models and stamps.

The Madagascan periwinkle Catharanthus roseus - provider of two important drugs, vinblastine and vincristine.

by David Walker, UK


Wikipedia entries for Catharanthus roseus, vinblastine, vincristine

Botanical Miracles. Chemistry of Plants that have Changed the World by Raymond Cooper and Jeffrey John Deakin, CRC Press, 2016, pp. 46-51,

Poisoning the Spindle: Serendipity and Discovery of the Anti-Tumor Properties of the Vinca Alkaloids by Jacalyn Duffin. An open-access 38 page downloadable paper. 'Poisoning the spindle' refers to the believed action of the drug during cell division.

For a wider discussion of plant chemistry aimed at a wide readership, see for example:

The Chemistry of Plants. Perfumes, Pigments and Poisons by Margareta Séquin, pub. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2021.

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