the miniature
1365 - 070x
32: June 1998
Next update July 13th
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the month
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Rotifer with ingested algae derived from an image © Mike Dingley
Articles this Month
Hydras - fascinating fresh- water organisms. |
More on desmid eaters - a look at a rotifer and protozoa which eat these algae. |
Meeting of UK/Dutch microscopists - a UK perspective by Mol Smith. Spectacular use of latest web browser features. Only viewable in IE4.0+ and Netscape 4.0+ for the present. Takes awhile to load. | Meeting of UK/Dutch microscopists - a Dutch perspective by Wim van Egmond. Illustrates the fascinating marine organisms collected. |
Simple video microscopy
(stills) using infra-red light - revealing detail of insects, shells etc. |
Insect insights: Flea
- a closer look at these itchy insects. |
Have you tried dark-field on that specimen - many subjects benefit from the technique | This could be yours! We are delighted to receive contributions small or large, from novice to expert! If you have an image, tip or article, why not share it, this magazine is what you make it! Have a chat with us, to see how we can help share your work. |
Microscopy-UK CD-ROM now
includes 'Microscope for the PC' software
with all the slidesets, a full year of the best of Micscape,
multimedia and more!
Please report any errors or
offer comment to Dave
Micscape is a non profit-making Magazine for those who wish to look a little closer at the miniature world around us both on a microscopic and macroscopic scale. Contributions from anybody interested in promoting microscopy or the world in close-up to amateurs, novices and students are welcomed. |
Micscape is a monthly publication written by amateur microscopists and naturalists from around the world. It is a free magazine for Internet users from Microscopy UK sponsored by several small businesses. |
All material in Micscape is copyright of the contributors themselves. You are free to download material for your own use only, or for use in small projects in clubs or schools. No commercial re-publication is allowed without written consent. Return to Top of Page |