Turning a 2D image into 3D by mol smith August2013                 {PAGE 5}

I've kept it small as a 15 sequence .gif file is a big file in megabytes. I also covertly put a frame around to prevent the edges being spoilt by a bleed effect. The software actually clones pixels from the edges of the elements to build up different perspective views. Clever, eh? And once you have the greyscale and colour image done, you can even create anaglyphs, which you can view with red/cyan 3d glasses. {See further down the page}.

With a bit more work, you can even make a red/cyan swivel 3d too! Why not send, me some of your macro or micro images and I'll convert some into 3D and put them into our online 3D microscope?

Credits & References

Bedbug by Dennis Kunkel (Hawaii)  web sites: Educational   Commercial
Stereo Tracer web site here.
Send me your image here.

A special thanks to Dennis for trusting me with his images and for his considerable contribution to educational microscopy.

Visit our
3D Microscope here.

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