Turning a 2D image into 3D by mol smith August 2013                 {PAGE 3}

Here we are then, several hours later.  I find those hours are only sustainable through my curiosity about how the 3D image will turn out. It keeps me going and it makes be try and get it right. You should save your work as a layered PSD file every so often. You can imagine how blue the air gets in my study when several hours in, we get a power cut - a frequent event in rural England.

Do you see how carefully I have shaded things to ensure depth is mapped by levels of grey. When working on one of Dennis's images, I always think about the female assistant in Hawaii who walked these edges with her lasso tool before making selections to colour the original SEM image, something required a the original scan is only one colour. I know, without meeting her, all the places she paused momentarily before moving the mouse or pen to pick up the edge of that fine hair or to define leg from body: affinity by route of similar task rather than by talk and meeting.

You now need to merge all the non-coloured layers. Be careful you have them in the right order otherwise you'll end up with legs that should be in front of other legs dropping behind them: an Escher 3D micrograph? {chuckle}.

Now's a good time to balance the greyscale image using the brightness and contrast controls. When you are happy with that, save the 2 layered image as a PSD file. Don't overwrite your original, and already saved psd. You might need to go back to that one to make corrections. Also, delete any channels except the primary colour channels from the channel palette. Extra ones are created if you save selections.
Nearly done...
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