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With thousands of text pages and even more images, we
manage hundreds of megabytes of data on our web site spanning 7 years plus. Therefore it can be quite difficult
sometimes to locate an item you wish to find. Most of the articles published in Micscape Magazine (our monthly
ISBN registered Ezine) can be located in the Library. You can also use our internal search facility, entering key
words or author's name. We will also include here notes of material people may find difficult to locate but you
have to let us know you are struggling to find something for us to put clear pointers to it here. Drop
us a line if you are struggling, but please
look first. We like to help but we are as busy as you. If you have a good attempt at locating something and fail
then email us.
Try the main reading rooms in the Micscape Article Library
(1000's of documents)
(The links below will take you to the appropriate area of our magazine article library)
Overviews to hobby and microscope. For intro's on other topics see specific category. |
Biology - general
Classification, invertebrates and structure, shells, micropalaeontology etc. |
Biographies / Obituaries
Robert Hooke, other
notable microscopiss. |
Plant biology, flowering and non-flowering plants, fungi. |
New species. |
history, old slides, meetings, people, technology, general science etc. |
Insects - lice, fleas, bees, wasps, ants, beetles, butterflies, dragonflies
etc. |
'Forams', radiolaria, diatoms, invertebrates, sand. |
Models/makers - current and historical, portables, optics, queries etc. |
Pond life
Overviews, virtual pond dip, introduction to major groups, genus/species specific articles |
Popular / off-beat
Bugs, beasties, thought provoking,
weird? |
Books, software. |
Spiders and mites
Also other arthropods |
Techniques - various
Projects, Open University microscope mods, collecting and observation tips etc. |
Techniques - lighting
Darkfield, incident, polar, oblique etc. |
Techniques - microtechnique
Slide and specimen preparation, lab. equipment etc. |
Techniques - photomicrography
using a film camera |
Techniques - digital
& video imaging
Macro and microscopy. |
All material accessed here is through contribution and / or
affiliation © Mic-Uk, Micscape Magazine, affilates, associates, like-minded, and protected by Onview.net Ltd.
If you wish to link, borrow, use, loan, print-out, inform and your cause is just - we will probably say okay. So
ask us, please.