We help to produce great books about microscopy. Some written by ourselves and some by contributors
or by other skilled people we meet on the way. We also attempt to find good books out of print but still
valuable for microscopy and we try to work on them to make them readable, or more readable (compared to their source,
then how they exist at the point of original conversion. Ward & Whipple for example!
Our Books
Historical, reconstructed books.
Flip books (e books) instead: available for PC,Mac, and Mobile phone.
Please select one to see.
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Most of our paper-based books are for sale via Amazon Books. The Kindle versions are often inferior. (Please don't blame us). If you do not live in the UK, but you have access to the giant Amazon Corporation
and web site in your
country, please do a search on your Amazon for our book title, ISSN, or type in 'Mol Smith' or 'Walter Dioni'. If you live in the UK, you can often buy the book cheaper from us directly, or via our associate Brunel Microscopes. And be aware of dubious entities on Amazon bumping up the price so high that they are just ripping you off. We are not a web site looking for big profit. Our
aims are to inform and produce books and content to help, and to collect small amounts of profit from our books to help pay our costs. No one here gets a pay packet. and we live in an extremely commercial world. |
Most recent publications
Our latest book!
For Tiny Tots!
Pippa's first book called Pippa's Progress introduced children to their first adventures with a microscope.
That book has a supporting web site complete with videos. This is the second book from Pippa about her early encounters with all the small things around us. She is a very young girl here helping other tiny tots learn about the world of the very small.
Ideally, it is suited to children from about three and a half to seven or eight years old but two year olds would be fascinated too provided an adult can show them the pictures and read them the text. No microscope is required although a simple inexpensive magnifying glass would help. The book is picture intensive with large print and includes small puzzles and easy to follow projects.
ISBN: 9798876830555

Full of exciting and fun things to learn!

44 pages
11 x 8.5 inches
Where to buy...
The Netherlands
For All
* 114 pages
* Full Colour
* Large 11.5x8 inch format
* Plain English
* Projects for every season
* Tip & Tricks.
Learn to take perfect hand sections of plants with this totally new cheap technique. I mean perfect, not squashed or variably thickness. No skill needed. Simple. Easy. A break-through!
Learn to begin identifying all the different microscopic life-forms in freshwater ponds and streams.
Become an expert quickly, safely, with simple step-by-step guides, pointers, honesty, and real intention to help everyone have fun, interest and great knowledge of the tiny world around us which shapes and defines the larger one we live in.
The book to replace all other start-up books for beginners or improving existing home microscopists reader at doing home-microscopy.
Designed to ensure no matter what microscope you have, how small your budget, how little or no experience you have, no matter your age, your other issues and interests...
...this will take you on a fascinating journey and get you up and running in looking at things with a microscope.
Every project was carried out with the most basic and cheapest equipment to ensure you get the same or better results!
A 100% Promise! |

Step-by-step so you
can follow too!
With free online support

Detailed and exact!

In colour or BW.
Over 25 practical hands-on projects for the monocular microscope user. A book for our era, with online video support.
See more here!
This is a book for our era! A book for all age groups from teenager to
ultra-teenager of 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 yrs old. You bought a microscope. You dabble to look at 'stuff'. This book will get you really going into the fascination of understanding and looking at the microscopic world which defines everything and everyone on this planet.
A colour version, a b&w version, and a web only version depending on your finances.
Find out how to buy, or access the resource on-line only, here! |
A series of books designed to encourage the very young to look at their natural world and not the distracting techie one of mobile phones and virtual reality.
A book every 2 months.
Educational, exciting, engaging with on-live resources, prizes, free gifts, an entire world of engagement of bright young minds.
Find out more and how to buy here.
Suitable for 8 to 108 yr olds
Suitable for pre-teens
Micscape Magazine
Yearbook 1
A selection of articles from our online Magazine (Micscape) July 2014 - June 2016, plus other selected works carefully reformatted and now published in our very first yearbook.
A physical Micscape instead of a virtual one. A collector's edition and an historical first for us.
Price $18.55 (USA)
Price £12.95 (UK)
See more about our yearbook here.

114 pages
Full colour
Micscape Magazine
Yearbook 2
A selection of articles from our online Magazine (Micscape) November 1995 - November 2020, carefully reformatted and now published in our second yearbook.
A physical Micscape instead of a virtual one. A collector's edition and a celebration and tribute to everyone using a microscope for pleasure.
See more about our yearbook2 here, and more buying options.
Buy in the UK

Suitable for dedicated Amateur Microscopists
Suitable for dedicated Amateur Microscopists
Created by us with Pippa for everyone who enjoys her video series here at Mic-UK. If you buy a 6 to 12 year a microscope, buy them this to guide them.

Pippa's Progress.
by Mol Smith & Pippa Shanks
Secrets Of Living Close
by Irina Kozorog
Microscopy As A Hobby
by Mol Smith
Safe Microscopy Techniques
by Walter Dioni
Great for chidren and early teens
SEARCH FOR: ISBN-13: 978-1500951542
Suitable for all ages
SEARCH FOR: ISBN-13: 978-1500794484
Suitable for all ages
SEARCH FOR: ISBN: 1500301655
Suitable for all ages above 13 yrs.
SEARCH FOR: ISBN-13: 978-1499746518
Language: English
Language: English & Russian
Language: English
Language: English
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A small book: Lots to wonder at!

ISBN-13: 978-1544609034
Suitable for all ages
My First Microscope
What to choose. How to use it.

A book for people who want something portable, far less expensive than a microscope, and who simply love exploring. Read about it here.
A simple Loupe, this book, and your natural curiosity will take you on a wonderful journey of discovery.
Buy from Amazon UK
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Buy in India Amazon
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Designed bottom up to form both a buying guide and a user manual for purchasing and then using a microscope. If you are thinking of buying a microscope for a youngster or yourself, this is a must have publication to save you money and confusion and get you started quickly and expertly in no time at all. The price is likely to be recovered by simply learning how to buy your instrument cheaper. Available at Amazon Books.
Amazon UK & Europe purchase
Amazon USA purchase
(Price: £8.95 / S12.25 )
Suitable for all ages
Other Recommended Books (not ours).
More books by this author in this series are here


Part 1 of a two book comprehensive guide to setting up, obtaining samples, and studying freshwater micro-creatures by Tony Pattinson. Friendly informative style and lots of expert information including instructions on making permanent mounts and the use of polarised light.
Price £13.55 or $22.92
Further adventures in the collecting and observing of freshwater organisms by Tony Pattinson. Heavily illustrated, with sections on Diatom cleaning and mounting. Although complete in itself, it is intended as a companion volume to 'The Freshwater Microscopist',
(see left).
Price £15.67 or $23.40
Size 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
112 Pages (colour)
Hardcover, ImageWrap: 9781320438445
Softcover: 9781320438469
Hardcover, Dust Jacket: 9781320438452
Publish Date Aug 25, 2015
Language English
USA: Buy here.
UK, Europe: Buy here
Size 6×9 in, 15×23 cm
116 Pages (colour).
Hardcover, ImageWrap: 9781367170858
Hardcover, Dust Jacket: 9781367170865
Softcover: 9781367170872
Publish Date Oct 02, 2016
Language English
USA: Buy here.
UK, Europe: Buy here
Books with a different Scientific View on the BIG QUESTIONS
Selected by Mol Smith

42Plus1 - The Secret That Science Dares Not Whisper
by Mol smith
In the last few decades, the most advanced scientific minds in the world have discovered something extraordinary which impacts on everyone's lives; something which will make you evaluate everything you are and the way you think. But not a whisper has been heard about the meaning of this to ordinary people! Scientists employed in professional and academic institutions are gagged. This book explains the reasons
why they are silenced, and exposes the astonishing secret they
cannot tell you. The
truth, once known, is impossible to deny. Finally, it answers the questions of why you are here, who you are, and what the reality you live in actually is. The solutions are both profound and astonishing! If you seek the answers to these questions, this book is for you.
Web Site for more information
- Paperback: 176 pages
- Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (5 Jan. 2015)
- ISBN-10: 1506022898
- ISBN-13: 978-1506022895
- Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 1 x 22.9 cm
Buy The Paperback
Buy from Amazon UK £9.95
Buy from Amazon USA $15.15
Buy from Amazon Germany €12.79
Buy from Amazon France €12.61
Buy from Amazon Italy €12.43
Buy from Amazon Spain €11.81
Buy from Createspace (Worldwide) $15.95
The 1860s Smith, Beck & Beck Transparent Injections
During the early 1860s, a series of histology slides was introduced by Smith, Beck
& Beck [Beck]: the superb transparent tissue injections were rumoured to be made in Germany [1]. Their bluish-tinted glass is their distinctive attribute, mostly size 1½x3in(38x76mm) (Figs. 1, 4). All carry excess of balsam round their covers, are never papered, and carry only simple printed pale-green labels: these look like other Beck slide labels of the time, but lack the firm’s name or address (Fig. 2).
The mounts were prepared using the recently-introduced technique of injecting fine blood vessels with transparent stains such as carmine, for transmitted light: they met with immediate acclaim.
This paper examines the early history of these slides, the technical advances that made them possible, and suggests their actual maker.
17 pages
Read book now online with computer.
Read book online now with mobile device.
Download book as zip file to read later on computer or phone.

Many books in the past were more detailed and profound in the identification of living forms you see in a microscope then contemporary works. We have tried to work to reproduce them here in a better way to see, download and print or acquire them. Please note, we finance this entire site with partial sponsorship, and our own money, so as not to litter it with ads (other than our own when you first visit
in any session). If you think one of these books is useful to you, and you can asfford to, a donation of £5.00 would be useful to us to help keep the site financed!
by Richard Kerr |
You could buy this from Amazon at an inflated price! £15.47 for a paperback (if it's in stock).
Or... |

Ian Walker gives an insight into this book here
A good introduction to this book and similar ones.
Web readable pdf and download.
(72 dpi)
Paper print out readable and download. (Big file!)
(300 dpi)
Oh! And that donation?
Nothing exists for long on the internet without someone financing it. We do that. We are not rich either and so far we have survived for nearly 25 years resisting the ever-eternal march of major corporation of exploiting the internet to make huge profits. We don't ask for much, please donate. And that way, with our book sales and a bit of sponsorship we can continue to offer true
help and aid to home microscopists. Thank you. mol
by Ward & Whipple |
Probably the best identification work ever created. over 1100 pages. I own a rare copy |
This is the best reprint I could find. Alas, it is password protected so I cannot reduce it to an easy LOW BANDWIDTH readable file format for the web. But hey! Download it. Find the page you wish to print and print it! It is a perfect copy. Well done India! |

Paper print out web-readable but slower, and download it. (Big file!)
(300 dpi)
Read now here as a flip book
Give it time to load! Over 1100 pages. Works on PC, laptop, and mobile phone! Does not use Adobe flash.
Run as an .exe file on your computer or mobile device
Simply download it and run it anytime on your own device.
Oh! And that donation?
Nothing exists for long on the internet without someone financing it. We do that. We are not rich either and so far we have survived for nearly 25 years resisting the ever-eternal march of major corporation of exploiting the internet to make huge profits. We don't ask for much, please donate. And that way, with our book sales and a bit of sponsorship we can continue to offer true
help and aid to home microscopists. Thank you. mol
by Emund J Spitta |
Paper print out web-readable but slower, and download it. (Big file!)
(300 dpi)
Read now here as a flip book
Give it time to load! Over 220 pages. Works on PC, laptop, and mobile phone! Does not use Adobe flash.
Run as an .exe file on your computer or mobile device
Simply download it and run it anytime on your own device.
Oh! And that donation?
Nothing exists for long on the internet without someone financing it. We do that. We are not rich either and so far we have survived for nearly 25 years resisting the ever-eternal march of major corporation of exploiting the internet to make huge profits. We don't ask for much, please donate. And that way, with our book sales and a bit of sponsorship we can continue to offer true
help and aid to home microscopists. Thank you. mol