Microscopic life forms need water. The oceans, and freshwater: rivers, puddles, ponds, streams, lakes, puddles, bird baths, rain buckets all teem with zillions of different living plants and animals.
They are invisible to the naked eye but under a microscope with magnifications up to x400, almost all of them can be seen in fine detail.
Studying freshwater life is one of the most practised aspects of hobby microscopists. Many living forms in freshwater are not studied professionally, and it is normally the hobbyist microscopist with the greater knowledge of the widest range of forms.
Whatever nature can dream up and design to hunt, avoid being hunting, mate to reproduce, or live in harmony with other forms... it's all here in a simple freshwater pond.

Volvox, stentors, desmids, algae, rotifers, protozoa, gastrotrichs, bryozoa, hydra, tardigrades, bacteria...
And in each group, hundreds of different shapes and forms. The number of individual different living microscopic forms is countless!
Some are just so beautiful and their movements so graceful.
