There are lots of tiny living forms visible to the naked eye in fresh water. Ponds, rivers, streams, bird baths, water barrels, and anywhere where the rain collects regularly house macroscopic forms which can be easily viewed in detail at x5 to x20 magnification.
You can even set up experiments and film fish eggs or shrimp eggs 'hatching'.
People who love and keep ponds or fish will benefit using a microscope to help maintain a healthy pond environment.
Children will be fascinated by the wonderful and exciting living things and what they get up to.
It's easy to collect water if you don't have a pond. Pout a few aquatic plants in a bucket of rain water and over time, if you keep it topped up with rain water, you'll have lots to study.

Freshwater shrimp, water fleas, worms, diving beetles, frog spawn, pond skaters, fish eggs, fish diseases, mosquito larvae, dragon fly larvae, Water boatman, damselfly larvae, pond plants, leeches, water snails, tadpoles, and much, much more.
And you can observe them alive by putting water samples in shallow glass dishes under a low powered stereo or monocular microscope.
