Every garden is full of both plant and animal life. yes, we can see the flowers, the leaves, the insects with our naked eye. But get out a simple glass magnifer and look a bit closer at those tiny insects and they really come to life. Extraordinary flying equipment, hairy legs, web spinning bits, armour plating, jaws like bone crushing dinosaurs.
The larger bugs and insects are readily explored in fine detail with a x5 or x10 magnifyer. The little mites, and very tiny insects, some so small, they look like full stops on a page, are best seen with a x20 x40 stereo or binocular microscope.
But there there are even tinier things out there, best seen with a compound monocular microscope at magnifications up to x400. Go back and look under garden Micro-life to discover what forms of life out there are invisible to the naked eye.

Butteflies, moths, caterpillars, spiders, wood lice, grass hoppers, aphids, beetles, ants, wasps, bees, red mites, dragon flies, damsel flies, common flies, worms, centipedes, millipedes, ladybirds, tree hoppers, earwigs, ticks, pond skaters, gnats, stink bugs, house flies, midges, slugs...
Just so many different creatures!
