Page 3 Our visit to Delft
"We went to Delft - home of the most famous amateur microscopist of all time: Antoni van Leeuwenhoek! Here we all are standing outside the place where he died, aged 91 in 1723. Larry and I are taking the shot so we got Eric to snap us under that commemorative plaque afterwards."

The Renesse 1998 party at Delft in Holland.

"Just so you know who went, from left to right - top row: Cornelius van Mierlo (NvvM), Wim van Egmond (NvvM), John Wells (Micscape), Kit Brownlee (Quekett), Maurice Smith (Micscape), Hans van Eijk (NvvM), Anne Bruce (Micscape), Eric Hollowday (Quekett); middle row - Koos van Embden (Nvvm - left), Karel den Haan (NvvM -right, yellow jacket); bottom row - Jan Parmentier (NvvM), Tony Saunders-Davies (Quekett), Fred Hess (NvvM), Johanneke van Embden (NvvM), Lizzie Harper (Micscape), Kees Bakker (independent & friend of NvvM)... and of course, behind the camera and ushering them all into frame - Larry Legg and me, Vanessa Summers (Micscape Magazine)."
"Antoni van Leeuwenhoek is accredited as the discoverer of microbes but to many microscopists today, he is considered the father of microscopy - especially to amateur microscopists. His curiosity, enthusiasm, observations, and singular work constructing early microscopes set magnificent examples for all to follow."  
"One of Antoni's famous microscopes. We saw this in Delft. Several people today make reproductions of Leeuwenhoek microscopes."
"Like many of us today, Antoni was employed and earned his money through something other than his interest in nature. One of his early dreams was to make sufficient money so that he could devote his time to microscopy. In a sense, our visit to Delft was in homage to this great intelligent man. We were fortunate to be treated to a rare collection of historic papers and collections relating to Antoni."
"You can see a few of us drooling over this display specially arranged for us by Jan Parmentier. 
And what better afterwards than a stroll through the historic and beautiful town of Delft..."
"That's Tony Saunders-Davies to the far left walking with John Wells. On the right we have Koos van Embden, Hans van Eijk, and Kees Bakker."
"I fell in love with the canals. They were as timeless as the rest of the town. We ended up in the town square - the Groet Markt, where we enjoyed tea and pancakes outside  in the sun and in view of the beautiful cathedral. 

There was no way I could have known on that peaceful and happy afternoon of the terror soon to strike later in the week!"

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  (c) Vanessa Summers, Larry Legg, &Lightcscape 1998  
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