A Virtual Pond Dip |
Note: If visiting this page directly, it is designed to be used with the virtual dip in the jar of pond water. |
Cyclops (multicellular) (Example of a copepod)
Further details: |
Name (genus): CyclopsSize : 0.25 - 3 mm Where to find them : Planktonic, or amongst plants, organic matter etc. Notes : Cyclops is one of the easiest pond creatures to see and identify even with the naked eye. The female often carries a pair of egg sacs and is a fast swimmer! It possesses just one eye hence it was named after the Greek mythological creature of this name. They are usually a drab green or brown but can be quite brightly coloured. Another common copepod Diaptomus has one egg sac, longer antennae, and long thin body. Classification : |
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Published in Micscape Magazine February 2001.
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