Images celebrating the colours and textures of the English countryside in Autumn using the Fuji S2 and Nikon 4500 digital cameras.
By Ian Walker. United Kingdom.
'Rock and leaves' no polarizer and oak leaves; Fuji S2 with Nikon 28-105mm AFD zoom lens, both 200 ASA.
'Four leaves', Fuji S2 with Nikon 28-105mm AFD zoom lens, 200 ASA.
Swallows on power lines with light fading fast, Fuji S2 with Nikon 28-105 mm AFD zoom lens, 400 ASA, this shot was taken mid-September.
Autumn leaves showing off their best colours in early morning sunlight, Nikon 4500, 100 ASA.
Cows in the sunset, one of a collection I made one evening recently with the Fuji S2 and Nikon 28-105 mm AFD zoom lens, 400 ASA.
Macro with the Nikon 4500, 100 ASA.
Back lit leaves, Fuji S2 with Nikon 28-105 mm AFD zoom lens, 200 ASA.
Deadly Nightshade berries, Fuji S2 with the Nikon 28-105
mm AFD zoom lens, 100 ASA,
the connecting branches were actually this strange
Water droplets, Nikon 4500, 100 ASA.
Fungi, Nikon 4500, 100 ASA.
the end.
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Walker, are welcomed.
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