Micscape Video Gallery

Water bear: a living sweet?

by Martin Mach, Germany


Editor's note: Martin Mach has sent us a new stunning video clip of a water bear for the site's Video Gallery, and we present the clip in Micscape to draw it to our readers' attention. It's the finest video clip of a water bear the editor has ever seen and well worth the wait in downloading.

The video clip (wmv format) requires Microsoft's Media Player 7 to view. If you have a recent version of Windows, this player is probably already on your PC. Versions of Media Player 7 for both Windows 98/2000/ME and Mac systems are freely downloadable from Microsoft's web site.

Click image for Video
Martin Mach remarks: I think this one will be nice to look at in particular for children because they will see at once that some water bears in fact look like living sweets. The clip shows an Echiniscus mediantus water bear from an old roof in southern France. I have downsized it from my original 70 MB avi. There is some loss when compared to the original; the eyes in the original have a more intense red and the "body jelly" looks more fascinating. Perhaps we will have more bandwidth on the internet sometime in future.

Film length: 12 seconds. File size: ca. 1.06 MB. 

Further animations and general information about water bears are available here in MICSCAPE (use the automatic Library search index).

You are also invited to have a look at the author's web-site www.tardigrades.com, and, with more detailed information, further (avi)-animations and additional photomicrographs, at the German language website www.baertierchen.de.
Both sites are exclusively devoted to water bears - but be warned that you might end up as a hopeless water bear addict.

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Published in the November 2001 edition of Micscape Magazine.

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