There's nothing truly macroscopic or microscopic in this image gallery, but I share some of my recent fungi photos in case of interest. They were taken in the countryside of northern England. Autumn is a good time of year to photograph the larger fungi as a good range of species should be evident.I've been meaning to get to grips with fungi identification to species (along with mosses, liverworts, lichens ... ), but in the meantime, fungi are enjoyable to photograph even if I often don't know exactly what they are!
Carrying the camera at all times on autumn walks is worthwhile, as the fruiting bodies of larger fungi are often short lived, and that perfect shot of a fungi clump could be in an advanced state of decay the next day. Although a photogenic fresh new clump could well have appeared!
The photos below were all taken with a Sony S-75 digital camera in natural light.
Comments to the author Dave Walker are welcomed.
Also see on Micscape:
- Jan Parmentier's 'A closer look at mushrooms' which gives an illustrated introduction to the fungi.
- M. Halit Umar's 'I love fungi!' where both the macro and microscopic aspects are discussed and illustrated.
I'd read that this 'classic' fungi, the Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria), was often associated with birch and pines, which aren't common trees around my area. So when I spotted a copse of birch trees on a new walk, I went over to investigate, and there was a whole clump growing where they should ... very satisfying!![]()
One of the benefits of finding a large clump of one species, is that the various stages in its development can provide plenty of photo opportunities. This is the same species.
A species spotted in open grassland. Identification pending!
Tentatively Lawyer's Wig (also called Shaggy Ink Cap). Common names can vary but the Latin name is Coprinus comatus.
A bracket fungi on a dead birch.
An attractive clump growing along the mossy trunk of a dead tree.
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