Micscape Video Gallery Thrilling water bears
by Martin Mach, Germany
Editor's notes: Martin Mach has sent us these two delightful video clips of water bears for the site's Video Gallery, and we present them in Micscape to draw them to our readers' attention.
The video clips (wmv format) require Microsoft's Media Player 7 to view. If you have a recent version of Windows, this player is probably already on your PC. Versions of Media Player 7 for both Windows 98/2000/ME and Mac systems are freely downloadable from Microsoft's web site.
... and please do not forget to turn on your PC speakers, these video clips have been set to music by Martin Mach.
Click image for Video 1Comment: Water bear Milnesium tardigradum, bright-field lighting. Showing typical walking motion and 'sniffing'.
Film length: 26 seconds. File size: ca. 800 kB.
Alternatively an mpeg format of video 1 is available here (1.1MB).
Click image for Video 2Comment: A young water bear, Echiniscus testudo, dark-field lighting. Each leg has two claws, whereas adults have four claws.
Film length: 25 seconds. File size: ca. 700 kB.
Further animations and general information about water bears are available here in MICSCAPE (use the automatic Library search index).You are also invited to have a look at the author's web-site www.tardigrades.com, and, with more detailed information, further (avi)-animations and additional photomicrographs, at the German language website www.baertierchen.de.
Both sites are exclusively devoted to water bears - but be warned that you might end up as a hopeless water bear addict.
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