Wild Stereomicroscopes

R. Jordan Kreindler (USA)



This paper is adapted and expanded from Part 6 of an earlier paper on stereomicroscopes (Kreindler, September 2013).

Wild Heerbrugg, Switzerland

The Wild company was formed when Heinrich Wild, originally of Glarus, Switzerland, and formerly head of Zeiss' surveying instruments branch in Jena, Germany returned to Switzerland. In April 1921 he founded the Werkstätte für Feinmechanik und Optik (Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Optics) in Heerbrugg, Switzerland. He started with surveying instruments, in keeping with his experience with Zeiss. In 1923, he formed Verkaufsgesellschaft Heinrich Wild (Henrich Wild Joint Stock Company) to sell Wild instruments. In 1924 the original company became part of the Joint Stock Company.

Wild can be credited with many "firsts" including making the world's first aerial cameras, in 1927. In 1948, he set up its first overseas company, in the US, Henry Wild Surveying Instruments Supply Company of America, Inc.

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