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Video Tutorial made in 1998 by the late Eric Marson (NBS) UK
This tiny video was transcoded in 1998 before the capability of the web and Internet to display HD video. It's quality is very low but if you want to know how to preserve and dissect bees, it still shows you exactly how to do that.
Mol Smith - Mic-UK

Eric Marson was one of the most prevailing and dedicated people through the period of the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's and entering the new millennium for providing both resources and knowledge (hands-on) for the pursuit of Microscopy as a novel and interesting endeavour. His books and papers enabled ordinary people not associated with any employment in a microscopy related area to explore their natural world using a microscope. The world moves on in some ways for the best but not in all ways. During the decades that Eric provided resources, chemicals could be easily sent around the globe in small qualities without the restrictions which exist today.

Most products you buy for a variety of reasons... to treat a fish pond in your garden, to clean your sink, to clean your teeth, or use on a mouth wash, still uses chemicals discovered decades ago. For example, one branded and very expensive mouthwash selling for £4.00 pounds a little body has active chemicals which are simply Hydrogen Peroxide at 1.5 % with water, mint, and a sweetener which costs about 60p in total retail prices.

The world may not be revealing information as readily as you may think. Great truths are often hidden or disguised for corporate or non-benevolent reasons. It is for each person to discover new ways to explore and discover their world free from distraction and corporate intent. Information is everything. it is a two edged sword which can be used to improve human experience or enslave it. Eric and his work was passionate and aimed at assisting people through what he saw alone and singular. I stayed with him at his house in the UK for an afternoon and an evening and visited where he toiled and kept alive his passion and intent.

My hat is off to him because it is unlikely we will see such a single person's singular knowledge spread so widely and so non-mainstream-commercially again in our lifetimes. If Patrick Moore was the fulcrum of keeping alive amateur interest in astronomy then Eric was the most renowned equivalent in the UK through the same period. (Well, I think so).

Mol smith