from LANZAROTE with love
Lichens on a volcanic island
by M. Halit Umar
Page 7 of 7
These three successive images clearly illustrate that such tiny cavities may contain enough water for green algae and can give rise to an associative life form; the lichens which are shown below.
Note the cup-shaped forms and leaf-like surfaces. The former may be called asci and contain fungi generally named ascomycetes.
Note the junction between the brown-black lava stone and green and leafy lichen. Do you notice the whitish mass just in between? This white tissue is a fungus and is made of thread-like structures called hyphae.
Did you find the fibrillar white structure (hyphae) at the centre, just inside that whitish fungal tissue? . ![]()
Seen at a higher magnification
And in close-up (about 100 times magnified)
Comments to the author M. Halit Umar are welcomed. All images presented in this article are © M. Halit Umar.
Some interesting Internet Links chosen for you from a large collection of sites:An introductory account about Lanzarote or Canary Islands can be found in the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Parque Nacional de Timanfaya or The National Park of Timanfaya
A good start for an almost complete presentation of César Manrique
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