Foram Gallery
by Brian
Darnton (UK)
& Wim van Egmond (NL)
Foraminifera, or 'forams' as they
are often called, are small marine creatures that build a
delicate house (called 'test') from chalk. Although they
resemble molluscs they are in fact single cellular
protists, but they can be quite large for organisms with
only one cell. The largest forams are more than 10
centimetres wide. The pyramids of Egypt are made of stone
cantaining these creatures. The forams in this gallery
are up to 2mm. and were collected from beaches around the
Mediterranean sea. Some are fossils, some are recent
bethnic living on the sea bed and others are recent but
planktonic in life style, floating about in the upper
The image on
the right shows Rosalina globularis in darkfield
illumination. This species is a good example of the
distinct punctured shell that gave Foraminifera (which
means 'bearer of little holes') their name. Through these
pores they extend their long thread-like 'filopods' to
capture prey.
Several Micscape articles about
forams can be found via the Micscape search page. In this gallery we tried to portray some
of the common species of forams that can be found in the
mediterranean region. These species are in fact best observed
with a stereo microscope. Normally you would see them mounted as
dry mounts. In order to make the images as they are shown in this
gallery they were mounted in Canda Balsam in deep cells by Brian.
Wim made a series of photomicrographs from these slides.
Comments to the
authors Wim van Egmond and Brian Darnton are welcomed.
More about forams: Brian's HOME PAGE
For other micro organisms: Wim's HOME PAGE
©image: Wim van Egmond 2000
Microscopy UK or their contributors.
in the March 2000 edition of Micscape Magazine.
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