Spike's Gallery
4. A Selection of Images of Unicellular Organisms

  By Spike Walker, UK.


Editor's note: Spike Walker, a well known and award winning British photomicrographer, has kindly suggested that Micscape can share a selection of images from his extensive portfolio.

The image selection from the CD supplied, resizing and captions (based on Spike's image names and email notes) was by David Walker, web page style by Ian Walker as used in Spike's Gallery 1 , Gallery 2 and Gallery 3.



'The main microscope bench in Spike's playpen' showing an impressive Zeiss line-up: an Axiomat, Photomicroscope III and two Ultraphots.


Oxytricha, fission - anoptral contrast


Amoeba - anoptral contrast


Vorticella group - anoptral contrast


Trachelius - anoptral contrast


Euglena spirogyra - anoptral contrast


Actinosphaerium, binary fission - darkfield


Nebela sp - Jamin-Lebedeff interference contrast


Euplotes - Nomarski DIC


Radiolarian - Rheinberg



Comments to the author Spike Walker are welcomed.

Images © M I Walker and must not be used without permission of the author.
All rights reserved.

The author's website www.the-ultraphot-shop.org.uk provides resources and spares for the Zeiss Ultraphot range.

Via  'Microworld Services', Spike Walker is a consultant microscopist and photomicrographer.
Please contact the author via e-mail above for details.


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Published in the June 2010 edition of Micscape.

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