Is Microscopy Dead? by mol smith July 2013 {PAGE 2}
It would only need that one bold move by a master story-teller (script writer) to make a story which involves the human interaction and fictionalised adventures we see in other films, with an exotic array of living forms and risk-laden environments of the microscopic world to set kids racing for their 3D glasses and popcorn. With today's amazing use of CGI graphics, 3D and surround sound, that world which appears so quiet and often remote at the narrow end of a light microscope could suck an auditorium filled
with fast-beating hearts into its own light. The spin-offs alone in toys, games, and characters would make a profit bigger than many country's GDP! This may not seem the right way to go for many a seasoned enthusiast microscopist, but my own view is anything which ignites and excites the young will help keep our pursuit alive way after we've dead and gone.
