The keys of creation
Worlds within worlds, life within
life! Our view into the universe is limited only by our vision, our
curiosity and the tools at our disposal. Right now modern technology is
piercing the veil that obscures our probing, collective, mind from the
secrets around us buried below the micro level.
For most people, such technology
is too expensive to employ but an ordinary microscope, costing less than
100 UK pounds is affordable to all, and can plunge us deep into the heart
of organic matter. Today, any man, woman, or child, can take a long hard
look at the microscopic beauty other living things. It takes about 30 minutes
to learn how to use a microscope properly, quicker than the time it takes
for most people to get to grips with a video recorder.
Is Amateur Microscopy significant?
One hundred years ago, Amateur
Microscopy was the 'thrill' of middle-class Victorian England. With the
advent of modern technology, in particular - radio, television, cinema,
photography, computers, and video - interest in this area has declined
to a point where more people in the UK now spend their time knitting than
practising Amateur Microscopy.
But public interest is slowly growing again. The very inventions which brought about the decline of this area of amateur science, are now the very things driving a resurgence of common interest. We, as a species, have lived through the critical years of 'atomic awareness'; a time where a single discovery offered a cheap source of energy or a terrible extinction. Our skills advance rapidly! We are poised on the brink of a new era. It has yet to receive a familiar title, but for now, we can call it - the Dawn of the New Age... or just simply: DNA!
On offer are cures for cancer, aids, illness, ageing... death! As with any new-found skill, dangers as equal to the potential benefits, lurk sinisterly in the background: extinction, mutation... abuse!
In all areas of science, we are
looking increasingly more at the tiniest of things in our quest to bring
about the
most significant advances: Nano-technology
for machines, fractal technology for computer data compression, quantum
mechanics to understand the exotic and elegant primary laws which govern
the very existence of everything we call our Universe!
There has never been a more apt
moment or significant time for people the world over to introduce themselves
'gently' to this brave new world through the practice and interest of amateur
microscopy: it is a way to begin to glimpse just what secrets are
waiting to be discovered!
Re-discovering our world!
Humankind may well be taking its
first faltering steps towards exploring other worlds, yet most of us have
never really looked at this one. To gently lift any tiny sample from the
planet's surface, and then to examine it in fine detail, brings the observer
one dramatic step closer to appreciating their own awareness and place
in the Universe.
It is fair to say that of the entire population of the planet at this time, none of us are ever likely to walk across the surface of another world. Microscopy is a means to an end whereby everyone alive now can tale a remarkable journey, both in mind and spirit, to alien environments - and observe billions of forms so different to our own human composition - that the mind is stunned by the possible variations.
One day, many of our off-spring
will leap out towards the stars. Among their number will more microscopist-biologists
than representatives from any other profession. Amateur Microscopy is the
long-forgotten interest now being re-kindled to prepare our future generations
to take on the most staggering opportunity ever likely to arise for our
Eons of engineering design and
We spend billions of dollars designing, testing, and improving machines,
systems, and other artifacts affording technological benefits. Each time
something is invented we waste the learning experience already gained by
Nature through its similar aim to create and maintain living forms against
a multitude of different problems. Just a few hours studying processes,
inherent in living forms - already proven and tested in design - could
save years of effort 're-inventing the wheel'.
Want to design flying machines? Then look how Nature did it. Want to build efficient energy reservoirs? Look at any living cell! Wish to irrigate arable land at minimum cost? Take a look at the vein structure of a leaf! Want to wage mindless war and confuse enemy detection systems? Go look at a Mosquito eye, or a moth wing!
Whatever we wish to do... it's been
done cheaper, better, and far more elegantly already down at the microscopical
Microscopy for ordinary humans
Many of us may not be budding scientists
nor be interested in what science has to offer! We live in an age so full
of scientific thinking and application, that many people feel we have lost
the balance afforded by looking at ourselves and our world through different
perceptions! Art, music, philosophy, religion, are also important 'filters'
to use when understanding reality. Amateur
Microscopy opens up a new vision of colour, imagery, and philosophical
comprehension about life in all of its inherent richness.
A walk in the country, a moment
near a tranquil pond, a stroll along a sandy beach become moments where
small treasures can be sought, captured, and taken away for a closer look
and further enrichment of the original experience.
Microscopy for children
Like any wisdom from a by-gone
age such as that for stone-cutting, roof-thatching, and steam-engineering,
Amateur Microscopical know-how has fallen into the hands of a vital few
- who like majestic, noble, monks - preserve the 'knowledge and techniques'.
With such practices, comes 'mystic' and often personal coveting of wisdom
for its own sake. Personal awe and respect for what this knowledge and
skill has to offer gain lead some people into arrogance and selfishness.
Buy a kid today a microscope, and
it's a five minute wonder without the help and support of those who know
how to use it and know how to prepare the things to be studied properly;
some of life's little wonders are not so readily seen without a tip
here and a hint there!
Well, that's where we come in!
It is our absolute declared objective to offer help, guidance, know-how,
support, assistance, and advice to anyone in the world, irrespective of
age, sex, colour, or creed!
We know how! And
we will show you everything we know!