Photomicroscopy with a Nikon Coolpix 990
Digital Camera

by Vishnu V. B Reddy, Alabama, USA

Page one

Page 2

Using the camera settings described on page one the following images (Fig 6-17) are taken at various magnifications. Minimal post exposure image processing is done.


Fig 6. Gastric ulcer – biopsy from a patient with a gastric ulcer syndrome (4x objective lens).  Exposure information (EXIF data) is displayed for this image. EXIF data is stored for each image by CP990 as ASCII file (info.txt). This can be retrieved by image archiving programs (e.g. FotoStation, Thumber etc.), and also by any word-processing utilities  (e.g. Microsoft Notepad or Word). 

Fig 7. Gastric biopsy from a patient with gastric ulcer syndrome
(20x objective lens).

Fig 8. Gastric biopsy from a patient with gastric ulcer syndrome 
(40x objective lens).

Fig 9. Gastric biopsy with hemorrhage (20x objective).

Fig 10. Carcinoma of the larynx (4x objective).

Fig 11. Carcinoma of the larynx (oral cancer) (20x objective).

Fig 12. Gout (Tophus) from should joint (20x objective).

Fig 13. Testis – lymphomatous infiltrates (4x objective).

Fig 14. Bone marrow smear – acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal erythroid precursors (50x oil objective).

Fig 15. Bone marrow smear – acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal erythroid precursors (50x oil objective).

Fig 16. Gaucher cells (congenital storage disease), spleen touch imprint smear (100x oil objective).

Fig 17. Bone marrow smear – acute myeloid leukemia with abnormal erythroid precursors (100x oil objective).
All comments to the author Vishnu Reddy are welcomed.

Vishnu V. B Reddy, MD.
University of Alabama Medical Center
Birmingham, AL

Editor's note: Part two of the author's article will be presented next month. It describes an ingenious stand for macroscopy using the Coolpix 990 with and without extra lenses attached.

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