Nightmare on Mic-Street IV (Page 3)
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I combed her hair gently,
hoping we wouldn't actually find anything. Nothing seemed to fall
on to the white paper we had put on the table she was leaning
over, until she impatiently took the comb from my hand and
fervently, almost angrily, threw it into her hair and
repeatedly thrashed away with it for about thirty seconds...
Hey, maybe you've been there too?
Your kid home from school... an innocent and beautiful loved one
wondering why you were so het up about combing and picking your
way through their hair when you would normally be chatting to
them over dinner. You have..? Then you know sure as hell how I
felt when my princess glanced down at that paper and saw the
bugs, falling like rain, onto its snow-white surface and moving
around! When you love someone strong, you
can't help but feeling very protective towards them. I felt her
horror like a hot knife too.
She turned and looked at me, real slow, kinda guilty... a look in her eye as if she had brought home a deadly disease about to wipe us out!
Now, us microscopy guys don't get so all fired up over a few little creatures (although, I must confess - there was one hell of a population getting cold and hungry on that sheet of white) so I leant over and kissed her gently: "Honey...", I said, softly: "Don't you go worrying now, we'll soon fix it".
She wasn't convinced. I said, jokingly, "Well, think of it another way, Van - we get a chance to study these critters while we get rid of them... but I sure ain't paying you by the dozen!"
It made her
laugh, and when she relaxed, her brain went into gear. "Get the camera - take some shots
of the ones on the paper while I go to the chemists (drug-store)
and get something to kill them", she said. So I
did... with a very special camera that films at a 100x
magnification! Here's our
first shot which I have since marked up to give you an idea about
these tenacious little beasts:- Now, despite the
pain and nuisance these things cause, I personally think they are
one hell of a neatly designed set of critters. Oh.. yeh... beware
of my marking up here, especially where I have named those dark
blobs either side of the head as eyes. Sure, they look like eyes,
but this is only speculation at the moment: you can't
assume they are a particular thing just because they are
positioned where we would expect eyes to be.
Its one thing to see lice picked off from their
natural environment and studied on a sheet of paper but how much
better we get to understand things when they can be
observed naturally. I discussed this with Vanessa, explaining
that if she could just tolerate being 'infested' a while longer,
we could use the opportunity to learn some more. I guess if you
don't practise amateur microscopy for a hobby like me and Van,
you'd think me crazy for even suggesting this to her. Van on the
other hand thought about it for a few moments before replying:
"Sure.. why not?! I've
been carrying them around for a while now, so what's the
difference in waiting a few hours before I get rid of them."
I especially
wanted to film one feeding. I told her, excitedly: "Sweep
back your hair away from your neck, honey, and I'll see if I can
find one taking a meal."
She did like I asked and stood very still while I set up my camera and tripod. I slipped on the 100x lens - flicked on a very bright spotlight (cold-beam) and got in close to her neck. I found one right away. It was a new-born... an instar, I think they're called! It was just starting to fill up with blood... its piercing mouth had already sunk through Van's thin skin into a small blood vessel. I mentioned this to Van. She shuddered slightly but otherwise seemed okay about it... that's my girl: she's got a cool mind and ain't so easy to scare. I thought to myself - maybe asking her to mess around like this was a bit unkind but I know her well and Van doesn't do anything unless she wants to. She was probably thinking it worth the effort so she could study the film I was taking later.
What amazed me, when I focussed up, was that
the louse didn't seem to want to drop down fully on her skin to
feed. It just sat there with two of its claws wrapped tightly
around one of her fine hairs while it lowered the front of its
body slowly forwards to get into a 'feeding' position.
To cut a long story short: we took some film for
about an hour, then Van got fed of being the guinea pig, and went
off to get some stuff from the chemist. As soon as she left, I
browsed through some of my books to learn a bit more about head
I guess we all think we know a lot just because we hear a few things here or there and take it for granted. Most of my books didn't tell me much more than I thought I already knew... except one of them. What it said made me realize we might have a problem I hadn't even thought about...
.. for a starter - 'head lice' was a very bad
description of these microscopic creatures: 'Hair
Lice' is what they really are! Now this might
be a small point but it was sure hard to get the essence of its
implications over to Van when she got back from her shopping
trip. Suffice it to say that as soon as she got back, and I
mentioned it to her, we took a look... and sure enough - the book
was right! I ain't gonna spell it out for you, but Van was so
disgusted that - she agreed I could show you this bit of
film I took so you know what to check out for yourself...
I know Van is very
cool in most situations so I have to say I've never seen her
quite so all-fired up to get her clothes off. As soon as we found
out the book was spot on target, she was in the shower and
steaming herself like she wanted to burn-off her entire top layer
of skin.
When I went into the bathroom afterwards to do the same, the insecticide shampoo, a special lotion, and a flea comb were sitting on a shelf - so I used them too on every part of my body with hair! We both felt a lot better and I made us some tea to try and get the situation back to normality. Van seemed quieter than usual. I should have guessed her mind was racing ahead of mine: "We have to wash all the sheets and the duvet... our clothes too..." she said, almost talking to herself, "... they will have laid their eggs everywhere!"
I hadn't thought about this aspect but, of course, she was right. We spent the whole weekend scrubbing and cleaning. She repeated the exercise back at her flat during the week. The following weekend, Van came over as usual on the Friday night and we went out to catch a movie. We spoke a bit about the lice thing but not much, we were just happy to have a normal night out. We were pretty tired so when we got back to my place we just flopped out and went to sleep.
At around 4.00 in the morning, I
got woken up by Van jumping around in the bed. She was still
asleep but something was disturbing her. As soon as I switched on
the bedside light, I knew what it was...
... the lice were back: we hadn't
got rid of them at all!
UK & Micscape
magazine Contributors
1998 All rights
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microcosmic world
Write to us: Larry or Vanessa