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(c) Larry Legg & Ltd 1999 - All rights reserved.

It was early evening when Mol and me got there. The cemetery was shut so we hopped over the wall and walked the rows of old graves and tombstones. Then we saw her!. 

Things were worse than we had expected. She was drunk and sprawled out on the ground. But there was something else... a more worrying aspect... she seemed to have a fever. 

Mol thought it might be drugs. We pondered whether or not to take her to hospital - which probably would have been best...  but I was worried she would start spouting on about how I put our baby into the ocean in Sicily, and I knew no-one in authority would ever understand this the way it had happened! 

Mol had his car with him so we half carried her back to the motor - she didn't resist - but then again - I think she was just too out of it to care about anything. 

Her clothes were filthy. As soon as we got her home, Mol helped me clean her up and bath her. 

Now you might go thinking it kinda  strange... me letting another man see my Van in her birthday suit... but don't go thinking anything this way. Mol and I are like blood brothers: what we ain't seen in our lives - nobody's seen! We both were just sick with worry about Vanessa and the only thought on our minds was to start to get her right again.  

  Mol was picking up her clothes as I dried her off. He stepped out of the bathroom heading towards my overflowing laundry basket when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks."  

"Larry", he shouted, "Where's your microscope? I think we have a problem!" 

I told him to hang on a minute as I put Vanessa to bed. She went out like a light. I put a fan next to her to try and keep her cool as she was burning up, then went to see what Mol was up to. 

He was standing in my study holding a pair of Van's panties. At first I thought he had gone weirdo on me, cos it looked like he was smelling 'em!  Then I realised he was holding an 8x magnifier. He was scrutinizing them, his gaze intense - the face of an ardent microscopist. 

"We need to cut a piece off and put it under your stereo ", he said. 

I knew he wasn't referring to me sound system but to me Stereo Microscope - a main item in me and Van's life!

So we did. When I peered down that 'scope at that black soft silk ... a chill crept up my spine - and the urge to vomit filled my stomach!!

You wouldn't believe 
what I saw ?!

Best viewed in 1024 x 768 Full Screen by intelligent adults  who might need help!

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